
  1. TomS

    Spruance-Based AEGIS Destroyer (DD 999)

    Found another interesting document in my files this past weekend – a fairly early (March/April 1975) presentation on the Litton feasibility study for a Spruance-derived AEGIS destroyer that eventually became the DDG 47, then CG 47 Ticonderoga class. At this point, this design was being referred...
  2. Phantom Fanatic

    Swiss Panzer 74 info

    Hello all. I have been reading up on Swiss MBT programs and concepts in the last few days and I noticed that Secret Projects does not yet have a thread dedicated to the Panzer 74 proposal. I am aware of the Tank Encyclopedia article on this matter but I thought I'd ask this forum.
  3. uk 75

    Moon 1970s

    As the US looks to go back to the Moon with Artemis my question here is, what might have been feasible in the 1970s to keep the US sending manned expeditions to the Moon? Clearly, the main obstacle was a political one. With no Soviet manned lunar programme once the US had got to the Moon first...
  4. TheKutKu

    French-Brazilian BR-1 and BR-2 Launchers

    In the 70s, Brazil was slowly trying to develop its space technologies, which resulted to the Brazilian Complete Space Mission (MECB) program and the ill-fated VLS-1, but while digging a bit around it, I found that before deciding on the VLS design circa 1980, there was a period of time of a few...
  5. gollevainen

    Finnish Turunmaa class Export proposals

    Althought intrestingly unique vessels and pride of our naval building capacities, the Turunmaa class Gunboat (or corvette in more international sense) never attracted any foreing sales, as didn't anything else we tried to market. Some proposals do have appeared, mostly just with different...
  6. F.L.

    Chinese Nanchang J-12 light fighter

    How about a thread on the J-12 ? I noticed that there was none ! It is a jet that I like and I will try to collect in this thread some interesting things about it.
  7. flateric

    NPO Energiya Pody'om (Lift-off) system - pre-Energiya-Buran

    https://vk.com/wall914417_13541 http://epizodyspace.ru/bibl/glushko/izbran-rab-glushko/3/01.html
  8. K

    Viper Mk 633-47 afterburning.

    I'm looking for information, particularly technical specifications, of the Viper Mk 633-47 afterburning turbojet. This was developed for use on the Yugoslav J-22 and Romanian IAR-93 aircraft. It appears to be a Viper Mk 632, as licence produced in Yugoslavia, but obviously fitted with a newly...
  9. Michel Van

    What kind Wind Turbine is this ?

    I need your Help in 1970s this kind Wind Turbine was proposed (here illustrated by Roger Leloup in 1976) has some one more information about this ?
  10. Hood

    Swedish K1 Corvette

    Discussion about German corvettes seems to have been popular lately so I'm sharing this Swedish project which I found in Jane's 1972-73. The design was to be a flotilla leader for MTBs or FACs as well as escorts for the remaining destroyer fleet that was then still active. Two were to be built...
  11. klem

    The French prototype rifle (RFCT).

    Quoted by Gary Paul Johnston and Thomas B. Nelson in "The World's Assault Rifles" - This rather curious and unusual weapon was part of a program during the 1970s to develop a very high rate of fire assault rifle (RFCT: Rifle à Forte Cadence de Tir ). Firing rate experiments were carried out by...
  12. A

    Harrier in place of Super Etendard: 1973

    This is a rough TL sketch. POD is October 20, 1971. http://www.ffaa.net/projects/jaguar/jaguar_fr.htm That day, off Marseille, the Foch is flight testing Jaguar M05, that is: the navalized fifth prototype. As the aircraft is returned to the hangar for maintenance, one mechanic raise alarm...
  13. uk 75

    Royal Navy Destroyers and Frigates post 1966

    The Royal Navy began the 1960s with two excellent classes of destroyer (County DLG).and frigate (Type 12 Leander) on order. In 1966 the replacement of these ships with the T42 and T22 was set in hand.. In addition the T21 gp frigate was ordered to replace other frigate classes. So not a lot of...
  14. Michel Van

    British German 1970 Future Main Battle Tank

    This about British German join Venture in 1972 on Future Main Battle Tank for 1980s View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYMPjN3ubzc View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJi3b2ojwHg View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z53bG3ANCHw View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwHrocEOCiI
  15. A

    The Convair Model 200 / 201 /218 TL

    We have a whole bunch of threads, alt-history or not. But no full blown TL so far. The POD: May 1972, common sense prevails: Convair Model 200 carries the day over Rockwell NAR-356. It becomes the XFV-12 interceptor for Zumwalt Sea Control Ship. Even after that one is canned, two prototypes are...
  16. C

    F-14 forced on the USAF

    What would happen if the usaf f-15 project was canceled by congress and the usaf was forced to use the navys f-14 like what had happened with the f-4.
  17. D

    Potential customers of the LTV A-7 Corsair II (US State Cables)

    LTV interest in clearing A-7 Corsair II for export to Jordan: https://archive.org/details/State-Dept-cable-1975-15657/mode/1up RoK interest in A-7s for a naval air arm (point 3D): https://archive.org/details/State-Dept-cable-1974-95974/page/n1/mode/1up ....but RoK must first take care of...
  18. R

    Fixed/land based Blowpipe system

    Ive seen the Blowpipe in its original configuration the one mounted on land rovers (as well as the submarine one), but this..? its a bit unusual! Could be just a concept/proposal, or even a prototype? The image was taken out of the MACH 1 magazine, where an article detailed the operation of...
  19. uk 75

    Eurocommunism in the 1970s and the USA

    The 1970s were a turbulent decade in Europe. Without going into too much political detail events could have seen Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain with left wing governments opposed to NATO and the US. Even in France and Germany disillusionment with the Vietnam war and a widespread fear of...
  20. C

    Chinese 122 series tank

    The story began in 1969 in the Sino-Soviet border conflict,Chinese captured a T-62,At that time, all their anti-tank weapons were unable to effectively destroy the T62. So Armor troops think they need a new second-generation tank,call “122”(The Type 69 "121 that was being developed at the time...
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