north atlantic treaty organisation

  1. B

    Sea Launch Concepts

    From Missiles And Rockets 9th January 1961.
  2. uk 75

    Red Star White Star 1975 Whatif orbat

    Many years ago in the 70s I bought a boardgame called Red Star White Star about a hypothetical mid-70s war between US/West German units and Russian forces. The counters had neat silhouettes of M60s and Sheridans for the US and Leopards for the Germans. Seeing the thread on MBT 70 reminded me...
  3. Skybolt

    NBMR-4 requirement: the other Italian contenders

    The official Italian submission to the NBMR-4 V/STOL transport was the G-222. What is little known is that other Italian companies submitted a design, but were told to forget about it. One of the most completely studied was the SIAI-Marchetti S-201, the first official project by Ing. Brena...
  4. J

    Unbuilt F-16 based projects

    Unknown source
  5. sferrin

    ANS French/German supersonic antiship missile.

    A picture from an 80's military advertisement lead to these other two images. Interesting similiarities between the 25 year old ANS test vehicle and Taiwan's recent supersonic cruise missile. ;) (The ad is aerospatiale.)
  6. S

    Hades IRBM (France)

    Would anyone possibly possess illustrations of the TEL for this missile, which was supposed to replace Pluton? Thanks.
  7. archipeppe

    FIAT G91R to U.S. ARMY??

    FIAT G91 was one of the most succesful Italian aeronautical products of '60s. A lot of the were produced and utilized at least by AMI, Luftwaffe and Portoguese Air Force. FIAT G91 was a close support light STOL fighter-bomber, with some recce capabilities despite its not optimal flight...
  8. Antonio

    Italian Nuclear Powered Ship Designs

    from:,2808.msg22427/topicseen.html#msg22427 Anybody has pics and info about this designs? Thanks in advance :)
  9. archipeppe

    Italian SLBM ALFA Missile

    Dear All, did you have any useful information about the Italian SLBM Alfa missile? It was developed during '60s, when Italy had some nuclear ambition (see nuclare submarine project named "Guglielmo Marconi", or the logistic ship named "Enrico Fermi") and was designed and produced by SNIA BPD...
  10. RyanC

    Divisional Air Defense System (DIVAD / DIVADS) Proposals

    Sperry's Proposal for the DIVAD system: Was based off their earlier T37 VIGILANTE AA Gun, but rechambered in 35mm NATO instead of 37mm. ------ General Electric's Proposal for the DIVAD system: Utilizing their GAU-8A AVENGER cannon system.
  11. hesham

    Heinkel He 212 / VFW VC-400 tandem tiltwing

    My dear Jemiba, Did you hear about the Heinkel He 212 army reconnaissance tilt propeller aircraft project ? thanks in advance.
  12. Mike Pryce

    Sea Harrier with a nuke

    A few years ago I recall seeing a picture of a Sea Harrier with a WE.177 nuclear weapon in a book. I think it was: Keeping the Peace - The Aldermaston Story by David J Hawkings Can anyone confirm this? I'd like to trace the pic. As I understand it they would have used the WE.177 both for...
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    BAC TSR2

    Flight's 9 April 1964 was a TSR.2 special issue, with lots of adverts and one of the first in depth articles. Front page Article through to...
  14. hesham

    Lockheed C-130 Hercules Prototypes, Variants & Projects

    Hi, The Lockheed had old project called C-130J,it was developed from C-130E with increase aileron and rudder chords,wider u/c track,improved braking system and additional armoured protection; do you have a drawing to it ?,(of course I know there was a new project to lockheed in 1996 called...
  15. hesham

    Northrop F-5G / F-20 Tigershark

    Hi, In 1985 the Northrop designed a new project called F-5S (by that time),it was proposed as a version of F-5G (F-20) for Sweden, with 30 percent larger wing,do you know it ?.
  16. JAZZ

    German Short Range SAMs

    seems to have been a number of german short range SAM programmes in the late 1990's Perhaps for our german memebrs - BGT version of HFK/KV a two stage missile, with boster and coast to target second stage at mach-3 to a range of 12km. Photo below (JSWS-issue 30) others were DASA HKK/L2 missile...
  17. hesham

    Boeing C-135 variants

    Hi, When I got a variants to Beoing C-135, I think it was not interesting, but when I read it I find many variants were little known. C-135A cargo/troop transport aircraft for US Military Air Transport Service with J57-59W engines. EC-135A conversions of KC-135A as flying command post and...
  18. hesham

    Rockwell / MBB X-31 Design Evolution

    My dears, do you know Rockwell SNAKE project? [Removed picture - better copy below - Admin]
  19. Mike Pryce

    BAe Nimrod AEW.3

    The preferred UK AEW for the RAF was always the Nimrod as it was big and in production. In 1966 studies looked at various radar options, but lack of money delayed it. All of the above comes from 'Airborne Early Warning, design, development and operations' by Mike Hirst, Osprey, 1983.
  20. uk 75

    60s Point Defence Missiles: Mauler and the UK PT 428

    The US Mauler system for point defence was also intended for the British forces, both in its land and sea versions. It is interesting to speculate what the system would have looked like in UK service. Even more fascinating is the BAC PT428 missile system, similar to Mauler, but cancelled in...
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