united states air force

  1. Grey Havoc

    Afghanistan withdrawal, Bagram Air Base

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57692303 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-left-afghan-airfield-night-173121460.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57682290...
  2. patburke06

    LRAPIS - 1960 hypersonic successor to LRI-X?

    I heard rumors about and little bits of info on successors to the LRI-X interceptors that were hypersonic and had missiles with a range of 500 miles is there any info on them like blueprints and performance information?
  3. A

    Mike Collins has passed away... :(

    As said in the tin. Now Buzz Aldrin is all alone as the last Apollo 11 crew still standing. The way things go, no Apollo crew veteran will be left by 2024 to see a tentative return to the Moon...
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    Boeing B-47 Stratojet & B-52 Stratofortress; Origins & Evolution by Scott Lowther

    The famous B-52 Stratofortress has been in service with the USAF for more than 65 years and its iconic shape is known and recognised all over the world. Yet the B-52 and its predecessor, the B-47 Stratojet, started out looking very different indeed. Each aircraft was the end product of a lengthy...
  5. O

    All Weather Flying Center and Project Thunderstorm Aircraft.

    Hi everyone, I am working on compiling some information on the US Army Air Force, and US Air Force's Project Thunderstorm (1946-1949) and the All Weather Flying Center. I am working on building a list of aircraft that served as part of the project, and intend to draw all of them as part of my...
  6. Grey Havoc

    Able-1 / Able-2 (Thor-Able moonshot project)

    From the ever interesting Scott Manley: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iao41k81q90 Able-2 of course was later retroactively renamed to Pioneer 1.
  7. blackkite

    Northrop X-21 Laminar Flow Control

    Hi! https://www.airforcemag.com/PDF/MagazineArchive/Documents/1963/0863control.pdf http://nhungdoicanh.blogspot.com/2010/07/northrop-x-21.html https://kerbalx.com/NorthAmericanAviation/Northrop-X-21
  8. T


  9. DWG

    USAF rethinks future fleet, ponders clean-sheet 4.5-generation fighter

    https://www.flightglobal.com/fixed-wing/usaf-rethinks-future-fleet-ponders-clean-sheet-45-generation-fighter/142471.article USAF considering either new F-16 purchases, or developing a clean-sheet 4.5 gen design that would be more rapidly updatable. “If we’re going to do software defined, and...
  10. RavenOne

    40 Years ago today - Rendlesham Forest UFO incident RAF Bentwaters / Woodbridge

    Happy Xmas all and 4 decades ago on this day well 26th rendlesham forest incident between Twin bases of RAF Woodbridge (home of then 67th Aerospace Recovery & Rescue Squadron with HH53C Super Jolly Green Giant and HC-130H Combat Shadow and 81st TFW with A-10 Warthog) Bentwaters had other lot of...
  11. J

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Interceptor version)

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Interceptor version)
  12. galgot

    Ws-110 model 804 Boeing entry

    Couldn't find a specific thread on that one, so here. Found this small image of a model : And
  13. J

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Tactical bomber version)

    Avro Weapon System 606 A (Tactical bomber version)
  14. S

    Space Board Game Liftoff! 2.0

    Hi I really love this web site it has so much fantastic info on the hidden or forgotten space projects. Sadly, I don’t visit this website enough due to my projects. In 1989 I had my old boardgame Liftoff! Race to the Moon published; a simulation for four players with alternate proposed ways of...
  15. XP67_Moonbat

    Unbuilt XB-70 variants

    Here you go you, folks! Looking for art of the Convair shuttle for Orion and I found this. It's a good imagining of many uses for the XB-70 IF it hadn't stayed a prototype. Enjoy! ;D http://www.edwardsflighttest.com/b70.html
  16. J

    A.V. Canada Project Y-2 (Patent May 9, 1955)

    A.V. Canada Project Y-2 (Patent May 9, 1955)
  17. A

    Alternate Manned Orbiting Laboratory, 1966: NASA, USAF, and the Lew Allen solution

    See attached, from a declassified history of spysats. NASA and the military as of 1966 were quite unhappy at each others. - The military was encroaching on NASA manned spaceflight area, with MOL. - NASA was greatly bothering the military and spooks (NRO, USAF, CIA) by "hijacking" NRO...
  18. Maveric

    Thieblot Aircraft Engineering Company

    Armond J. Thieblot, a former chief engineer at Fairchild, started his own company, Thieblot Aircraft Engineering Company, in West Virginia. The book American Secret Projects 2 - US Airlifters 1941 to 1961 shows the Project Thieblot T.A. 13, a very interesting three-engine transport aircraft...
  19. Grey Havoc

    Exosonic low-boom SSBJ project

    There appears to be a 'merely' supersonic rival, from a company called Exosonic, though I suspect that it may be being funded as more of a back-up option. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/2/pentagon-takes-first-step-toward-building-superson/ (This thread originally began as part...
  20. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Texas Instruments AGM-45 Shrike

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