cold war

  1. R

    Projects of artillery pieces 1919-1990

    I'll start the topic with an experienced Finnish infantry gun 76 PK 27/38 1943-1944.
  2. B

    Proposed Argentine replacements for the Mauser mod. 1909 7,65 mm

    In 1953, the Argentine army evidenced a requirement for a rifles that would replace its Mauser mod. 1909-Hence DGFM built prototypes of the M1 Garand, the STG 43 and the Johnson rifle (the latter at the IAME) F Eventually, the FAL was selected in 1955, and license production began in 1959
  3. B

    Argentine Crusader SPGs

    In the immediate postwar years, the Argentine Army acquired 130 Crusader tractor Mk.2 chassis, which were converted into SPGs. There were 3 versions: one which mounted a Krupp 75mm L.30 75 mm cannon, one fitted with a Schneider 105 mm L.19,6 howitzer, and the 3rd. with a Bofors 75mm L.40 mod...
  4. uk 75

    Invasion USA 1952

    Found this old American film from 1952 which has some good stock footage of early 50s combat aircraft ranging from B29s and B36 to a model Mig 15. View: Typical anti Commie era film but full of period flavour.
  5. I

    MX Missile (Peacekeeper/ LGM-118) Transporter Emplacer (TE) Fate?

    Does anyone know the final disposition of the Terex MX Transporter Emplacer (TE)? This vehicle was designed to support MX deployment in a system of multiple protective shelters linked by above ground roads, the so-called "Racetrack" proposal. In 1979, President Carter announced that 200 MX...
  6. Dilandu

    MIM-72 Chaparral with head-on engagement capability

    The major disadvantage of the MIM-72 Chaparral (initially) was its inability to engage jet aircraft head-on. The AIM-9D "Sidewinder", on which its missiles were based, could not lock on target from this aspect. While it wasn't a major disadvantage for a AAM, it was a big hindrance for SAM, since...
  7. CJGibson

    Whisky Galore

    I was in Kew and while rummaging in some tanker files (yes, yes, I know, it's getting to be a problem. I need a hobby) I found a reference to 28 cases of New Zealand whisky being flown to Ascension on a VC10 (that strengthened floor was good for something after all) or a Herk. This had been...
  8. gollevainen

    Finnish Turunmaa class Export proposals

    Althought intrestingly unique vessels and pride of our naval building capacities, the Turunmaa class Gunboat (or corvette in more international sense) never attracted any foreing sales, as didn't anything else we tried to market. Some proposals do have appeared, mostly just with different...
  9. gollevainen

    Danish Niels Juel Class Preliminary Designs

    As sweeping trough my archives, in denmark folder i came across this Korvet 1972... of which I also have no recollection of where I might have found it and how accurate or "official" presentation it might be:
  10. Graham1973

    Numbers Stations

    A YouTube series covering 'Numbers Stations' quasi-mysterious shortwave stations, which are widely suspected to be used by various intelligence agencies to contact agents in the field. This series is covering the stations one at a time. When they were more common (In the 1970 - 2000s) time...
  11. R

    Dutch 20th Century designs

    A few years ago when researching the photo archive of Kon. Mij. De Schelde succeeded by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding I traced the next dia's, probably part of a lecture although without technical details
  12. Hood

    1987 Netherlands LST

    In 1987 the Royal Netherlands Navy began studying an 8,000 ton LST for the 1993-97 construction programme which would have the capacity to carry 600 Marines. This pre-dates the LSD effort which began in 1990 which resulted in the Rotterdam-class. These have a capacity for 600 troops but offer...
  13. uk 75

    Lists of Unbuilt Royal Navy and British Export Ships

    One of my continuing interests and a strength of this site is information about Royal Navy ships that never left the drawing board. Recently.not so much has been published about these designs so I thought I would start this thread. Many projects have there own threads and are well known to...
  14. Forest Green

    Top-Secret Soviet Black Projects

    Found this, probably a few you have heard of and a few you haven't. View:
  15. C

    I-70: Interceptor Version of the XB-70 Valkyrie?

    In the January 16, 2020 article "Triplesonic Interceptors: The F-103, F-108, and YF-12A", Tony R. Landis of the Air Force Material Command History Office briefly mentioned an "I-70" interceptor version of the North American Aviation XB-70 Valkyrie. According to Landis (2020), the "I-70" was...
  16. bercr

    RIP Bernard CHABBERT

    Well-known French journalist, author, pilot, THE voice of aerial meetings in France (La Ferté-Alais air show, Salon du Bourget air show, Paris Villaroche Air Legend and so on). He was 78 y.o.
  17. Mike Pryce

    Ralph Hooper RIP

    I've just heard that Harrier and P1216 designer Ralph Hooper passed away yesterday. He was 96, and in my view, Britain's greatest ever aircraft designer. Ralph explained his achievements modestly but clearly to the many who asked. Glad we asked him to do so for a video a few years back...
  18. B

    RIP Mikhail Maslov

    On December 8, 2022, at the age of 68, Soviet / Russian aviation historian Mikhail Alexandrovich Maslov passed away.
  19. Flyaway

    Apollo 17 50th Anniversary

    New video from NASA to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the mission. View:
  20. M

    Hughes Tool Co. Aircraft Division Engineer Opportunities

    Good Day All - From the collection of the late Mike Burke "The Artist", this is a engineer opportunities brochure with artwork that may be of interest. Guessing mid-'60s as the OH-6A first flew in 1963. Enjoy the Day! Mark
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