
  1. Spook

    AWG-9/AIM-54 Phoenix for P-3F ??!

    Hello, Recently i found out a PDF file regarding Military sells of US to Iran before the revolution. The part of the text mentions that Shah was curious to know whether is it possible to equip the P-3Fs and Helicopters to AWG-9 and ultimately AIM-54 Phoenix missile. According to...
  2. N

    Mauve-camouflaged JASDF fighters during seventies

    Hi all: one of the worst problem getting older is memory. Probably I said that before but... I don't remember... During the Seventies I saw a publication (perhaps a Japanes "AiReview" or "Koku-Fan" but could be also an European one) dealing with Japanese Self-Defense Air Force fighters with...
  3. Grey Havoc

    AIRLAND BATTLE 2000 (1982)

  4. hesham

    NASA Oblique-Wing Missiles Launcher Aircraft

    From "A Summary Of A Half-Century of Oblique Wing Research" by Mike Hirschberg, David M. Hart and Thomas J. Beutner
  5. T

    45mm CTA

    This gun was presented in 1992. The ammunition could have the same performances as the 45mm comvat: 1.095kg HE shell with a muzzle velocity of 1100ms. Rate of fire is 400spm.
  6. Jemiba

    Dornier WIG Projects

    Triggered by the Lippisch developments, that were tested with the X-113 on Lake Constance, Dornier started research in that field during the 1970s, too, called "Stauflügelgerät" (. One project for a commercial transport was the P.477 for up to 27 passengers. Another one, designation unknown...
  7. Grey Havoc


    This was a US Coastguard project from around the early '70's: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/755767.pdf
  8. robunos

    The 'AB.123' project designation system...

    I've done a search. and I'm surprised that there's no thread for this... Following the partial replacement, in 1959, of the British Ministry of Supply by the Ministry of Aviation, the iconic 'Rainbow Code' system for projects was also replaced, by a new system of two letters, and three numbers...
  9. P

    Advanced Fighter Aircraft Study – Avenging Falcons (AVFFX)

    Once again a question derived from “The Pentagon Paradox. The development of the F-18 Hornet” by James Perry Stevenson (ISBN 1557507759), Shrewsbury, 1993 'In Col. Everest E. Riccioni, USAF brief on his “Falcon Brief”, which had acquired the title, “Advanced Fighter Aircraft Study – Avenging...
  10. T

    An alternative Royal Navy for the 1970s

    I produced this scenario a while back, and am posting a link to it here for the ideas to be kicked around: http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk/Alternative%20RN.htm
  11. Stargazer

    Lockheed MQM-105A « Aquila » (RPV-STD program)

    I really thought we already had a topic on this one, but after several unfruitful search attempts I guess I must have been wrong. Useful sources: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a263514.pdf http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a068345.pdf...
  12. Triton

    Boeing Solar Power Satellite

  13. Triton

    Lockheed TerraStar

    http://s3.e-monsite.com/2010/12/31/38909267terrastar-marginal-amphibian-of-lockheed-pdf.pdf Source: http://www.offroadvehicle.ru/AZBUCAR/Lockheed/Lockheed%20txt.html http://www.amphibiousvehicle.net/amphi/Lb_Lz.html...
  14. JFC Fuller

    Type 42 Batch 1 Hull Cut

    I am trying to get to the truth behind the story about the Type 42 ending up with a hull shorter than the designers wanted. The sources that I have available are contradictory. Norman Friedman states that there is no indication that the Type 42 was shortened from the a preferred 434ft (the...
  15. Orionblamblam

    Conroy Giant Cargo Aircraft Projects Colossus & Virtus

    The Houston AIAA section has published a 4-page article I put together on the Conroy "Virtus," a twin-fuselage heavy lift aircraft built from B-52 parts meant to serve as the Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. You can download it (in the March/April 2012 issue of Horizons) for free here...
  16. Michel Van

    The 1968 French civil war and it's aftermath

    May 29, 1968 hit the News that Charles DeGaulle die in a Helicopter crash near Baden-Baden, Germany The unstable Political scene and struggle for his successor and let to a civil war. Between the right wing, conservative and Army against Left wing socialist, Communist, labor unions and students...
  17. uk 75

    UK and FRG cooperation (Not the MBT 80, Challenger etc)

    I thought it might be helpful to tease out this aspect from the British centric discussion. Originally the West Germans intended to replace their M48s with the MBT 70, a joint production with the United States which ground to a halt because of complexity and high cost. German sources on the...
  18. overscan (PaulMM)

    Ancestors of the Challenger Tank (Chieftain 5/2, FV4211, FV4030)

    The Challenger tank was arguably born in about 1970 when the UK, impressed by the performance of their BURLINGTON (Chobham) armour, but concerned that a wholly new MBT would not be in service before about 1985, proposed the development of a near-term improved tank using some existing components...
  19. uk 75

    Precursors to HMS Ocean

    An earlier thread by me on amphibious shipping got well and truly trashed into a discussion on the merits of the Scimitar! Never mind, here goes, this is purely for info. I found a cutting from an old Maritime Naval mag in the 80s which showed a Swan Hunter design for a LPH looking like a...
  20. flateric

    Ilyushin Il-102

    Avico Press offers a reprint of extremely rare, in-house Ilyushin Design Bureau 44-page album, fully dedicated to this rare bird, a Soviet analogue of Northrop A-9 in terms of unlucky fortune. CD-ROM edition USD $30 For ordering fill a request form at http://www.avicopress.com/shop-1
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