great britain

  1. hesham

    UK Old RPV and Target Drones

    Hi, in the book,Teach for the Sky,the company Air Service Training designed C.4 as a target drone,is there any more Info and drawing to it ?.
  2. robinbird

    V2 mystery

    Does anyone know the history of this particular captured V2, which I believe was at RAF Beaulieu (Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment) at the end of the war. My late father took the photograph as the AFEE photographer but that is all that I know.
  3. Grey Havoc

    Lancaster Mk VII NX611 'Just Jane'
  4. Grey Havoc

    Royal Enfield military projects

    To start this thread off, a 2020 Top Gear story on the development of the Royal Enfield Model RE airborne forces motorcycle, better known as the Flying Flea: (You will notice a few, mostly minor errors in the article.)
  5. B

    Aerolite Spitfire

    Any info or thoughts on the Aeorlite Spitfire, which was an attempt to build a Spitfire fuselage out of Aerolite, which was resin impregnated fiber that was a predecessor to carbon fiber/carbon fiber reinforced plastic. It wasn't mass produced, but was done to see if it could be done if there...
  6. hesham

    Avro 721 as Air-Borne Aircraft

    From, Project Cancelled,by Derek Wood.
  7. Flyaway

    Buccaneers of the high frontier: Program 989 SIGINT satellites from the ABM hunt to the Falklands War to the space shuttle
  8. Grey Havoc

    British Broadcasting Company

    A day late, but better late than never. Via Slashdot:
  9. P

    Chieftain AVRE with demolition gun.

    I've read that the Chieftain was supposed to have a demolition gun on its AVRE variant before it was cancelled. Does anyone know where I could find design drawings/models of this?
  10. hesham

    ID this Model

    Hi, what was this Model ?.
  11. X

    British/French WW2-era 0.5in Aircraft Machine Guns.

    It has always been a subject of some controversy as to why the British stuck with the rather paltry 0.303in calibre for aircraft machine guns. To address this Both BSA and ROLLS-ROYCE developed a 0.5in calibre AMG, the latter apparently quite successful (though strangely, never adopted) and the...
  12. B

    Supermarine 312 cannon fighter?

    I've seen a few references to a Supermarine early World War II project called the Type 312. From what I've read, it was a derivative of the Spitfire but with standard cannon armament and a ventral radiator instead of the Spitfire's underwing radiators. Does any photos or plans or other details...
  13. hesham

    Hawker P.1054 for F43/46 Competition

    Hi, for this contest,the tenders were; Gloster P.234,P.248 & P.250, Hawker P.1054 and Supermarine Type 508.
  14. B

    Supermarine Spiteful Merlin?

    Hi. I got the itch to look back into World War II era aircraft again. I do have a question or two about the Supermarine Spiteful. I did look for a thread where I might have asked about this topic. However, the probable best fit is nearly a decade old, and I don't know if necroposting is...
  15. Hood

    Chinese Type 343M Corvette

    In 1990 Racal Marine teamed up with the China Shipbuilding Trading Company to offer a modernised Type 037 Hainan-class hull as a corvette with Racal radars (obviously!), European guns and A/S torpedoes and Chinese C-801 SSMs. There were no takers.
  16. Grey Havoc

    Morris Commercial-Roadless Half-Tracks in the British Army View: According to the Imperial War Museum, via Wikimedia Commons, the image...
  17. Grey Havoc

    Rock Mortars

    View: From the comments thread: By any chance does anybody have pictures of this, or other attempts to weaponise the rock cannon concept?
  18. Grey Havoc

    Ardeer Recoilless Projector series (Great Britain, WWII)

    Aka, the Ardeer Aggie. View:
  19. Forest Green

    Meteor Missile: Origins, Development and News

    Nice origin story for the Meteor missile.
  20. S

    Tom Clancy’s Red Storm Rising animated chapters by FIXEDIT

    These are well worth a look. I wonder what FIXEDIT could do with a bigger budget! View: View: View: View:
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