cold war ii

  1. L

    M270 MLRS and M142 HIMARS Developments
  2. L


    Have you ever heard of this company? It would be interesting if this new fuel were applied to missiles such as AIM 9, AIM 120, Patriot, Thaad, GLMRS er, PRSM, LRHW and ramjet artillery shells.
  3. Mr London 24/7

    ‘Mad Max’ (US/RUS) Road Wars in Syria

    Only noticed these recently, ‘Mad Max’ style road wars have broken out in the last few months between US and Russian forces in Syria. Pretty harmless so far, bumping these massive armoured vehicles against one another. I’m sure others here will also find them interesting and (with a proper...
  4. Deltafan

    Eastern Mediterranean

    Well, In the midst of the events occurring from Syria to Libya, it seems that tensions are growing dangerously in the area of Cyprus ... among other articles :
  5. Grey Havoc

    USAF OC-135Bs to be retired without replacement?

    Well, unless Biden gets into the Oval Office that is.
  6. Sineva

    Pantsir gets new sams

    New sams for the latest version of the Pantsir. I`m not sure whether these are something like Starstreak,ie a pantsir booster stage with 4 guided darts or whether these are actual individual mini-sams with their own separate propulsion and guidance. Its obvious that they had to come up with...
  7. Apophenia

    Chinese VN50 Heavy IFV Project?

    Under the Chinese tank designations thread, I've mentioned the VN50 project: The thing is, I don't even known for sure that this was a real project. For the record, the VN50 was reputed to be a heavy IFV...
  8. S

    Leopard 2 Tank Developments

    Hello, Do we have any info on these 2 tank? Maybe I don't know were to look but I can't find that much information on them: for those who are interested in the model :
  9. F

    European Railgun

    Budget is a whopping 1.5 million Euro so I'm not sure where they are going with this. The picture accompanying the article even has a Zumwalt type ship firing the railgun. I guess for 1.5 million Euro you don't want to waste money on artwork...
  10. C


    Fincantieri win the USN competition for the new frigate, 7,400t ship, HED propulsion, 16/17 knots cruise, 6,000 nm range ship, the GD/Navantia F100/Hobart variant, the Austal Independence LCS variant and unknown Ingalls design, they never released any info, lost out. USN budgeting $1,281...
  11. VTOLicious

    US Army Future Tactical UAS (FTUAS)

    In the spring of 2019, the Army awarded a contract to four industry partners to provide non-developmental tactical systems, also known as "off the shelf" technology. The Army will provide the tactical UAS to units so Soldiers in U.S. Army Forces Command can evaluate the system under field...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Royal Navy XLUUV program (Manta-class drone submarine)
  13. Grey Havoc

    Russian Space Program
  14. G

    Patrol icebreakers project 23550.

    Photo of Ivan Papanin, first ship of the class. 27 November 2019 was laid down first serial (second in construction) patrol icebreaker Nikolai Zubov of project 23550. Intended for patrolling in all climatic zones, including tropical and arctic waters, it, having displacement of 9000 tonnes, has...
  15. R

    Astute submarine

    I have tried to research but can't find relevant information anywhere, does anyone know why the Astute class have very strange nose shape? Astute: Normal submarine
  16. Flyaway

    Sukhoi SU-34 travelling along a highway

    Not sure you’d see many western aircraft transported like this.
  17. Forest Green

    Electronic Warfare
  18. GTX

    Australian Army Land 400 Ph3 Competition.

    This is the Australian Army approximately $10-15 billion project to replace the ageing M113 APCs, with an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) and APC. Up until yesterday, there were 4 contenders: Rheinmetall's Lynx KF41 BAE Systems CV90 MkIV IFV Hanwha Defense Systems AS21 Redback General...
  19. sferrin

    Small UAS / Drones and related general thread - NOT Swarming ones.
  20. sferrin

    USN Large Surface Combatant - Delayed
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