alternate history

  1. uk 75

    Replacing the Canberra

    Surprisingly we have not had a thread devoted to how the RAF should have replaced its Canberras? The Canberra was such a success that it was even bought by the USAF as the Martin B57. With the benefit of hindsight it ought to have been simple. The Buccaneer S2 did the job for a while with 2 RAF...
  2. Foo Fighter


    G'day folks, consider this. The TSR2 goes into service and later requires a SLEP, what engines are avaulable and could a big wing be fitted/would it be an improvement?
  3. uk 75

    1968 revisited

    The year 1968 will always be remembered for its upheavels. But it also saw Nixon elected in the USA and the Breshnev doctrine crush new thinking in Eastern Europe. Alternative departures from real history in 1968 could go either way. The toymaker Marx went so far as to make a President Hubert...
  4. helmutkohl

    What if the Sino-Soviet split did not occur

    What if the Sino-Soviet split did not occur? Basically there were ideological differences between Mao and Khruschev, which led to the split. Lets say in this scenario, both sides were a bit more flexible about the interpretation of Communism and agreed to some how respect each others...
  5. helmutkohl

    What if Germany went through with VTOL aircraft?

    Germany was experimenting with various VTOL aircraft during the cold war in the end they didn't go for any of them. in this alternate scenario.. what if Germany did order some into production? 1. Which design would be the most likely to lead to operation? they had the VAK 191, DO 31 (this...
  6. uk 75

    RAF Fighter Command after 1957

    The thread about the V Force has shown how brilliant some of the researchers here are at providing us with material unique to this site. So as we are still a bit limited in where and what we can do this Summer, I am adding the subject which has cropped up in many other threads: RAF Fighter...
  7. uk 75

    Alt Postwar Soviet Navy

    I am delighted that others are already making good use of the Alt 60s US Navy thread. It probably needs a balancing thread to cover the Soviet Navy, which for both the USN and the RN was "the enemy fleet in being". After the fifties scare surrounding the Swerdlow class cruisers, the nuclear...
  8. uk 75

    Alt 60s US Navy

    The Royal Navy in the 1960s has been the place for many alternative history threads helped by the excellent books on the subject and the enthusiasm of Brits like me for CVA01 and co. The US Navy offers even more scope for programmes that could have been. Some thoughts to kick things off...
  9. helmutkohl

    What if the US Navy chose the Vought designs V-1600/1602

    Vought took General Dynamics design and offered the V-1600, 1601 and 1602 McDonnel Douglas took Northrops design and transformed the YF-17 to what would become the F-18 and won However in this scenario, lets say one of Vought's design won. At that time Sec Def, Schlesinger was heavily pushing...
  10. helmutkohl

    What if Iran never had a revolution?

    What if the Iranian revolution never succeeded.. either changes were made that prevented it from occurring, or that it occurred but failed. How would it affect US relations with Iran? Would they still continue to import US weapons? Iran relations with other Mid-East countries? would there...
  11. R

    What if Italy went communist after World War 2?

    What if the northern, industrialized part of Italy remained under communist control after World War 2? What if Italian trade unionists developed a unique, ITALIAN form of communism? ... more like Yugoslavia? ... with few Moscow trained communists?
  12. uk 75

    HMS Vanguard

    The Triang company produced a range of waterline model ships in 1/200 scale in the early 1960s and briefly again in the 1970s. Star of the Royal Navy models in the range was HMS Vanguard. Rather like Vanguard there were also models of the other recently scrapped big ships, the cruisers HMS...
  13. Hood

    What If, Japanese Post-War Military Exports

    I don't usually post what-if scenarios but we've had a few what-ifs for smaller nations like Italy etc. So I was thinking the other day, what if Japan had been able to constitutionally export weapons in the post-war period? General Hackett in his The Third World War has Japan by the 1970s...
  14. Dilandu

    Zeppelins raid America, 1918

    In 1918, German Empire actually considered the possibility of zeppelin's raid against United States. Technically, it was possible. The L-59 (LZ-104) )Africa expedition demonstrated the impressive endurance of big airships; zeppelin stayed in air for 95 hours, traveling about 6800 km, and after...
  15. helmutkohl

    What if, France never left the Eurofighter consortium

    So we know some time in the early 80s, France split with the UK, West Germany, Italy and Spain, and developed the ACX into the Rafale, and the others made the Typhoon. the disagreement stemmed from a carrier variant. What if in this scenario, France never left and somehow the five of them...
  16. uk 75

    A world without the NPT

    Back in the 1960s it was feared that by the 1970s up to 30 States would acquire nuclear weapons. The 1968 Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is rightly regarded as having helped avoid this happening. Britain and...
  17. helmutkohl

    Whatif, Viggen sale to India was approved

    In the 70s, India worked hard to acquire the Viggen, which was ultimately blocked by the US, due to distrust of India's relations with the USSR. In the end India went with the UK-French SPACECAT Jaguar. Lets say in this alternative history, the US did not block the sale, and it went through...
  18. helmutkohl

    Alt Vietnam

    In this scenario the Vietnam War follows the same path as the Korean war, and after years of intense fighting the two sides agree to a long term cease fire (but no peace deal, like the Koreas). splitting the two countries along the 17th parallel How would this change - the aircraft composition...
  19. Z

    Alt Sweden

    So in the same vein as others....what if Sweden turned more of it's projects into reality and which would they be? The big one has to be a Swedish Nuclear Weapons program... Presumably with A36 Strike Aircraft. Would this have a ballistic missile companion? Such Nuclear production could make...
  20. helmutkohl

    What if, Grumman went with a fixed wing for the Tomcat

    One of the designs for the Tomcat replaced the swing wings with a fixed wing. Such as the 303F What if, in this alternate history.. Grumman decided to go with a fixed wing instead of a swing wing. Then the question becomes How would its performance characteristics be like with a fixed wing...
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