great britain

  1. B

    Eric "Winkle" Brown passes away

    True hero sadly departs.
  2. covert_shores

    Unbuilt Royal Navy submarines

    List compiled from the excellent book The Silent Deep: The Royal Navy Submarine Service since 1945 BOREAS Class - page 131 1950s diesel-electric SSK. Smaller complement to PORPOISE Class. 1200 tons 'high quiet speed' 4 x TT in bow, 2 x TT in stern Baseline version with twin screws, then single...
  3. uk 75

    Fifth RN Polaris boat was to be ROYAL SOVEREIGN

    I had always been sceptical of the claims in various books that the RN planned to name its fifth Polaris boat RAMILLIES. It made no sense as all the other names RESOLUTION, RENOWN, REPULSE and REVENGE were related to the role of the boats. In his excellent new book about the RN submarine...
  4. uk 75

    Modifying King George V class after 1945

    I noted with interest JFC Fuller's comment about the new Friedman British Battleships book that material exists in the National Archives about proposed modifications to the remaining King George V class battleships between 1945 and their withdrawal in the 50s. I have browsed the new Friedman...
  5. RAP

    Shorts Starstreak Missile
  6. J

    Saunders Roe SR.53

    Pics , drawings ,models and book
  7. Abraham Gubler

    Helmover giant WWII torpedo

    Helmover giant WWII torpedo I recently read David Edgerton’s excellent “Britain's War Machine: Weapons, Resources and Experts in the Second World War” which made mention of the “Helmover” giant, R-R- Merlin powered aerial torpedo. This weapon was designed by Air Commodore William Helmore, PhD...
  8. Apophenia

    Weir autogyro and helicopter designations

    Cy-27 said that he was working on a Weir designation list which which was the kick in the pants needed to prompt me to finish off my list! ____________________ J&G Weir Company, 1932-1943, and Cierva Autogiro Company (Cierva-Weir), 1943-1951 Weir autogyros and helicopters received simple...
  9. Triton

    "Blake's 7" Liberator studio model

    Special effects model of Liberator from the BBC science fiction television series Blake's 7 found on eBay. Model built by special effects model great Martin J Bower. Source:
  10. hesham

    British Smith-Ross Manned Rocket to the Space (1946)

    Hi, here is a British manned rocket of 1946,intended to launch a man 150 miles into space,designed by R.A. Smith and H.E. Ross and considered an enlarged version of Germany V-2 Missile. FR 12/1958
  11. Schneiderman

    Gloster Flying Boats and other monoplane projects

    The next edition of The Aviation Historian, published on 15th Oct, will include the first of a 3-part article about Folland's monoplane designs for Gloster in the early 1930s. It includes description and details on three flying boats, including this one.
  12. Grey Havoc

  13. S

    Crystal Palace

    Around the previous turn of the century, there was an Engineering School based in the Crystal Palace, Paxton's famous glass exhibition building which had by then been re-erected at Sydenham in London. Several pioneer aviators passed through the area at one time or another, but I know of no...
  14. CJGibson

    Yarrow models in a North Shields Grocer's shop

    I had a search for something similar on the forum, but found nowt. The attached photo was taken in a grocer's shop in North Shields, just down the Tyne from Yarrow's warship yard. Thought someone on the forum could identify them. The upper one looks most interesting. Chris
  15. Cy-27

    Hafner Rotabuggy (Flying Jeep)

    Attached are a pair of photos of a replica of the Hafner Rotabuggy (see,4022.msg31649.html#msg31649 for period photo) taken recently at the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop. It was a British experiment that took a Willys jeep and gave...
  16. uk 75

    Bekonscot Model Village Airport or what became of the future?

    Near Beaconsfield is a picturesque model village called Bekonscot. It contains amongst other things a model airport. In the 50s and the 60s it was called Northrow and tried to reflect the excitement of the world outside. Significantly in 1992 it was decided to change the airport to Hanton and...
  17. hesham

    Bristol Type-172 & Type-174 Bomber Projects

    Hi, here is a two drawings to Bristol Type-172 long range bomber project for B35/46,and Bristol Type-174 scale flying model for E8/47,please note the drawing for 172 differs from Mr. Tony Buttler drawing of the book; British Secret Projects : Jet bombers since 1949. Air International magazine
  18. W

    Haberkorn / Eggers 'Carrier Aircraft Having an Annular Wing' Patent, US30005.

    Hi folks, Hope this isn't old news - searched the forum and can't seem to find a reference to this one, so here goes with a patent for a VTOL-capable, annular-wing carrier aircraft. All best, 'Wingknut'. 'Carrier aircraft having an annular wing', US3000593 Inventors: Erich Haberkorn, Gerhard...
  19. Hood

    Marconi P111 Multi-Mode Radar

    Reading through the analysis section of 'Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, 1990-91', 2nd ed., I came across an interesting brief entry. "P111 - Coherent pulse multi-mode strike. AI and terrain following radar. Developed for classified project. - Marconi" Does anyone know any more...
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