cold war ii

  1. Y

    Beeper as a Weapon

    Most odd attack happened today in Lebanon. There are reports on exploding beepers throughout Lebanon allegedly targeting Hezbollah members.
  2. C

    Japan to build worlds largest coast guard vessel Well a coast gard cutter arms race wasn't on my bingo card but here we are. To put this in perspective the current largest coast gard vessel is the Zhaotou-class patrol cutter at...
  3. Grey Havoc

    23rd Anniversary of 9/11 View:
  4. W

    RTX (Raytheon) fined $200m for 750 technical document leaks to China and Russia

    RTX has come forward and voluntarily admitted 750 violations of ITAR pertaining to leaks of military information between August 2017 and September 2023. This includes the VC-25 (Air Force One), F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II and the B-2 Spirit stealth, B-1B Lancer and the F/A-18, F-15 and F-16...
  5. Michel Van

    Lumen Orbit - Data Centers in Space

    The company Lumen Orbit want to put Data servers, to use the abundant solar energy, cooling, and the ability to freely scale up in space. launch of Prototype hardware is set for may 2025 launch of first micro data center in 2026 once Starship goes into commercial service they build the 5GW Data...
  6. P

    EF88 commercial variant could bump up civilian familiarity, says industry expert

    Ok, WTF? is all I can say about this brain fart of an idea! Is Australian Defence really so desperate for enticing recruits for it's headlong war against China to come up with such a pathetic metaphoric carrot, and is Thales so desperate for sales of their product? Seriously, the last thing the...
  7. Forest Green

    US Air Force Space Assets
  8. M

    Long-range surveillance and target tracking balloons/blimps (JLENS, etc)

    Some interesting news regarding systems similar to JLENS (and other options) 7 years after the...
  9. C

    Military satellite constellations

    Seems like we could use a more general thread for these military focused constellations. To start off, how many satellites do you think would be need for a "full" constellation. For example the us is looking to build up a hypersonic tracking constellation and that has a minimum size of 1258...
  10. Forest Green

    China Launches Its Most Sophisticated Submarine to Date
  11. TinWing

    Korean Export Submarines This HDS-2300 is apparently a joint marketing effort with Babcock. Oddly enough, Babcock provides the weapons handling system. Not sure if that means it’s a British system? Specs: 2,300 tons...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer / Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE / NEOWISE) Incidentally, there is a comet named in honor of it:
  13. Grey Havoc

    Lunar Celestial Reference System / Lunar Coordinate Time
  14. Grey Havoc

    In-Orbit Refueling Technology for unprepared and prepared satellites (INORT)
  15. Y

    Portable Drone Detectors

    Commercial drones can be easily weaponized. A Russian company makes portable drone detectors called Bulat. These units apparently scan the known frequencies in UHF and analyze the waveforms used by commercial drones, including the FPV ones, and warn the user about their transmissions in...
  16. W

    Sukhoi S-71 Remote Carrier "UAV" Sukhoi has received approval from the Russian Defense Ministry to begin producing the S-71 air-launched UAV, which has undergone significant design changes based on lessons from the...
  17. E

    Figure 02 Robot

    What? No pulse plasma rifle? And it walks funny. View:
  18. A

    Lockheed Extensible Launching System

    I tried searching, but wasn't able to find out if this was discussed before. And if this topic is in the wrong forum, could it be moved to the correct one, please? Anyway, I'm curious about Lockheed's Extensible Launching System for the Mk.41 VLS. Extensible Launching System What caught my eye...
  19. Forest Green

    China's Blimp Hangars
  20. Regio Ammiraglio

    IMBT and A2CS: the future of the Italian army.

    Hello and good day to everyone. This thread was created in order to gain info about the new Italian army MBT and IFV projects currently in development. Background: Since 2023, Italy started to look for new solutions for modernize it's armored compartments. The program aim to acquire two type...
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