space age

  1. hesham

    Douglas Astro delta-wing spacecraft

    Hi, the Douglas Astro was delta-wing vehicle and spacecraft,it was combined aircraft and rocketry concepts.
  2. J

    Convair Outpost Lifeboat

    Please see attached some pics from: -Hawk plastic models -Fantastic plastic And one speculative drawing by myself SOURCE GRADING 2
  3. G

    A20 from Arthur C.Clarke short story "Inheritance"

    I've always liked this story, which has a few design details in it about the (fictitious) two-stage rocket A20. I've always imagined it as being rather like an R.A.Smith-style "son of V2" with a retractable wing upper stage. Fired up by "The Spaceship Handbook", I'd like to try drawing this...
  4. Antonio

    Nuclear Powered Spacecraft

    Found this article at Flight archive. A nuclear Saturn V is illustrated
  5. X

    Krafft Ehricke Space designs

    Hi All, I'm looking for infos (technical drawings) about Krafft Ehricke Spacecraft designed and projected for Convair in the early 60's see :
  6. S

    Reaction Engines SABRE engine (Skylon Spaceplane)

    I've seen the Reaction Engines Ltd Skylon spaceplane mentioned a few times already but I think it deserves it's own thread. It looks cool and will only cost £10 billion(ish) to develop, so if it wasn't designed in Great Britain 'the land of lost opportunties' it would probably get built ;) It...
  7. Orionblamblam

    Alternatives to the NAA X-15

    The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything. BLATANT COMMERCIALISM WARNING.... Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
  8. Antonio

    Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Projects

    Matej, the link to your web doesn't works for me (I have even tried from a Windows PC) :( So I add drawings courtesy from Lark
  9. A

    US Lifting Bodies Studies - START (ASSET/PRIME), FDL, X-24, etc.

    The lifting body program was one of the highlight of the NASA in the 60's. Various machines flew (HL-10, X-24, M2F series) This program only consisted of atmospheric tests...well, that's the "offcial" version But there's two mysteries - 1 Aparently, modified HL-10 were send into suborbital...
  10. Orionblamblam

    X-15B - an orbital X-15

    North American Aviation's submission for the Dyna Soar program was an orbital version of their X-15. New engines, moved wing, two crew, a few other goodies.
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