CiTrus90's 3D Drawings of Unbuilt Aircraft

Into the Tempest.
Tempest 13A small.jpg
[*based on BAE Tempest publically available drawings and "corrected" by eyeballing several pictures of the mock up and other models, so...not very accurate all in all :D]
Thank you Citrus90 for these amazing renditions.
Loads of interesting and some downright bizarre aircraft that I'd never heard of before.
@CiTrus90 do you also do other vehicles besides airplanes ? Because I like your work and would like to talk you about a project I am doing.

Hi TheRejectionist, I've taken a look at several of your threads in the Alternative History and Future Speculation section.
I can clearly see you are very passionate about history and writing, but I've also seen that every story of yours is pretty much a draft and invites people to participate in their creation.

If I may express a bit of criticism, if you want to write something you should stick to it. It will most certainly be full of mistakes and many people will criticize you, but that's part of the process of learning and growing as a creator.

As an example, if I tried to make pictures as stunning as the ones of Antonis Karidis (aka rOEN911) or Ronnie Olsthoorn (aka Skyraider3D), just to mention two among the greatest aircraft illustrators in my opinion, I would never dare to post anything. Still, even if I don't have a tenth of their talent and skills, I keep posting the pictures I make and I do them mostly for my own enjoyment.
And, albeit slowly, I try to improve.

If you try to please the audience or persevere in trying to get something to look absolutely reasonable and perfect, you'll never, ever, finish anything. You'll either run out of time, ideas or interest before the final product is achieved.
Also, projects too wide and broad do not help.

The lack of a finished product doesn't encourage other people to join in a project, and having seen that you've previously written to other artists on this very same site for help in creating imagery for your story, let me tell you what goes through my mind (and what I suppose other artists as well might have thought).
If I have to create imagery for a story that isn't mine, the condition is essentially one out of these two:
1- the story is extremely interesting to me and I want to partake in it, even working for free;
2 - I get paid to produce what the author has in mind.
There is no in between.

Now, if there's no story (and a draft is not a story) and there are no references sketched for aircraft, vehicles, etc., it will be quite difficult to pick up the interest of anyone you might try to invite and join into your project, because it won't look like a very serious effort.

Keep also in mind that the drawings I make (and the same can be said for other artists as well) often take upward of 50 hours to make, all in all considered, among searching for references, 3d modelling, texture making and photoediting.
So it will be very difficult to find someone willing to spend that much time working for free.

So, before looking to add "amenities" like pictures, here's my advice: you should show the rest of the world how fond you are of your story, by writing it, not by trying to get other people to join. You have to "ensnare" the readers. Once that happens, then people will come to you.

Best of luck to you and I hope your mother is doing better.
Take care!
@CiTrus90 do you also do other vehicles besides airplanes ? Because I like your work and would like to talk you about a project I am doing.

Hi TheRejectionist, I've taken a look at several of your threads in the Alternative History and Future Speculation section.
I can clearly see you are very passionate about history and writing, but I've also seen that every story of yours is pretty much a draft and invites people to participate in their creation.

If I may express a bit of criticism, if you want to write something you should stick to it. It will most certainly be full of mistakes and many people will criticize you, but that's part of the process of learning and growing as a creator.

As an example, if I tried to make pictures as stunning as the ones of Antonis Karidis (aka rOEN911) or Ronnie Olsthoorn (aka Skyraider3D), just to mention two among the greatest aircraft illustrators in my opinion, I would never dare to post anything. Still, even if I don't have a tenth of their talent and skills, I keep posting the pictures I make and I do them mostly for my own enjoyment.
And, albeit slowly, I try to improve.

If you try to please the audience or persevere in trying to get something to look absolutely reasonable and perfect, you'll never, ever, finish anything. You'll either run out of time, ideas or interest before the final product is achieved.
Also, projects too wide and broad do not help.

The lack of a finished product doesn't encourage other people to join in a project, and having seen that you've previously written to other artists on this very same site for help in creating imagery for your story, let me tell you what goes through my mind (and what I suppose other artists as well might have thought).
If I have to create imagery for a story that isn't mine, the condition is essentially one out of these two:
1- the story is extremely interesting to me and I want to partake in it, even working for free;
2 - I get paid to produce what the author has in mind.
There is no in between.

Now, if there's no story (and a draft is not a story) and there are no references sketched for aircraft, vehicles, etc., it will be quite difficult to pick up the interest of anyone you might try to invite and join into your project, because it won't look like a very serious effort.

Keep also in mind that the drawings I make (and the same can be said for other artists as well) often take upward of 50 hours to make, all in all considered, among searching for references, 3d modelling, texture making and photoediting.
So it will be very difficult to find someone willing to spend that much time working for free.

So, before looking to add "amenities" like pictures, here's my advice: you should show the rest of the world how fond you are of your story, by writing it, not by trying to get other people to join. You have to "ensnare" the readers. Once that happens, then people will come to you.

Best of luck to you and I hope your mother is doing better.
Take care!

Dear @CiTrus90 you are absolutely right. Thank you for the time you took to reply to me, sorry it took me forever for me to respond but I am pretty occupied with many urgent issues.

I thank you for your criticism.

If I will need models like I previously asked, since your time is precious, I will actually hire you for it.

Thanks agains.

CiTrus90 great job, a few years ago I made a speculative cutaway on a model similar to the Loyal Minion, you now present in a recent installment, with your permission I would like to accompany a repost of the commented schematic cut. Also, as always, thank you for sharing your excellent work. MotocarPost in thread 'Motocar's Cutaway drawings'

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Your "minion"? Thanks for my new screensaver!
Hi Yasotay!
I'm not sure if you've seen the PM I sent you, but (just in case) this is the "minion" I was referring to.
I've added the "loyal" part as to draw a parallel with the more recent Loyal Wingman concept.

CiTrus90 great job, a few years ago I made a speculative cutaway on a model similar to the Loyal Minion, you now present in a recent installment, with your permission I would like to accompany a repost of the commented schematic cut. Also, as always, thank you for sharing your excellent work. MotocarPost in thread 'Motocar's Cutaway drawings'
Hi Motocar,
The aircraft in the rendering I made is the Northrop MRF-54E. It was a real project, not a speculative one based on your YF-25.
Fantastic, love those Northrop AX/AF-X concepts. Makes the Tempest concept look fugly! Any chance of a BAe Replica to further highlight how uninspiring the Tempest looks? ;)
But...I...quite liked the original Tempest, to be fair :eek:

Then again, I have a soft spot for fugly aircraft, as noted a few pages back in this very same thread...

I'd love to make a 3d model of the Replica, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find any proper 3 view of the aircraft.
I could attempt making one on my own, but I'd at least need 2 views from either the side, front or top (without any distortions due to the camera angle).


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One of the three Northrop's proposals for the AX/AF-X program:
View attachment 682749
Just a few tips to get a more integrated picture..
Now you see a black outline around your plane, you can remove that easily if you render a seperate alphamap. use it as a selectionmap in PS ( or similar program) and then do a slight feather on it. Then use it as a mask to "delete" that black edge.
You can then also copy that same mask and feather it some more, but now turn down the opacity of the mask and then you get a lightwrap effect on the plane ( works better with a more contrasty background).
In this case I would suggest to make the lightcolor more bluegrey ( pick a light color from the background) to better match the background.

Keep it up :)
Just a few tips to get a more integrated picture..
Now you see a black outline around your plane, you can remove that easily if you render a seperate alphamap. use it as a selectionmap in PS ( or similar program) and then do a slight feather on it. Then use it as a mask to "delete" that black edge.
You can then also copy that same mask and feather it some more, but now turn down the opacity of the mask and then you get a lightwrap effect on the plane ( works better with a more contrasty background).
In this case I would suggest to make the lightcolor more bluegrey ( pick a light color from the background) to better match the background.

Keep it up :)
Thank you, I'll keep that in mind!
Being self taught and having no "solid" bases in either 3d modeling, digital image processing or art, I realize that I still have a ton of shortcomings so I greatly appreciate every advice I get to improve.

Thanks for that. Cheers!
You're welcome!

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