cold war ii

  1. Regio Ammiraglio

    IMBT and A2CS: the future of the Italian army.

    Hello and good day to everyone. This thread was created in order to gain info about the new Italian army MBT and IFV projects currently in development. Background: Since 2023, Italy started to look for new solutions for modernize it's armored compartments. The program aim to acquire two type...
  2. Michel Van

    Sidereus SSTO micro sat launcher

    Siderius is a Italian company that works on Micro sat launcher that brings 10~13 kg payload into orbit design as reusable single stage to orbit rocket using Kerolox engines View: source
  3. Forest Green

    RAF AEW&C - E-7A Wedgetail

  4. Forest Green

    Cannon Based Air Defence

    View: Appears to be using XM913, 50mmx228mm
  5. M

    MBDA's new MANPAD.

  6. Forest Green

    US Secret Service looking for new Sniper Rifles
  7. overscan (PaulMM)

    Crowdstrike causes world-wide IT outages

    So, our new security manager was talking about bringing in Crowdstrike where I work. Hopefully this idea will now be kiboshed after Crowdstrike deployed an update which 1) made Windows servers and desktops crash 2) rendered Windows servers and desktops unable to boot The only fix is to boot...
  8. Moose

    Norwegian AAW/ASW Frigate 20XX

    The Norwegian Navy seems to be circling in on a few options for their new multirole frigates to replace the Nansen class. View:
  9. southwestforests

    NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon

    Hey Y'all; just saw this, NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon News By Samantha Mathewson published 18 July 2024 With crewed Artemis launches on the horizon, NASA is searching for sustainable solutions for waste management during long-term missions on the moon...
  10. Forest Green

    Chinese Submarine News
  11. uk 75

    UK Air Defence

    Nothing in military history has given the RAF such a hold on the public imagination as the gallant Spitfire and Hurricane pilots of the Battle of Britain. Sadly in the postwar nuclear world their successors have only been tasked with wartime defence of key military infrastructure in the UK. It...
  12. Forest Green

    Strange Korean DMZ activity

    Planting or removing?
  13. Grey Havoc

    MH17 passengers’ relatives mark 10 years since plane was shot down over Ukraine, killing 298 (CNN)
  14. Grey Havoc

    European Long-Range Strike Approach

  15. Moose

    ICE Pact

    The US, Canada, and Finland have announced a new Icebreaker Collaboration Effort pact to pool their combined technical and industrial capabilities on Icebreaker design and construction. View: Bollinger, which is...
  16. GTX

    Minuteman ICBM

  17. archipeppe

    Italian Carrier Strike Group in Indo-Pacific Theatre

    Currently, the Italian Carrier Strike Group "Gruppo Navale 31" after a short stop in Singapore is participating to the "Pitch Black" exercise with the Australian Navy. The CSG 31 is composed by the aircraft carirer (and flagship) ITS Count of Cavour and by the FREMM Alpino, the Cavour has a...
  18. Grey Havoc

    Alliance of Sahel States View:
  19. Forest Green

    Italy seizes Chinese military drones heading to Libya

    China playing a stupid game. We can always give them drone problems from their neighbours too. This has classic...
  20. HyFonic

    DARPA / Northrop Grumman XRQ-73 Series Hybrid Electric Propulsion AiRcraft Demonstration (SHEPARD)

    Always a good day when there's a new X-plane.
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