
  1. Graham1973

    Manned/Unmanned Lunar Explorer (MULE)

    Over the years NASA has run various systems engineering courses with universities around the United States. In the mid-1970 a group associated with Rice University was asked to design a Dual-Mode rover for use in the 1980's. The selected design was for a two man, tracked rover. Manned/Unmanned...
  2. O

    SPS (Solar Power Satellite) Program of the 70's/80's

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power_satellite This is a thread for any information or images in regards to the large scale plan developed from the 70's through 80's in regards to the STS (Space Transportation System) being used to build the massive space stations in orbit attached to the...
  3. P

    G H Stein, "A Program for Star Flight", Analog, October 1973

    In this months Spaceflight, there is an article on Starships of the Future (mostly Daedalus and Icarus) that mentions a suggestion by G H Stein published in Analog, October 1973 called "A Program for Star Flight". 'A full program of exploration was proposed which would utilise a fleet of no...
  4. FutureSpaceTourist

    Space Shuttle passenger module concepts

    The space shuttle project thread, http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,1928.0, had a brief discussion of ideas to put passenger modules in the cargo bay. I thought it might be interesting to try and capture some more details in a separate thread. I believe some concepts were...

    Chinese J-13 Projects

    J-13 develop by SAC(Shenyang Aircraft Corporation) in 70s,This blogger(Rainbow Bear) is the authors of old J-13's CG. Ten years later, he interviewed several designers, re-produced J-13 of the CG, and write an article of the J-13 project. part1...
  6. C

    Bell "Seakat" Sea Control Ship (SCS) sensor carrier proposal

    To reply no. 55 by Aerofranz, I misidentified the illustration's top sensor carrier as the Bell SeaPig. It's actually the SeaKat, still from Bell Aerospace. I apologize for the error. Attached are a couple views of a SeaKat factory model. I would be grateful for any info about this little-known...
  7. F

    US destroyer/frigate designs of the 60s & 70s

    I have finished some simple drawings of US destroyer designs from the 1960s and 1970s. The drawings are based on sketches and artist renderings found in Norman Friedman's book "US Destroyers An Illustrated Design History". I find the nuclear frigate design (Typhoon) very interesting. Fishjay
  8. Petrus

    Chinese WZ 141 ultra light AFV

    In a e-book 'TUO MAO: THE OPERATIONAL HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE’S LIBERATION ARMY' I have information on a very interesting Chinese AFV: And below you'll find two photos of both the versions of the WZ141, which I've just googled. Perhaps somebody knows more on the subject. Any further info would...
  9. Antonio

    Semi-Submarine Icebreaking Tanker (SSIT)

    During 1970/71, the Norvegian Aker Group studied concepts for an icebreaking tanker with the capability of year round operation under Artic conditions. Three concepts were considered: a conventional hull icebreaker (IBT) and a couple of semi-sumersible concepts (SSIT). Source: Aviation & Marine...
  10. Triton

    Fairchild ESV (Experimental Safety Vehicle)

    Photographs of Fairchild ESV (Experimental Safety Vehicle). Source: From the Archives at Grumman Memorial Park Calverton, Long Island, New York or The Cradle of Aviation Museum, Garden City, Long Island via Warbird Information Exchange forum...
  11. quellish

    Compass Cope Engineering Challenges

    Relevant to current interest in high altitude http://www.atf3.org/Ryan_Compass_Cope_2.html
  12. P

    is there any NR-1 replacement project ???

    sorry guys did not know where to post this queston ... ! I was wondering if there is any NR-1 replacement project or prototype ?? thanks
  13. Bill S

    LTV YBGM-110 Cruise Missile Contender

    Artist concepts of BGM-110 Vought Archives
  14. D

    San Diego Aircraft Engineering (Sandaire) Projects - Stinger / CAS SETOLS

    Hello, I am looking for info on the San Diego Aircraft Engineering ( Sandaire ) "Stinger". This was the lightest V/STOL design that was proposed for the VFA for the Sea Control Ships in the early 1970's.
  15. Pyrrhic victory

    ARES Advanced Individual Combat Weapon for the Advanced Combat Rifle competition

    -Rising Chamber -Cased telescoped ammunition -Withdrawn after Phase I of the ACR competition -Related to Future Assault Rifle Concept (FARC)?
  16. flateric

    Early Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle studies

    from The Common Aero Vehicle: Space Delivery System Of The Future George Richie, ANSER AIAA Space Technology Conference & Exposition 28-30 Sept. 1999 Albuquerque, NM from A Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) - Model, Description, and Employment Guide Terry H Phillips, Schafer Corporation
  17. Colonial-Marine

    MOWAG Tornado

    Well I don't have much information on this vehicle which is exactly why I am asking about it. All I have is some information from an old 1980s AFV guide. It was an IFV similar in appearance to the German Marder with a low profile turret carrying a 20mm autocannon. There were two MG turrets in...
  18. RyanC

    Simplified High Accuracy Guidance (SHAG) Missile System

    Found this in Archives II. I believe we have a live one here that nobody's found until yet. ;D I bet the guys for this wasted time to come up with the SHAG acronym ;D
  19. Triton

    Boeing RC-1 "Brute Lifter"

    The Boeing RC-1, for Resource Carrier 1, was a joint development project of Boeing and the Great Plains Project, a think tank created by the Canadian government under Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau to develop the country's Far North. Of particular interest was extracting oil, natural gas...
  20. Triton

    NASA nuclear-powered ACV freighter

    Kascak, A. F.; Rom, F. E. The Potential of Nuclear Power for High-Speed Ocean-Going Air-Cushion Vehicles NASA Lewis Research Center September 1, 1969 Abstract: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19690026345_1969026345.pdf Rom, F. E. Airbreathing Nuclear Propulsion, A New...
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