space age

  1. M


    Just finished watching the first episode of Ascension. Wow! George Dyson, call your office! I was wondering how they maintained a 1G acceleration -- all revealed in the last two minutes. David
  2. C

    Space 1985, looking ahead.

    Vintage NASA film was produced in early 1970's and intended to paint a picture of NASA in 1985.
  3. Boxman

    Gizmodo Showcase of Aerospace Artists -Hejja, Fjeld, McCall, Meltzer

    As per this item today (10-Nov-2014), Gizmodo is starting a series of posts "showcasing the work of some of the most noted aerospace artists." They start today with Attila Héjja (Hejja): The Hungarian-Born Painter Who Immortalized America's Space Program by Atilla Nagy, Gizmodo - 10-Nov-2014 **...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Skylab savior Jack A. Kinzler RIP

    Via Slashdot: Jack Kinzler in 1973 with a photo of the thermal shield he created for the Skylab station. Credit United Press International Godspeed.
  5. C

    Space scooter??

    What is exatly this? An alternative type of MMU for Skylab or Shuttle? Is in a lot of space publications of 70s. P.S- (A Apollo docking probe on the nose)?? :o
  6. Graham1973

    Hughes - Severe Storms Observing Satellite (SSOS aka StormSat)

    Hughes designed geosynchronous satellite optimised to study mesoscale phenomena such as tornados, squall lines and large convective systems. Had the satellite been built, the launch vehicle would have either been a Delta rocket or the Space Shuttle. Severe Storms Observing Satellite...
  7. sferrin

    Candidate Space Shuttle Orbiters Wind Tunnel Studies 1969 NASA Langley Research "This December 1969 film looks at the candidate space shuttle orbiters using M=20 electron beam flow studies. This gives an interesting look at some of the proposed designs. The only tunnels at NASA Langley Research Center reaching that speed are in...
  8. C

    Skylab B and Advanced Skylab for the Shuttle.

    Advanced Skylab. A great occasion lost. :'( A large space station for the Shuttle, straightway.
  9. Grey Havoc

    Voyager 1 has exited the Solar System? Voyager I passing the rings of Saturn (Daily Telegraph)
  10. The Artist

    Dee Howard DBA - 'The Big One'

    I'm re-posting this in a new thread to give this design a more proper identification and to have the thread ready when additional information (and hopefully the drawing) can be made available. I've done a few searches here on Dee Howard and haven't come up with anything. Should there be an...
  11. Grey Havoc

    The CPUs of Spacecraft

    I thought this would fit in well here:
  12. Graham1973

    A Cavalcade of SF Space Helmets

    A video clip with a rather strange sound track showcasing SF helmets from an impressive array of films. See how many films you can guess without the aid of the end credits, or the creators notes Spot the only actor to appear...
  13. hesham

    The Megaroc,Man-Carrying Rocket Proposal

  14. Graham1973

    Viking 4 - Mars Surface Sample Return

    1974 proposal by Martin-Marietta to modify the Viking lander to allow a Mars surface sample to returned in the early 1980s.
  15. Graham1973

    Between Voyager & Viking

    After the cancellation of Voyager(Mars) in 1967 NASA started up a new series of studies to come up with a spacecraft for the 1973 launch opportunity. This Martin-Marietta designed soft-lander of 1969 was intended to put the maximum payload weight on the surface of Mars using a mission profile...
  16. Triton

    US planned to nuke the moon

    "Confirmed: US planned to nuke the moon" Published: 26 November, 2012, 21:13 Source:
  17. Graham1973

    Pioneer Biosatellite (1968)

    While trying to locate a Douglas proposal to modify an S-IVb into an orbiting bioresearch lab I found this report on the possible use of the Pioneer VI-IX bus for a series of heliocentric orbiting BioSats. Feasibility study for conducting biological experiments aboard a Pioneer spacecraft...
  18. Stargazer

    Project RAND three-stage satellite (1947)

    This specification is intended to set forth the requirements for an unmanned artificial satellite, including the basic rocket. the payload, and the necessary ground and launching equipment. It is desired that a rocket craft be designed and constructed which will rise to an altitude at which the...
  19. Triton

    Boeing Martian Recon Vehicle

    Artist's impression of unmanned Martian reconnaissance vehicle concept press photo found on eBay. Source:
  20. Triton

    Boeing Solar Power Satellite
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