space age

  1. Michel Van

    French Aerotrain

    During 1960s the French build and tested a Hovercraft Train concept called Aerotrain About concept in english French videos about Aerotrain Battle Aerotrain vs TVG (in french)
  2. M

    Vought Track Air Cushion Vehicle

    Good Day All - Some non aircraft/missile drawings from the Vought Archives of a proposed TACV - Track Air Cushion Vehicle. Apparently there as a model similar to this design shown at Transpo '72. An article on the similar (but built) Rohr TACV is at...
  3. S

    RIP John Farley

    Sad news, John Farley has passed away.
  4. N

    Martin Marietta orbit-to-orbit spacecraft (1968)

    This is an orbit-to-orbit design spacecraft from the Martin Marietta corporation. I found it in a book Man's Conquest of Space by the National Geographic Society (1968). Now you know as much as I do. Does anybody know if this was an actual study or just something slapped together by the MM...
  5. Flyaway

    Black Ops And The Shuttle Black ops and the shuttle (part 3-1): Recovering spent HEXAGON reconnaissance satellites with the space shuttle by Dwayne A. Day Monday, December 11, 2017
  6. Flyaway

    Public Release of SIGINT Phase II Records

    More on link below including the declassified documents themselves.
  7. uk 75

    Fireflash airliner from original TV Thunderbirds TV 21 artwork

    The Thunderbirds series from the 1960s featured in its first episode a wonderful airliner called Fireflash, which was totally improbable but looked very cool. In the series it crops up in a few episodes in the livery of "Air Terrainean", a sort of mixture of Pan American and BOAC. However, in...
  8. Graham1973

    Ever wondered where those plastic spacemen on your birthday cake came from...?

    Just found an interesting time-waster of a site devoted to plastic spacemen toys, specifically the ones sold by Tri-ang in the early 70s under the SpaceX (UK) and Golden Astronaut (US) line But where it gets really interesting is that at least one...
  9. Flyaway

    Black ZEUS: The top secret shuttle mission that never flew

    Rest on the link.
  10. C

    Original US space program without the moon goal.

    Immagine that Richard Nixon instead of JFK was elected President of United States in November 1960,and that Alan Shepard was the first man in space (but not in orbit) in Febraury 1961. Two events that could happen. In this scenario,if President Nixon not consider necessary a manned mission on...
  11. Graham1973

    Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite (SEOS) - 1973

    Early 1970s design for a Synchronous Earth Observation Satellite (SEOS) that bears a surprising resemblance to Hubble, it just points in the other direction. The intention was to provide improved coverage of mesoscale weather phenomena like tornadoes, ground fogs, clear air turbulence and other...
  12. R

    Fictional Aircraft from TV and Movies

    This is a suggestion to the administrator. How about a thread or threads of fictional TV and movie spacecraft and aircraft?
  13. C

    Unknown Martin Spacecraft Concept

    I tried to figure out the appropriate topic to post this, but it crossed over a couple topics. I found this interesting Martin factory model from the estate of a Martin engineer located in Denver CO. The base is meant for a SV-5 model, but it fit. I picked up 5 other models, all were Martin...
  14. Mike Pryce

    Joe Sutter - Father of 747 - RIP

    Sad news: I was just watching him in this BBC documentary a few days ago: A great loss - the designer of an iconic aircraft.
  15. V

    Ehricke Space Lifeboat model

    Hi, here is my card model by Arnold Ehricke dubbed "Space Lifeboat" Mayby for some one it will be interesting! P.S. many thanks for Justo Miranda!
  16. bucky74

    Proposed Space Shuttle Names

    The story of how the Enterprise was almost named the Constitution before Trekkies suggested the former is widely published, but is there any more information regarding proposed titles for the other orbiters?
  17. Michel Van

    False Steps: The Space Race as It Might Have Been by Paul Drye

    who knows Paul Drye blog False Steps: The Space Race as It Might Have Been He has produce a Ebook with 366 Pages about space programs that never were and for good price of 1.99 euro or US$1.99. for all systems more here
  18. Graham1973

    Rocketdyne (Rockwell) - Linear Aerospike Test Beds (1970 - 1973)

    A two stage program to test the linear aerospike concept, the first test bed proved the basic concept, the second test bed explored the use of thrust vectoring. Linear test bed. Volume 1: Test bed no. 1. (Aerospike test bed with segmented combustor)...
  19. Graham1973

    NA/R - Solar Electric Spacecraft for Asteroid Belt Exploration (1970)

    A design by North American/Rockwell for the same contract as the TRW 'Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft'. Unlike that vehicle, which was intended for use for a variety of missions, this spacecraft was optimised for untargeted asteroid belt exploration, though with it's particle and fields...
  20. Graham1973

    TRW - Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft (1970)

    Proposed design for a Multi-Mission bus using ion engines for propulsion. Suggested missions included an untargeted asteroid belt flyby, a targeted asteroid belt flyby, a Jupiter flyby (With or without use of gravity assist to reach an out-of-ecliptic orbit following the flyby.) and a...
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