space age

  1. Triton

    Amroc Industrial Launch Vehicle (ILV)

    Artist's impression of American Rocket Company (Amroc) Industrial Launch Vehicle (ILV) 1 being launched from Vandenburg Air Force Base. Source: "Amroc tests continue" Flight International June 13, 1987
  2. The Artist

    Boeing TAV - was this speculation or a serious concept?

    Back in 1985 Aviation Week ran a piece of Boeing art with an article on a White House Aeronautics policy. The art depicted what I took to be a transport TAV in Boeing house colors. This attachment is a drawing I did when I saw that article and I'm posting it here to support my question. Does...
  3. Triton

    Shin Meiwa “GS”

    Shin Meiwa, now ShinMaywa, “GS” (for Giant Seaplane) from 1977. The GS was an amphibian airliner designed to carry 1,200-passengers on three decks. 344 passengers on its upper deck, 626 on the main deck, and 230 on the lower deck. Payload was estimated at 120 tons. Designed for transoceanic...
  4. XP67_Moonbat

    Salyut-Skylab Space Station

    Check it out! Moonbat
  5. C

    British manned program in 60s?

    Well,i know that this is not an forum of alternate history,but the my question is: premise the political will, an UK-Canada-Australia (not Commonwealth) manned program in 60s,with first suborbital flight in 1961 and successive goals like orbital flights in early 60s and a two men capsule and...
  6. Orionblamblam

    Convair Nexus SSTO

    From back when rockets were supposed to be big, 1963, comes the Convair "Nexus." A single stage to orbit hydrogen-oxygen booster with one *million* pounds of payload. As a bonus, the hocky-puck-shaped vehicle was to be recoverable and resuable. The computer rendering is of a 1/288 scale model...
  7. Triton

    1960s Voyager to Mars program

    Links, concept artwork, and models of the Apollo Applications Program (AAP) probe to Mars program named Voyager from the 1960s. Not to be confused with the later Voyager program that went to the outer planets.
  8. Orionblamblam

    1965 NAA manned hypersonic concept

    The sum total of my knowledge on this craft comes from this single illustration, found in the Boeing Historical Archives. It’s a 1965 drawing of a rocket/scramjet vehicle that made use of a few X-15 bits and pieces. Clearly it was designed to test high-speed airbreathign systems ina stepwise...
  9. flateric

    Chelomey OKB-52 UR-700 rockets family

    1). UR-700K 2). UR-700 with RO-31 nuclear rocket engine (250 t to LEO) all images (c) NPOMash please don't repost anywhere 3). UR-700 compared to N1 and Saturn V
  10. Michel Van

    British 1960 manned Lunar Project

    back in 1960 P. A. E. Stewart proposed a British manned Moon Program with the use of Blue Streak and Black Knight technolgy phase 1, 1960 to 1963 first probes (ranger types) to the moon Phase 2, 1964 to 1967 Hardware testing on earth Low orbit and Lunar Orbit. phase 3, 1968 to 1969 the...
  11. Michel Van

    S-IVB as reusable SSTO

    Around end 1960's Douglas proposed several projects for reuse of S-IVB Stage the final Idea was a reusable S-IVB with Aerospike engine to use as upperstage on Saturn launcher or as SSTO got some one more info (like payload) on that proposal ? thanks in advance
  12. hesham

    NASA/Langley SpaceJet Concept

    Hi, here is a shuttle concept using detachable turbojet.
  13. P

    SERV - 1971 VTOVL alternate shuttle proposal

    From the astonautix site VTOVL orbital launch vehicle. Status: Study 1971. Manufacturer's Designation: SERV. Chrysler ballistic single stage to orbit alternate shuttle proposal of June 1971. This was the most detailed design study ever performed on...
  14. hesham

    From Flightglobal;The Early Drawing to NA X-15

  15. OM

    Mercury Mark II sketches/Diagrams?

    ...On the Big Gemini threads, on the family tree for the Gemini program and its proposed offshoots, the "Lucy" of the tree is a drawing of what spawned into Gemini, the "Mercury Mark II". Anyone got any diagrams or sketches of what got this particular ball rolling? How much of a simple...
  16. Triton

    LM-B/Space Tug

    Does anyone know any details concerning the Grumman Lunar Module-B/Space Tug that was part of the Integrated Man Space Flight Program? I have found information that says its diameter was 22 feet and other information that says it was 15 feet. Did earlier concepts of the space shuttle have a...
  17. Triton

    Orbital Hyper Velocity Gun (HVG) - Rail Gun

    During the Strategic Defense Initiative days of the mid 1980s, one of the weapons technologies that was discussed was a Hyper Velocity Gun (HVG) placed in orbit to fire at inbound ICBMs and MIRVs. Artist's conception (top) of USAF space-based hypervelocity launcher aka railgun, among kinetic...
  18. Triton

    Convair Model 49 Advanced Aerial Fire Support System

    Convair submitted the Model 49 as its proposal for the Advanced Aerial Fire Support System (AAFSS) competition. From Modeling Madness: Sources:
  19. Triton

    Late 1960s Space Tug

    Anyone have information about the late 1960s space tug? This was supposed to launched into LEO by the space shuttle and then hitch a ride on the NERVA-powered nuclear shuttle?
  20. Triton

    Space Shuttle Concepts

    Does anyone know anything about these space shuttle designs? The images come from the Altair VI blog site and the author mentioned something about the Solar Power Station. Was the Solar Power Station the idea of having solar cells in space and then microwaving down the electricity? Anyone know...
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