united states air force

  1. RavenOne

    EA-37B (ex EC-37B) Compass Call

    A sneak preview of USAF new EC-37B Compass Call visiting David-Monthan today, according to Offutt AFB Public Affairs. Cheers
  2. Dynoman

    Victory over the Trigonist Aggressor

    After WWII the US military developed a large scale exercise using a fake country called Aggressor. They were known as the Trigonist (see Circle Trigonist link, their flag, manuals, etc.) and the military developed a plethora of information and documentation to support these operations. I thought...
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    McDonnell Model 103 nuclear-armed air-to-air missile

    Associated with McDonnell-Douglas' Long Range Interceptor (LRI) studies in 1954. Drawing is of the Model 111A weapons bay which could carry 3. Model Description Date Model 103A AIR TO AIR MISSILE CARRYING SPECIAL WARHEAD. 24000LB. THRUST MOTOR. LENGTH 110 INCHES. FIXED FINS. SOLID ROCKET...
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    SOR 182 / System 476L - contenders for C-141

    Boeing https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/boeing-model-731-for-system-476l-c-141-rival.21959 Douglas https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/douglas-d-2085-logistic-transport-support-system-ss-476l.20057/ Lockheed...
  5. X-39

    Attritable unmanned USAF long-range bomber concept (2022)

    https://www.airforcemag.com/details-emerge-on-new-unmanned-long-range-bomber-and-fighter-projects/ So uuh... Supersonic?
  6. A

    GA-ASI Gambit

    https://breakingdefense.com/2022/03/general-atomics-debuts-gambit-drone-for-air-forces-unmanned-sensor-contest/ View: https://twitter.com/IntelWalrus/status/1499204727438987266 https://www.ga-asi.com/ga-asi-introduces-gambit
  7. C

    AGM-109 dispenser

    unknow source
  8. C

    F-14 forced on the USAF

    What would happen if the usaf f-15 project was canceled by congress and the usaf was forced to use the navys f-14 like what had happened with the f-4.
  9. TomS

    Radian SSTO Spaceplane

    Here we go again, folks. Aerospace company chasing VC money with promise of a miracle -- SSTO from a runway to space and back. This time, for sure, Rocky. https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/01/radian-announces-plans-to-build-one-of-the-holy-grails-of-spaceflight/
  10. V

    US Air Force orders the Convair Model 6 ultra-heavy airlifter

    I read that Convair proposed the Model 6 heavy-lift transport as a derivative of the Advanced C-99 project with the backswept wings and tail surfaces from the YB-60 competitor to the B-52, and I wanted to ask what the course of US heavy-lift capability during the early Cold War would have been...
  11. P

    USAF Lunex Spacecraft (1958)

  12. N

    McDonnell ADM-20 Quail decoy

    Does anyone have any links or documents concerning technical data about the ADM-20 Quail?
  13. isayyo2

    No B-1: Alternative SAC's

    Inspired by the Projects that should have been killed at birth thread's recent conversation about the B-1s futility/utility I thought I'd make a "What If" thread if the AMSA/B-1 program never saw flight. So for whatever reason the AMSA program is not revived by the Nixon Administration...
  14. Forest Green

    HAWC (Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept) and HACM (Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile)

    This doesn't really fit ARRW or PGSW, so I started a new thread.
  15. B

    "Improved F-5" and STOL F-5, from 1964

    I have come across an article from Air Force Magazine (link below) about the F-5 dated December 1964 that briefly talks about two variants of the F-5 apparently being offered at the time. First, an improved F-5A with slightly higher thrust ("J85-13/J5", 4300 lbf, 220 lbf higher than the...
  16. Foo Fighter

    Grand slam bombs on Korean targets.

    I have seen somewhere that Grand slam weapons were considered for use on high value targets on the Japanese mainland. If the B-29 was in fact ready even in small number for use then, would they not have value against logistical high value targets in the conflict with North Korea? Just a...
  17. J

    McDonnell Douglas F101B Voodoo - carrying MIM-23 Hawk Missile

    I have come across these pictures of McDonnell Douglas F-101B Voodoo Serial Number 57-0272 with a strange under nose sensor and carrying a MiM-23 Hawk missile. It is late 60's or early 70's from my guess. Does anyone have any more information on this project, its name and what was being tried?
  18. Grey Havoc

    Afghanistan withdrawal, Bagram Air Base

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57692303 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-left-afghan-airfield-night-173121460.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57682290...
  19. patburke06

    LRAPIS - 1960 hypersonic successor to LRI-X?

    I heard rumors about and little bits of info on successors to the LRI-X interceptors that were hypersonic and had missiles with a range of 500 miles is there any info on them like blueprints and performance information?
  20. helmutkohl

    Alternate history: Boeing won JSF

    Boeing and Lockheed beat out McDs, GD, and some other companies to become the two finalists for JSF. Boeing went with a somewhat more conventional engine arrangement, but an unconventional shape Lockheed was opposite and chose a more novel engine arrangement, but had a shape more similar to the...
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