Thank you everyone for the excellent and informative replies to what was a bit of a moan.
This site has enabled me to find out about books from the comfort of home rather than occasional visit to the long gone Motorbooks in London.
Your thread seems to have run its course, UK 75. As you said, you had just wanted to vent a bit. As a book lover and ex-publishing person, I thank you.
With the large number of big, juicy Seaforth and other titles due in the second half of this year as per "Some Future Titles of Interest...", I might have to tell Dan Sharp that I was wrong to state that now is the comparative wasteland in Secret Projects-pertinent books vis-a-vis thirty or forty years ago, at least in naval subjects. I will be very happy to be mistaken (but groan: what a strain on my late-2025 budget!).
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