
  1. hesham

    BAC Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft Project

    Hi, here is a hydrogen-powered airliner Project,designed by BAC. L+K 15/1978
  2. CJGibson

    Impact on the Iran-Iraq War if Iran had bought A-10s

    If Iran had bought the A-10 in sufficient numbers, they had been delivered and entered service, what, if any, impact would they have had on the course of the Iran-Iraq war? Chris
  3. N

    Fliegerfaust for Mijaheddyn?

    Some time ago, it must have been in 2013-2014, I was able to see in a movie (maybe on YouTube) a guerrilla with the typical Chitral cap used by ethnic Afghans Pashtun, equipped with a weapon system that looked like a German Fliegerfaust / Luftfaust and the militian who used it pointed it...
  4. C

    Grumman / Shin Meiwa ASR-544-4

    Something different for today ... a collaborative project between Grumman and Shin Meiwa in Japan. Note wing engines can tilt up a few degrees (it's described on another page). Also, there is heavy reliance on active boundary layer control via twin turbines behind the rear pressure bulkhead...
  5. Grey Havoc

    General Dynamics Fort Worth F-16 derived GAU-8 gunship concept (G.F.G) from 1976

    Thanks to Air21 over at What If Modelers: Thought this design was already mentioned in an existing SPF thread, but I couldn't locate it. I'm wondering if this design originally grew out of one of the 'Model 402' studies. Also, I wonder if there was a late 1970s semi-official USAF requirement...
  6. Grey Havoc

    MIAG (Mechanized Infantry Assault Gun) - MICV-70 derived assault gun proposal

    An excerpt: Note: Given the date and lack of dismounts among other things, I suspect that this was the early incarnation of the MIAG proposal. EDIT: Ack, blundered on the title! I put down MIVC-70 instead of MICV-70 and only noticed it now!
  7. Stargazer

    FIGAT (FIberGlass Aerial Target) USAF and USN tow targets

    I recently happened on a photo of a U.S. Navy tow target which I hadn't previously seen. Linked from the VC-2 squadron page of the A-4 Skyhawk Association website, it was accompanied by no explanatory text, only a short caption saying "1974: Ed Jennings tells us about the "FIGAT". As I was...
  8. P

    Saab Viggen concepts and unbuilt versions

    Is there anywhere in this fine forum which gives more indepth information into the proposed Saab 37E and Saab 37X variants of the Viggen? The Saab 37E was proposed as a Lockheed F-104 replacement for European NATO airforces in 1975; While the Saab 37X was proposed to Norway in 1967–68. Ive...
  9. Orionblamblam

    JPL Interstellar Precursor

    The first of the "Thousand Astronomical Unit" space probes designed from the late 70's into the 80's. Nuclear electric propulsion would send the craft on a fifty-year mission into interplanetary space to test technologies for a future true interstellar mission, for deep-space science and to map...
  10. flateric

    US & German Harassment Drone / LOCUST / DAR Designs

  11. Graham1973

    Stealth Aircraft designs of the 1970s - A speculative question

    This is a spin-off of my Fictional Warships thread. The most recent novel I have added is "Poseidon's Shadow" by A . P. Kobryn, a 1979 technothriller which has a brief appearance by a stealthy successor to the SR-71 'Blackbird' which the novel describes as a "...distant predecessor..." It's...
  12. Triton

    Boeing Arctic Surface Effects Vehicle

    Artist's impression of Boeing Arctic Surface Effects Vehicle concept circa 1974. Source: http://www.boeingimages.com/C.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&VBID=2JRSN2PXTVFZGH&SMLS=1&RW=1850&RH=906#/SearchResult&VBID=2JRSN2PXTVFZGH&SMLS=1&RW=1850&RH=906&PN=3
  13. uk 75

    NATO Standard Tank for the 60s and 70s: Which would you choose?

    As we know the Russians managed to standardise their tanks forces in the 60s and 70s on two designs: The T55 and later the T72. What tank should NATO have chosen if politics had been no object?
  14. P

    Help needed identifying unknown SPAAG prototype

    G’day gents I’ve stumbled across this web site http://doktorkurgan.livejournal.com/36798.html?thread=61630 which depicts a prototype (in 1977) SPAAG, which from what I can make out (via translation), combines a 25mm cannon, with the chassis of the XM-701 MICV! It appears it’s a response to the...
  15. Y

    Iranian Cancelled Acquisitions of the 1970s

    Hopefully this is the right forum for this. A bit of browsing on the Flight International archive yields this gem from 1974: http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1974/1974%20-%201113.PDF Then, five years later, http://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1979/1979%20-%200470.PDF The...
  16. hesham

    Mitsubishi Helicopter Projects

    Hi, has anyone a more info about Mitsubishi XMH-4M helicopter project ?. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/2415/sato.html
  17. Grey Havoc


    http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/the-internets-save-the-date-a-tiny-item-in-a-ucla-stu-898064971 http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-arpanet-1969-1989-in-one-gif-1258090851
  18. uk 75

    Planned UK carrier order of battle 1975

    I know this is a well covered subject but I was wondering if there is anywhere an RN document from 1965 or 1966 showing what its planned 1975 or so carrier fleet was supposed to look like. Based on what has been posted here already here is a stab at what I think was intended Fleet Carriers...
  19. Spook

    AWG-9/AIM-54 Phoenix for P-3F ??!

    Hello, Recently i found out a PDF file regarding Military sells of US to Iran before the revolution. The part of the text mentions that Shah was curious to know whether is it possible to equip the P-3Fs and Helicopters to AWG-9 and ultimately AIM-54 Phoenix missile. According to...
  20. N

    Mauve-camouflaged JASDF fighters during seventies

    Hi all: one of the worst problem getting older is memory. Probably I said that before but... I don't remember... During the Seventies I saw a publication (perhaps a Japanes "AiReview" or "Koku-Fan" but could be also an European one) dealing with Japanese Self-Defense Air Force fighters with...
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