great britain

  1. uk 75

    Britain in Vietnam

    One of Harold Wilson's achievements as Prime Minister was to resist President Johnson's pressure for Britain to make some visible military contribution to the Vietnam War. Wilson had only narrowly beaten a Conservative Government in 1964. The Conservatives may well have resisted Johnson too on...
  2. H

    British AEW projects: Nimrod and Britannia

    Bristol Britannia BEWARE: as pictured in Chris Gibson's books 'The Air Staff and AEW' and 'Battle Flight'. I followed the drawing, with one exception: after Chris mentioned the limitations of Britannia's electrical system, I added a large APU under the left wing root. Hawker Siddeley...
  3. M

    Orange William to Swingfire?

    A previous thread suggested that Orange William fed into Swingfire. I am not sure how this might be. OW was a command-guided weapon using a complex two-sight system, a computer, and IR links to the missile to control its flight through rear-mounted control surfaces. The rest of the system was...
  4. B

    USN decides to buy The Blackburn Buccaneer....

    Have read that some MDAP money went into the program and that the USN had expressed "a mild interest" in the type. So lets just amp that up to buying it. This will probably kill the A-6 program, though it may have been far enough long that some prototypes may have been built.. not sure about...
  5. helmutkohl

    Swap UK with France during the Falklands War.

    France had a colony in the Falklands in 1764, and referred the islands as Iles Malouines, from which the Spanish name Malvinas later derived from. Eventually France left the islands due to pressure from Spain. So in this scenario lets assume the following: 1. The islands remained French this...
  6. A

    The RN buys the Kidds after the Iranian revolution

    Over on the What if Iran never had a revolution? thread Pioneer mentioned that at one point Iran was looking at buying a pair of Invincibles. If that is the case, then the 4 Kidd DDGs they cancelled would have likely been the AAW escorts for the carriers. Which got me wondering - what if, after...
  7. H

    Bristol Britannia AEW: BEWARE

    In the 1960s, the RAF started to examine options for land-based AEW aircraft. NASR.6166 was a joint RAF/RN requirement issued in 1962, for a carrier-borne AEW aircraft that would also be used from land bases. This requirement specified an FMICW radar. That didn't stop companies from offering...
  8. S

    APCs before the end of WW2.

    The M3 Halftrack and the Sdkfz 251 are the most well known ones, but did the other major powers have APCs? What about WW1?
  9. T

    Make Supermarine great again

    ... that is after the Spitfire is established both in production and service. If it becomes the 'British Dassault', commercial-vise, I'm more than okay with that.
  10. robinbird

    Johhny Walker anyone?

    Dad was involved in trials of the secret Johhny Walker bomber dropped during the Tirpitz raid but never knew how it got the JW name. He believed it was named after the favourite tipple boffins drank during drawing board research, or one of the actual scientists? Anyone know? robin bird ref...
  11. Y

    UK 1975 Hydrographic Study Group

    Over the last couple of weekends, I've come into ownership of a couple of volumes of Janes Fighting Ships. Some people might call this a problem, but not me. In several of these, the earliest one in my possession being the 1982-1983 edition, the following statement (or one very much like it in...
  12. monochromelody

    Defector's Battle: Cromwell tanks in IDF

    After the end of the Second World War, the surviving Jews in the Nazi concentration camps set off a new wave of return to their hometowns and settle down in Palestine. Seeing that the time was right, Zionism began to raise up, calling on Jews living in different parts of the world to return to...
  13. Grey Havoc

    Sir Clive Sinclair, RIP (1940 - 2021)
  14. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  15. Michel Van

    Space: 1999: Moonbase Alpha Technical Operations Manual

    Jamie Anderson will release new Technical Hand book about Moonbase Alpha feature new Data and allot stuff from Old Series over 250 illustration on 300 pages Pre Order start on 13th September 2021 on Official Anderson Shop webpage Jamie Anderson on book...
  16. trajan

    British School of Tank Technology (STT) and other bureau designs 1950-1970

    My friend said that during the first two decades of the early Cold War. The British STT has designed a series of very distinctive blueprint tanks and a small number of prototype vehicles actually built. These new tanks used to meet the needs of the new era of warfare and against the Soviets...
  17. uk 75

    Britain abandons nuclear weapons

    The UK nuclear deterrent has become after the NHS a political commitment for both Tory and Labour PMs to show their metal. But an earlier Tory PM, Harold Macmillan had his doubts as did Sir Winston Churchill. Macmillan got on well with the new young US President. Kennedy for his part saw the UK...
  18. uk 75

    Sensible conclusion by the Irish Army

    Interesting time capsule which reminds us that military planners are usually wiser than their political masters.,safety%20of%20the%20minority%20population%22.
  19. uk 75

    A4 Skyhawk in Royal Navy service

    An interesting take on the A4 Skyhawk in Royal Navy service with nice artwork.
  20. trajan

    Sir George Thurston cruiser designs Type A,B,C

    I learned about these interested drawings from another forum, and there are links to the sources given by other members below. But a companion of mine believes that these are "fake drawings" made using some Australia's cruiser plan drawings and Photoshop. I feel distressed. So are these...
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