@Scott Kenny, almost forgot - do I replace the propellers with British ones on the submarines?
Very much so, the UK was the first big chaser of submarine silencing, even before the USN. And the screw is a major noise generator, or can be.
The Soviets stamped out their screw blades for each class, and bolted them onto the hub. Which meant that each class had a specific resonant tone that they emitted.
Machined screws make a unique tone for each individual screw.
In strategic terms, I suspect a Warsaw Pact-aligned UK has something like the following priorities:
- Nuclear deterrence against NATO, particularly the United States
- Protecting trade, particularly to ensure maintenance of food supplies
- Protection of the British Isles from attack or invasion
- Protection of the North-West Flank of the Warsaw Pact from seaborne and airborne attack
- Global power projection to promote national and Pact interests
Those are
similar to OTL's strategic goals, but obviously impacted by the changed relationship with the USA and USSR. It's probably going to dictate developing an ability to shut down Western European naval and air bases, which will probably require something resembling Soviet long-range aviation. Buying in Soviet bombers makes sense here.
Needing to be able to reach the US with bombers means that the UK is looking at either Bears or Blackjacks. Or basing Russian Bears or Blackjacks on the UK, I guess.
Protecting the sea lanes against the USN will require serious capability. That land-based long-range aviation will form a component of it. So will submarines (and probably quite a lot of them) - it's open to speculation whether they'd use the VM-A plant as a baseline, similar to what was done with the S5W, or develop a domestic plant. If the former, the first British nuclear submarine probably has the OTL DREADNOUGHT front end with Project 627-derived machinery. Heavy anti-ship missiles to counter the American surface fleet will probably come from the USSR, though the UK might try to develop its own. I'm guessing big-deck carriers will show up too, partly for power projection and partly to take the offensive to the United States.
The S5W was bought to get a working plant into the UK subs as fast as possible, the homegrown PWR was struggling. I suspect that they'd do the same in this timeline, just with the Project 671/Victor plant. Not the 627/November plant, that's a 2-shaft setup and is functionally comparable to Nautilus and the other pre-Albacore designs.
As to numbers, I would not be surprised if the RN ended up with close to the same total number as the Red Navy did in our timeline.
I'd expect the British Army is a distinctly third-string force, primarily for home defence and some expeditionary operations. The UK's value as an unsinkable aircraft carrier probably far outweighs however many divisions it can supply. The Army might well be equipped along Soviet lines to save resources for the Navy and Air Force.
Agreed here.
Exactly how the UK squares Warsaw Pact anti-imperialism with its remaining Empire is an interesting question. 'Communism with British characteristics' may look quite odd to everyone. And the Northern Ireland situation could get very unpleasant indeed, in any number of ways.
The Warsaw Pact is the "expanded Russian Empire". As mentioned elsewhere, most of Russia is flat with no strategically significant terrain. There's 5 passes that each lead out onto those plains, so to be safe Russia needs to control those passes.
The British Empire adopting Socialism in the Soviet sense just makes the exporting of Communist Revolutions to the rest of the world a lot easier.
Northern Ireland would go beyond ugly, you'd have the US government actively supporting the IRA instead of mere wealthy individuals. We're talking Vietnam levels of ugly.
The dynamics of the Warsaw Pact with a second nuclear power pursuing an independent (but aligned) foreign policy would be very interesting. I don't think Moscow would be at all happy about it. But nor was Washington, at times.
Integrating the British nukes into the Soviet equivalent of SIOP would go a long way to improve Moscow's mood.
Speaking of unusual naval helicopter designs, this one of
Westland's from the 1970s may well be of interest:
Supersonic rotors?
Aw, hell no! The Thunderscreech was bad enough with supersonic props. Supersonic rotors would deafen ground crews instantly, and horribly disorient the pilot.
Unless there is a mirror of a Trident agreement - could Britain pull of local-produced ICBM in 60-70s? Did they ever think of it?
The Trident agreement is UK warheads in US-produced rockets/launchers. Amusingly, UK trident crews require power converters. The missile compartment has US-standard 120VAC outlets in it, while the forward compartment and engine room have UK-standard 220V.
I'd assume that this timeline's agreement is similar, and so the missiles would be the R-27 SLBMs from the Yankee-class.