great britain

  1. VictorXL188

    Miles Aircraft Merlin/Martlet

    I am still ruminating through bits and pieces of AST-412, and as I work my way through the list I come to the Miles Aircraft Merlin/Martlet. I seem to vaguely remember something about a son of M.100, but that might be the Alzheimer's causing a short circuit. Can anyone help with further info please?
  2. CJGibson

    Whisky Galore

    I was in Kew and while rummaging in some tanker files (yes, yes, I know, it's getting to be a problem. I need a hobby) I found a reference to 28 cases of New Zealand whisky being flown to Ascension on a VC10 (that strengthened floor was good for something after all) or a Herk. This had been...
  3. uk 75

    Christmas leftovers

    If you are now having to munch your way through piles of Christmas food you need a good mustard. Britain has been supplying the world with entertaining Prime Ministers for many years but none finer than these two. Sit back and enjoy the late Paul Eddington and Ian Richardson in their roles as...
  4. uk 75

    Lists of Unbuilt Royal Navy and British Export Ships

    One of my continuing interests and a strength of this site is information about Royal Navy ships that never left the drawing board. Recently.not so much has been published about these designs so I thought I would start this thread. Many projects have there own threads and are well known to...
  5. Mike Pryce

    Ralph Hooper RIP

    I've just heard that Harrier and P1216 designer Ralph Hooper passed away yesterday. He was 96, and in my view, Britain's greatest ever aircraft designer. Ralph explained his achievements modestly but clearly to the many who asked. Glad we asked him to do so for a video a few years back...
  6. B

    What if: a de Havilland single seat, single piston engine fighter for World War II

    I'll open this up initially for the forum to chime in with what their ideas on what this could've been like, though I do have to provide my broad idea for it. I do imagine at the basic, fundamental level, it's probably be like half a Hornet (half the size, half the power), and powered by at...
  7. robinbird

    What's Mustard Plaster?

    'Mustard Plasters' are mentioned in my wartime notes of trials carried out by the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, Helensburgh. More information appreciated.
  8. Z

    RIP Johnie Johnson-The Last of the Dam Busters

    Sad news as time marches on;- A privilege to have met the chap and listened to his first hand account of taking part in what was possibly the first ever precision air strike. Blue Skies Sir
  9. hesham

    UK Old RPV and Target Drones

    Hi, in the book,Teach for the Sky,the company Air Service Training designed C.4 as a target drone,is there any more Info and drawing to it ?.
  10. robinbird

    V2 mystery

    Does anyone know the history of this particular captured V2, which I believe was at RAF Beaulieu (Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment) at the end of the war. My late father took the photograph as the AFEE photographer but that is all that I know.
  11. Grey Havoc

    Lancaster Mk VII NX611 'Just Jane'
  12. Grey Havoc

    Royal Enfield military projects

    To start this thread off, a 2020 Top Gear story on the development of the Royal Enfield Model RE airborne forces motorcycle, better known as the Flying Flea: (You will notice a few, mostly minor errors in the article.)
  13. B

    Aerolite Spitfire

    Any info or thoughts on the Aeorlite Spitfire, which was an attempt to build a Spitfire fuselage out of Aerolite, which was resin impregnated fiber that was a predecessor to carbon fiber/carbon fiber reinforced plastic. It wasn't mass produced, but was done to see if it could be done if there...
  14. hesham

    Avro 721 as Air-Borne Aircraft

    From, Project Cancelled,by Derek Wood.
  15. Flyaway

    Buccaneers of the high frontier: Program 989 SIGINT satellites from the ABM hunt to the Falklands War to the space shuttle
  16. Grey Havoc

    British Broadcasting Company

    A day late, but better late than never. Via Slashdot:
  17. P

    Chieftain AVRE with demolition gun.

    I've read that the Chieftain was supposed to have a demolition gun on its AVRE variant before it was cancelled. Does anyone know where I could find design drawings/models of this?
  18. K

    Viper Mk 633-47 afterburning.

    I'm looking for information, particularly technical specifications, of the Viper Mk 633-47 afterburning turbojet. This was developed for use on the Yugoslav J-22 and Romanian IAR-93 aircraft. It appears to be a Viper Mk 632, as licence produced in Yugoslavia, but obviously fitted with a newly...
  19. hesham

    ID this Model

    Hi, what was this Model ?.
  20. X

    British/French WW2-era 0.5in Aircraft Machine Guns.

    It has always been a subject of some controversy as to why the British stuck with the rather paltry 0.303in calibre for aircraft machine guns. To address this Both BSA and ROLLS-ROYCE developed a 0.5in calibre AMG, the latter apparently quite successful (though strangely, never adopted) and the...
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