great britain

  1. Hood

    Submarine Volta 1905

    This is not an unbuilt project, but it is an enigmatic mystery that perhaps members here might be able to add more to. The Volta was a 19-ton electric-powered submarine armed with two 12in torpedo tubes, built by Rennie Forrestt Shipbuilding, Engineering & Drydock Co. Ltd at Wivenhoe, Essex...
  2. K

    Centurion chassis as a SAM launcher

    I was thinking if it is plausible to get a mobile launcher for either Thunderbird or Bloodhound missiles on a Centurion tank chassis.
  3. A

    Harrier in place of Super Etendard: 1973

    This is a rough TL sketch. POD is October 20, 1971. That day, off Marseille, the Foch is flight testing Jaguar M05, that is: the navalized fifth prototype. As the aircraft is returned to the hangar for maintenance, one mechanic raise alarm...
  4. Z

    Supersonic Etendards instead of Crusaders?

    What happens if Dassault gets his hands on a jet engine that fits the Etendard and allows it to become a properly supersonic fighter? Could this tip the balance and see them ordered instead of F8 Crusaders?
  5. uk 75

    Royal Navy Destroyers and Frigates post 1966

    The Royal Navy began the 1960s with two excellent classes of destroyer (County DLG).and frigate (Type 12 Leander) on order. In 1966 the replacement of these ships with the T42 and T22 was set in hand.. In addition the T21 gp frigate was ordered to replace other frigate classes. So not a lot of...
  6. uk 75

    Replacing Canberra sensibly

    The English Electric Canberra became the UK's light strike bomber in both nuclear and conventional roles. It served long after it was obsolete in the face of Russian fighters and air defences. The RAF realised this and embarked on a programme to replace Canberra in the early 1960s. As we all...
  7. Foo Fighter

    Royal Ordnance QF Tank guns.

    G'day folks, I am trying to find good reference material on the following gun systems. RO QF 17 pounder RO QF 20 pounder Rarde EXP 7 to 28 110mm I have a sort of project to convert a Centurion tank (Card/Paper) to various types/marks and possibly produce a Chieftain with the 110mms as an...
  8. Michel Van

    British German 1970 Future Main Battle Tank

    This about British German join Venture in 1972 on Future Main Battle Tank for 1980s View: View: View: View:
  9. Michel Van

    Overthrow MBT

  10. Lascaris

    Larger British light fleet carriers?

    What it says in the tin basically. In OTL Britain laid down 10 Colossus class ships in 1942-43, followed by 6 larger Majestic class in 1943 and then the Centaur class in 1944, going from 18,000t to ~20,000 and then 26,000t full load in two years. So how do you get the British designers to...
  11. N

    Defunct site about Ferranti radars

    Greetings friends, Some time ago there was a site called which contained information about the work a gentleman named Alex W. Duncan did whilst employed at Ferranti. It contained a fascinating essay titled "Ferranti and the Buccaneer S1 Delivery system". I have this essay saved on...
  12. uk 75

    No 1982 Falklands War

    This month's 40th anniversary of the Falklands/Malvinas war does not happen because for some reason or another Argentina does not invade. The most noticable change would have been in the Royal Navy. HMS Invincible would have been sold, becoming HMAS Australia. HMS Hermes would have followed in...
  13. Mike Pryce

    Roy Braybrook - RIP

    I have just heard, via the latest Hawker Association newsletter, that Roy Braybrook passed away last June. Another of the great authors who got me, and probably many on this forum, interested in aircraft has gone to the great aviation library in the sky. He was also, of course, a designer in...
  14. J

    Identify please (German radar in US fighter?)

    In this Douglas P-70 night fighter of the 419th NFS, crash landed at Piva-Bougainville by Lt Donald Dessert, the fixed quarter wave dipoles for azimuth receiving have been replaced by four german style “Stachel” rods. Can anyone identify which radar they belong to?
  15. H

    British AEW projects: Nimrod and Britannia

    Bristol Britannia BEWARE: as pictured in Chris Gibson's books 'The Air Staff and AEW' and 'Battle Flight'. I followed the drawing, with one exception: after Chris mentioned the limitations of Britannia's electrical system, I added a large APU under the left wing root. Hawker Siddeley...
  16. M

    Orange William to Swingfire?

    A previous thread suggested that Orange William fed into Swingfire. I am not sure how this might be. OW was a command-guided weapon using a complex two-sight system, a computer, and IR links to the missile to control its flight through rear-mounted control surfaces. The rest of the system was...
  17. B

    USN decides to buy The Blackburn Buccaneer....

    Have read that some MDAP money went into the program and that the USN had expressed "a mild interest" in the type. So lets just amp that up to buying it. This will probably kill the A-6 program, though it may have been far enough long that some prototypes may have been built.. not sure about...
  18. A

    The RN buys the Kidds after the Iranian revolution

    Over on the What if Iran never had a revolution? thread Pioneer mentioned that at one point Iran was looking at buying a pair of Invincibles. If that is the case, then the 4 Kidd DDGs they cancelled would have likely been the AAW escorts for the carriers. Which got me wondering - what if, after...
  19. H

    Bristol Britannia AEW: BEWARE

    In the 1960s, the RAF started to examine options for land-based AEW aircraft. NASR.6166 was a joint RAF/RN requirement issued in 1962, for a carrier-borne AEW aircraft that would also be used from land bases. This requirement specified an FMICW radar. That didn't stop companies from offering...
  20. robinbird

    Johhny Walker anyone?

    Dad was involved in trials of the secret Johhny Walker bomber dropped during the Tirpitz raid but never knew how it got the JW name. He believed it was named after the favourite tipple boffins drank during drawing board research, or one of the actual scientists? Anyone know? robin bird ref...
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