alternate history

  1. Grey Havoc

    Clive Cussler

    Meant to post this back in February. Rest In Peace :(
  2. Grey Havoc

    Tales from the Loop
  3. A

    VSS - VSTOL Support Ship - exotic air group

    Zumwalt forgotten offspring - smaller Sea Control Ship and much larger CVV are far well known. Whatif VSS happened to be the right size and cost -...
  4. uk 75

    Falklands 1983

    It is one of the great what-ifs of recent history, what would have happened if Argentina had waited until John Nott's defence cuts had been implemented and invaded the Falklands in March 1983? With only Illustrious working up and Ark Royal still under construction, the Royal Navy had sold...
  5. Z

    NIGS evolutions

    Scenario to develop NIGS instead of cancellation. Option 1. continue as is. Option 1a. Separation of Tracking and Search sets, as per SCANFAR. 1-a-1 NIGS missile becomes similar to scaled up Sea Dart based on RP.21 a 20" diamter ramjet boosted by 24" booster. This would use polyrod...
  6. B

    An alternate F-11 Tiger

    Hi all! Edited to neaten up some things. Simple POD: Some bright engineer at Grumman notices that aircraft designed to fit two abreast in a 58 foot wide hangar won't fit 2 abreast in their allies 52 wide hangars. Management concurs and also observes that having more than one customer is good...
  7. A

    Whatif: Breguet compete with Dassault (1955 - 1970)

    Louis Breguet died in 1955, unfortunately, and the company was finally eaten by Dassault in the late 60's. They nonetheless gave a lot of worries to Dassault when they won ECAT in 1963, later known as the Jaguar. Because, you see, by the late 50's Dassault had managed to crush any opposition on...
  8. uk 75

    Craziest idea for a military vehicle

    As a kid in the 60s I remember being fascinated by the guest vehicle in the second THUNDERBIRDS episode Pit of Peril The walking US army vehicle also appeared in annuals and TV21 comic and a porcelain replica appeared a few years back. Watching the video again it would make David A furious but...
  9. uk 75

    Fictional future Britains

    Re-reading old comic strips like Dan Dare and TV21 I am struck by the absence of a Royal Family in their future Britain. In Dan Dare we are never told there is no monarch but names of various organisations and images of London suggest there is not one. Alan Fennell in TV21 is more specific...
  10. Rhinocrates

    For All Mankind - Apple TV Series

    Apple has released the first three episodes of For All Mankind, an alternate history TV series. Ron Moore, of Battlestar Galactica, is running it. The premise is that the Soviets were lucky with the N-1 and the first man on the moon was Alexei Leonov. As a result, the space race continues...
  11. Michel Van

    Aircraft development in the world were Germany won WW1.

    I working on Timeline were Germany win WW1 How would affect this Aircraft development ? Some Background Information on what is Different in this Timeline USA remain neutral in WW1 except they went almost armed conflict with Great Britain do Sea Blockade USSR establish in 1917 with June...
  12. uk 75

    The Hound Dog for NATO

    This one is not really feasible but it does produce some interesting models or artwork. The USAF had its Hound Dogs in service from the Cuban Missile Crisis well into the 70s. If politics and other considerations had not got in the way, permutations of NATO Hound might have served on the...
  13. A

    Anglo-French RR Spey timeline

    Somewhere in an alternate universe, in 1959 SNECMA picked RR RB.142 Medway for the Mirage IVB (in place of selling their soul to P&W to get J75s) and even if this one was later canned, RR and SNECMA stayed in touch. Concorde's Olympus in 1962 happened as per OTL. In 1963 SNECMA OTL TF-306...
  14. uk 75

    Postwar British missile procurement

    We have covered individual projects and the infamous Sandys 1957 White Paper in some depth but I wanted to draw together what we have learnt with some open questions: Which missile projects across the board: Malkara to Blue Streak would you bin or save? Which Foreign systems would you have...
  15. uk 75

    The Fireball XL ship that never was....

    Those of us who grew up in the 1960s with the TV21 comic derived from the various Gerry Anderson TV shows remember the weird and wonderful machines featured. After my BAOC Fireflash I decided to revisit Fireball XL5. In the TV21 summer special of 1966 there was a brief glimpse of a possible...
  16. uk 75

    The Gerry Anderson Fireflash that never was

    In the very first Thnunderbirds Episode "Trapped in the Sky" the London Airport building features the letters BAOC (based on the British Airways predecessor BOAC) as a rival to the Air Terrainean company who flew the Fireflash. As a BOAC fan I always hoped to see the BAOC version. So 50 years...
  17. Graham1973

    "T-94" Soviet Tank

    I found this in a 1990s 'Yellow Peril (Japan)' techno-thriller called 'The War in 2020' (1991), the book ends with a note indicating that the writing of it was finished in April of 1990. It features this tank which I am guessing was based on the reports of these tanks in the west. Here are the...
  18. Z

    F.155T the last minute submissions

    During the process of evaluation of the proposals to F.155T, De Havilland wanted to make a alternative last minute submission, and Saro was strictly prohibited from this. Yet what if the board had instead allowed all the firms submitting, the chance of a last minute submission? We know Saro...
  19. Lascaris

    AFVG prospects with roles reversed

    As discussed all too many times, in real life Dassault was not entirely happy with participation in the AFVG program, with British design leadership for the airframe. This would lead to Dassault putting forward its own alternative designs and in the end contribute to the French abandoning the...
  20. C

    Rule Britannia.

    I love very much the delightful novel "The two Georges" in which American revolution (and French revolution) never happened,and in a 1995 in many respects very similiar to 1935, British Empire reigns over great part of the world. My question is which can be the more plausible alternate timeline...
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