great britain

  1. S

    British hybrid battleships: projects and proposals

    the richelieu hybrid: (in french)
  2. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    Italian Bombs, Bombers and Bombing Tactics over Malta (1940-1943)

    Hi all, The purpose of this thread is to compile and present sources regarding Italian bomb types, fuzes and tactics used in the Central Mediterranean from their entry into the War in 1940 to the Armistice of Cassibile in 1943. This is meant to complement my other thread about German equipment...
  3. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    German Bombs, Bombers and Bombing Tactics over Malta (1941-1943)

    Hi all, The purpose of this thread is to collect and present source material for German bomb types, fuzes and tactics used over the Mediterranean (with particular reference to Malta). I am looking for both British and German sources, both primary and secondary, however, I would especially like...
  4. Y

    Rest of the World without the UK's 1965 cancellations

    The possibility of the UK avoiding the 1965 aircraft cancellations has been discussed ad nauseam. I don't propose to get into it here - assume a collective delusion of the UK government, the discovery of a massive gold deposit, or intervention from extra-terrestrial intelligences, as you see...
  5. Gentleman’s Astronautics

    Flashpoint - Cold War gone hot, 1948

    Just came across Operation Downfall, and was pondering. What might be the political situation that would warrant the plan coming to fruition? What projects would be pursued and put into production, and what wouldn't? Who would win the war? Perhaps the 3rd world war would be caused by a...
  6. uk 75

    NATO helicopter gunship for the 70s

    Although the excellent AH1 Cobra was deployed to Europe in the 1970s and received TOW missiles to help it kill Soviet armour, noone else in NATO could afford it. That left W Germany sticking six HOT missile launchers on its Bo 105 light observation helicopter and the British Army SS11 missiles...
  7. R

    WI West Germany buys British?

    The fledgling Lufftwaffe and Marineflieger appeared to be interesting in buying British in their earliest days. Of course this was the worst possible time to deal with the British, so every effort fell over. Wiki referencing Wood. The German Defence Ministry first expressed interest in the...
  8. A Tentative Fleet Plan

    Early 1950s Plans for Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships

    Stumbled across some early 1950s NATO documents concerning the defensive arming and equipping of Merchant Ships. SGS.1 and the 4" Mk 25 are briefly mentioned, although unsurprisingly the vast majority of equipment intended for DEMS was supposed to come from US stocks. There are more documents...
  9. klem

    British missile ID

    British missile to be identified. Apparently it must be from the 1950s.
  10. Caravellarella

    Sikorsky S-61 prototypes, projects and license builds

    Dear Boys and Girls, here is a picture with a caption in French of what I believe to be the Sikorsky S-61N full-size mock-up brought to the 1959 Paris Salon; it shows an aerodynamic saucer-shaped fairing covering the main rotor hub. The accompanying article describes the Sikorsky S-61N as being...
  11. L

    Bristol 204 Underwing Pods

    I have the Lost British Projects 1/72 scale resin model of the Bristol 204 which includes two small underwing pods which are shown in the drawings to be found on this esteemed site - but what are they?
  12. A

    Short Skyvan projects

    I am currently writing a book on the Short Skyvan. I wonder if anyone has information (description, drawings etc) on Shorts project P.D.50 described as a "Skyvan VTOL test-bed", and P.D.62 listed in the Putnam as "Skyvan with B.L.C" but elsewhere as "Skyvan Feeder Liner". Both seem quite...
  13. Hood

    Vickers VC.4

    I have come across some information on the proposed VC.4 three-engined transatlantic airliner project of 1949. Information on the VC.4 was used to demonstrate aerodynamic drag issues in a Royal Aeronautical Society lecture by E. J. Edwards on 24 November 1949 entitled A Review of Aerodynamic...
  14. Grey Havoc

    Lullingstone Airport

    View: Some background on decoy airfields:
  15. VictorXL188

    Bristol Type 112

    Hi I don't know if anyone will be able to help me, but I live in hope. For Specification F.29/27, the Westland COW Gun Fighter and the Vickers Type 161 are well documented in both text and pictorial form. However the third entrant to the specification, the Bristol Type 112 seems to be bereft of...
  16. R

    WI more Canberra's replaced by Valiants?

    In 1960 some 64 Canberra B2 & B6 in 4 sqns based in Britain and assigned to SACEUR were replaced by 24 Valiants in 3 sqns. Despite the significant decrease in numbers this was considered a net benefit because of the Valiant's all weather capabilities. By 1964 the RAF still had 9 sqns of Canberra...
  17. R

    WI 'Dogfight' Red Top and/or Matra R530?

    In response to the demands of the Vietnam War RoE forcing 'dogfights' the US developed the AIM9E version of the Sidewinder and the AIM7E-2 version of the Sparrow, while the AIM9D had started production in 1965. WI if the British and/or French found themselves in a similar situation as the US in...
  18. Dronescapes

    Rare (mostly unseen) footage of Power Jets, the Miles M.52, and other projects

    Rare footage filmed by Frank Whittle's friend in color. It is a short story about Power Jets, but it also contains a lot of interesting footage, some never published before, including some footage of early testing of the Miles M.52. The video includes never published before bits of Frank...
  19. L

    Harrier Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor

    The British B.A.E. Kingston P1214-3 Xwing Fighter Interceptor is the only aircraftdesign that was really an X-Wing version. It was designed by Hawker Design Team at Kingston in the late 70's for RAF as Advanced-Short-Tak-Off / Vertical Landing Fighter.. The aircraft had 3 adjustable thrusters...
  20. Z

    Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC - Mr SHAR RIP.

    Sad to hear Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC has done one last transition. Only met him once during a close session briefing in approx. 84. He owned the audience, we were just in awe, the energy in the room...
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