space age

  1. Triton

    Boeing Lunar Rover circa 1991

    Boeing Lunar Rover circa 1991 Source:
  2. Triton

    NASA Meter Platform concept

    Artist's impression of NASA Meter Platform concept photograph found on eBay. Source:
  3. Triton

    Grumman Advanced Space Construction Base concept

    Concept photograph of Grumman Advanced Space Construction Base circa 1978 found on eBay. URL:
  4. Triton

    Northrop "Walking" Lunar Vehicle concept photo

    Northrop "Walking" Lunar Vehicle from 1965 concept photo found on eBay. Source:
  5. Graham1973

    Lunar Surface Instrumentation (1966)

    I was looking for information on the Lunar Surveying Staff, an instrument proposed for the first series of Apollo flights and stumbled across a report into the proposed lunar surveying instrumentation intended for the lunar flights carried out under Apollo Applications. What is of interest...
  6. Graham1973

    Surveyor Lunar Roving Vehicle (Bendix)

    NASAs pre-Apollo program underwent a number of changes as the need to reach the moon before the Russians came to dominate the program. One concept, that was studied and not proceeded with was mounting a small (100lb) rover to a modified Surveyor. It was to be fitted with small scientific...
  7. Triton

    Westinghouse Moon Shelter concept 1965

    Westinghouse Moon Shelter concept drawing circa 1965 found on eBay. URL:
  8. jzichek

    Soviet Space Propaganda Posters, 1958-1963 just put up a beautiful collection of Soviet space propaganda posters from 1958-1963; worth checking out if you are a fan of vintage space art!
  9. Triton

    Kaman Mars Helicopter concept circa 1967

    Kaman Moon Helicopter concept circa 1967 artist's impression found on eBay.
  10. Michel Van

    Manned "Cloudbase" in Venus Atmosphere

    Cloudbase is the fictional skyborne headquarters of international security organisation Spectrum, from Gerry Anderson's science fiction television series Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons Years later the British Interplanetary Society proposed so a Cloudbase, but for Atmosphere of Venus ! In...
  11. Triton

    Robert McCall space plane concept

    Artist's concept of United States Air Force space plane painted by Robert McCall found on eBay. Was this a real concept? Source:
  12. Triton

    MSFC artist's concept for "Space Taxl" circa 1966

    Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) artist's concept for "Space Taxi" circa 1966.
  13. Michel Van

    NASA Space Station Concepts

    A BELLCOMM, INC. studie from July 23, 1968 by E. D. Marion J. A. Schelke they proposed an smaller Space Station concept against Skylab (and MOL)! Modules launch by Titan IIIM, with modified Gemini B capsule the module are 17 ft long and 15ft ø weight 21,200 to 12,100 lb Power system a 3 kw...
  14. Antonio

    Goodyear 3 stage rocket

    What is it? :o
  15. Graham1973

    Ranger 'X' - Lunar Flyby with film return capsule

    It seems that in 1962 the proposal was made to fit out what could have been 'Ranger 6' with a camera installation comprising the Ranger 3-4-5 vidicon unit paired with a high resolution (80ft at closest approach) film camera and a re-entry capsule that would drop the high resolution camera film...
  16. Graham1973

    Hughes/Sandia - Pioneer Mars Orbiter (1974)

    Concerned about the cost of Viking 1 & 2, NASA looked at lower cost alternatives for the 1977 & 1979 Mars launch opportunities . One of the proposed missions was to use a modified version of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter to carry six RTG powered penetrators to Mars. Once the spacecraft entered...
  17. Graham1973

    Bendix Dual Mode LRV

    During the 1960's one proposal for the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was make it so that after the manned mission was over it could be used as an unmanned rover for further exploration. Here is the final presentation report for the Bendix Version...
  18. Graham1973

    Rocketdyne (Rockwell) - 250-500k Aerospike Engine

    Just uploaded to the NTRS, a rather interesting study from the late 1960's The Aerospike Engine. Concept, Performance, Design & Operational Data. Liquid Hydrogen Propellants 250-500 KBLF Thrust Class
  19. Triton

    Aerojet-General Sea Dragon

    Sea Dragon Concept, Volume III, Aerojet-General Corporation, February 12, 1963 The hunt is on to find Volume I and Volume II!
  20. P

    G H Stein, "A Program for Star Flight", Analog, October 1973

    In this months Spaceflight, there is an article on Starships of the Future (mostly Daedalus and Icarus) that mentions a suggestion by G H Stein published in Analog, October 1973 called "A Program for Star Flight". 'A full program of exploration was proposed which would utilise a fleet of no...
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