cold war ii

  1. Orionblamblam

    UK Limited Nuclear War Target List

    If things get more interesting, what targets in the UK might Putin nuke? An interesting video, and some backup data: UK Limited Nuclear War Target List View:
  2. Grey Havoc

    Blackouts in the British Isles

    A little bit of background on the Irish situation first: As things stand this week...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Multi-Role Ocean Survey Ships (Royal Navy, 2020s)
  4. Grey Havoc

    Lambda Automata 'Outpost' autonomous surveillance tower system

    ORIGINAL CAPTION: "Outpost" uses artificial intelligence for geo-locating, classifying and tracking a wide-range of threats, according to manufacturer Lambda Automata. (Lambda Automata photo)...
  5. Z

    Should Australia get The Bomb?

    In the title and best kept as theory. But at least worth exploring this. Certainly we have a AH history option which above all shows Australia doesn't lack the theoretical capacity to achieve this. But in terms of operations, it would seem best for them to either build silos or road train...
  6. GTX

    Chinese Airship

    Not a journalist I place a lot of credence with so take with pinch of salt: Satellite photos reveal colossal airship hangar in Chinese desert Keen to know if other sources on this.
  7. uk 75

    Australian Nuclear Weapons

    Anyone interested in Australian attitudes to getting nuclear weapons should start with this thread that explains how difficult it is and the US role. The UK experience with the US would be similar for Australia.
  8. Grey Havoc

    Europe Braces For Mobile Network Blackouts (Reuters)

    Via Slashdot: Things may be even worse than they think, there are a fair few computer systems that rely at least in part on mobile phone networks, not to mention reliance on...
  9. Grey Havoc

    United States to recognise Niue and Cook Islands as sovereign states This is liable to severely annoy (at best) both London and Wellington.
  10. Grey Havoc

    Project 10570 nuclear powered multipurpose icebreaking vessel

  11. Grey Havoc

    JGSDF Infantry Combat Vehicle ICV / Mortar Mobile Combat Vehicle MMCV programs

    Some quick background on this, in particular the ICV, via an old post in another thread (note that the info on the Type 16 MCV procurement & deployment may be out of date, there seems to be still some momentum within the MOD/JGSDF on replacing proper tanks on active duty with MCVs according to...
  12. M

    Ukranian Naval Drones

    Good Day All - Interesting story/image posted that implies the Ukranians are using naval drones: Any ideas on where the design is from...
  13. hagaricus

    Anatoly Gerashchenko In the news for fatally falling down stairs. Other than being Rector of the Moscow Aviation Institute, I can't seem to find anything on who he was or what was his significance. I see his name...
  14. C

    Ada (MILGEM) Class Corvette

    According to information published by Военный Осведомитель on September 19, 2022, new pictures have been released of the Turkish-built Ada (MILGEM) corvette Hetman Ivan Mazepa (F-211) under construction for the Ukrainian Navy at the RMK Marine shipyard in Istanbul. The Ada class is a class of...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Södermanland-class submarine upgrade program (2022) HSwMS Östergötland isn't mentioned in the article, but presumably it will receive the same upgrade as HSwMS Södermanland in due course.
  16. Michel Van

    ArianeGroup SUSIE (Smart Upper Stage for Innovative Exploration) concept

    or Smart Upper Stage for Innovative Exploration, The human/cargo transport capsule imagined for Ariane6 ! Presented on IAC2022 in Paris Unclear if European ministers council will approve this proposal.... It land vertical
  17. Flyaway

    Space Rider

    I bet some thought this project was dead. View: Also this from a little while back: View:
  18. uk 75

    CVR(T) Spartan in Ukrainian service

    Youtube footage of some of Ukraine's 35 British Spartan carriers in the field
  19. sublight_

    Some very strange, possible ISR platforms observed over Ukraine
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