Various Focke-Wulf projects

From Kryl'ya Rodine 10/1993,

it is the first time to hear about Focke-Wulf Ta.152M variant,what was it ?.


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hesham said:
here is the Focke Wulf P.82075-321 and P.82075-421 drawings,they wrote
on that file,Focke Wulf FW.62 aircraft.

Here is the source;

also here is some FW files,which I sent before many drawings from them;
hesham said:
here is also the drawing No 50 08.009-46 for Focke Wulf FW.200,from the file;
Focke Wulf Fw 200 C-3U-4 Fernaufklarer.

Here is anther report to Fw.200F;


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also at the end of the war,Focke-Wulf studied an advanced helicopter ?,not Focke-Achgelis.
hesham said:
also at the end of the war,Focke-Wulf studied an advanced helicopter ?,not Focke-Achgelis.

The source,but no more info is known.

"X-planes - German Luftwaffe Prototypes 1930-1945" by Manfred Griehl, Casemate 2012


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Re: Focke Wulf Ta 153 projects

A small info about Ta.153.


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hesham said:

we know the Focke Wulf P.0310226-127 fighter project,sometimes called P.127,and here
is some details of its design.


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Flitzer said:
hesham said:

we know the Focke Wulf P.0310226-127 fighter project,sometimes called P.127,and here
is some details of its design.

I can confirm that the aircraft pictured in your fine artwork there is properly known as the Einmotoriges Jagdflugzeug mit PTL-Gerat 021 [that whole thing, from 'Einmotoriges' to '021' - that's its name, not a drawing caption], as described in Focke-Wulf Baubeschreibung Nr. 281. Incidentally, that document includes two Focke-Wulf drawings, 03 10 226-126 and 03 10 226-127. No point putting a 'P.' in front of a drawing number. Or putting it in front of the last three digits of the second drawing number. Focke-Wulf never did it. Why would we?
Justo Miranda said:

Thank you for the replies everyone! Justo may I ask, for the first image you have posted, does the armament option shown in the drawing consist of a choice between two Mk 108 and/or one Mk 103 in the wings? In addition, what is the source for those images?
Focke Wulf FW238
(1)Focke-Wulf FW238 long-range bomber project (also known under the Focke-Wulf drawing number 03.10206.20) was designed under the same specifications as the Ta 400 and Junkers Ju 390.
(2)Basically, an aircraft was needed that could carry a payload of 5000 kg (11023 lbs) of bombs 15000 km (9321 miles).
(3)The Fw 238 was a large aircraft and was to be constructed entirely of wood. The fuselage was long and boxy, and the wings were tapered on both the leading and trailing edges.
(4)Four BMW 803 engines (3900 horsepower each) with counter-rotating four-bladed propellers were to provide the power.
(5)A horizontal tail unit with twin fins and rudders was chosen to provide a clear field of fire for the two hydraulically-and-remote-controlled turrets (with two MG 151/20 20mm cannon each located on the upper rear fuselage.
(6)There were a further two turrets with similar armament mounted on the rear fuselage bottom, with a provision for a ventral gondola with four MK 108 30mm cannon for the anti-shipping role.
(7)All the defensive armament was controlled from the crew area in the forward fuselage.
(8)A conventional "tail-dragger" undercarriage scheme was chosen, with the main gear having double wheels and retracting to the rear into the wing.
(9)Five crew members (some sources have this number as high as ten) all sat in the extensively glassed-in pressurized cockpit located in the aircraft's nose. The bombload was to consist of 5500 kg (12125 lbs).
(10)Another smaller version was also designed, the Focke-Wulf Fw 238H. The construction and overall design was similar, with differing dimensions.
(11)There were actually three different proposed variants and if the go-ahead had been given for construction, it is possible that these heavy bombers could have been flying by late-1944.
(12)Although many aircraft companies tried to persuade the Luftwaffe leadership of the need for a heavy bomber for the strategic role, the RLM ordered all design work on heavy bombers to cease as of February 14, 1943.

Fw 238 variants w/type of engines

Variant Number of Engines Engine
'A' 4 BMW 803
'B' 4 Jumo 222
'C' 6 Jumo 213 or DB 603
Fw 238H 4 BMW 801D


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FW281(Project VIII) fighter with Daimler-Benz DB 109-021 turboprop engine.

"Focke-Wulf Project VIII was a design study for a turboprop-powered fighter-bomber undertaken in Germany during World War II. It was based on the work previously done on Project VII, nicknamed the Flitzer. Project VIII was for an aircraft very similar in shape. The performance was calculated to be much better, but the non sweepback of the tail surfaces caused estimated problems at high speed and the project was abandoned."

But Seavixen.....


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Focke-Wulf never called anything 'FW 281' or 'Project VIII'. It's proper name was Einmotoriges Jagdflugzeug mit PTL-Gerat 021. It was described in Baubeschreibung Nr. 281, which is where the number comes from.
newsdeskdan said:
Focke-Wulf never called anything 'FW 281' or 'Project VIII'. It's proper name was Einmotoriges Jagdflugzeug mit PTL-Gerat 021. It was described in Baubeschreibung Nr. 281, which is where the number comes from.
Hmmm......Difficult. ???
What is the proper name for so called project7(nicknamed the Flitzer)?
Anyway thanks for lecture me. :D
That was the 1-TL-Jager, described in Baubeschreibung Nr. 280. No contemporary report refers to it as 'Flitzer' - that appears to have been a derogatory postwar name for it. It was the slowest of the designs submitted for the 1-TL-Jager competition, hence calling it 'Whizzer' or 'Dasher'. In the same way, the Baubeschreibung Nr. 279 design, also known as 1-TL-Jager and later the Ta 183, was called Huckebein after the drunken crow cartoon character, possibly in reference to criticisms of its likely handling characteristics. Kurt Tank would have been horrified to think that these two designs ended up being commonly referred to by these veiled insults.
The confusion about 'project 7' etc. comes from a Focke-Wulf report summarising it's work on single jet fighter designs. Eight designs from the same ongoing project were lumped together to form a chronology intended only to show design progression. The actual wording used in the report was '1. Entwurf', '2. Entwurf' etc. The '6. Entwurf ' had 'Fw-Baubeschreibung Nr. 280' in brackets after its heading. So it was the sixth design in the progression presented but was properly the Baubeschreibung Nr. 280 design in its own right. The '2. Entwurf' was the Baubeschreibung Nr. 264 design.
Focke-Wulf Fw Projekt 195(Fw 249)
Type: Transport
Length: 154ft 2in (47m)
Wingspan: 192ft 3in (58.6m)
Height: 38ft 9in (11.8m)
Engines: Six or eight Junkers Jumo 222 inline engines generating 2,500hp each
Max speed: 304mph (490kph)
Range: 1,305 miles (2,100km)
Max altitude: ?
Defensive armament: Two 20mm MG 151/20 cannons on each turret in ventral, dorsal and tail positions
Load: 52 tonnes


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Oh thanks a lot. I'm terribly sorry for Focke Wulf engineers. :'(
newsdeskdan said:
Detail from original Focke-Wulf 1-TL-Jager (Baubeschreibung Nr. 279) design drawing


Super, newsdeskdan!
1000×1000×1000 bomber project A. ("Their designation meant that these bombers would be able to carry a 1000 kg bomb load to a distance of 1000 km at a speed of 1000 km/h ( 2,200 lb for 620 miles at 620 mph").


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1000×1000×1000 bomber Project B RC model.
This airplane is the odd figure, especially wing tip vertical stabilizers(some kind of winglet?),but it can fly wonderfully neatly same as BV design birds. ;D



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Procect C.

The airplane German engineer calls a, b and c is the airplane just different respectively. ;D


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The inward canted engines look a bit strange to me. The exhaust gases
would hit the tail, maybe not a good thing.
You mean Project C. Why Focke Wulf selected such a shape?
A-3/B-66 did not have such a shape.
Sometimes German engineers did not sedlect tapered wing. Why??
Just speculation on my part, but it appears that the wings and tailplanes of the 'c' are interchangeable, like the wings of the Ta183, probably for ease of production.
I've also read, in several places, that the toed-out engine arrangement was to improve handling with one engine failed.

robunos said:
Just speculation on my part, but it appears that the wings and tailplanes of the 'c' are interchangeable, like the wings of the Ta183, probably for ease of production.
I've also read, in several places, that the toed-out engine arrangement was to improve handling with one engine failed.

Oh!! Super. :eek:
Could you kindly explain the structure of this ramjet engine? I can't understand the relation between cross sectional drawing and side view drawing. How to support each fuel ejection nozzles? Grid? Plate? If it's a plate without air hole, how to keep air flow? ??? ???,9086.135.html


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2 of the Fw3x1000 series.
I've done the 'A' too but its a very old file. It's not close to hand, will try to find.


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Also from my files,until getting the source,

Focke Wulf had a Project for a ramjet bomber (not fighter),are there any more Infos ?.
hesham said:
Also from my files,until getting the source,

Focke Wulf had a Project for a ramjet bomber (not fighter),are there any more Infos ?.

Also Focke Wulf had a Project for ramjet fighter-bomber,not related to Ta.283 ?.
Ta-Bomber and Ta-Fighter


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Thank you PlanesPictures,

and there was also some unknown ramjet fast fighter Projects,but no more details,also they
were not related to Ta.283,or had a different configurations.
Thank you my dear Dan,

but FW had some unknown designs for a ramjet high-speed fighters as I read,but
Is it Ta283?
blackkite said:
Is it Ta283?

No, as David Myhra freely admits in his ebook, that 'bomber' is just a one-page sketch with no additional information at all, let alone a project number. Putting Ta 283 in the ebook title does make it more searchable though, since people have long known the Strahlrohrjager by the erroneous designation
newsdeskdan said:
This is one of the drawings accompanying the report:


So Strahlrohrjäger, not 'Ta 283'.

New Info for me,thank you my dear Dan.
A big surprise in my files,

the FW.190 fitted with two ramjet or pulsejet engines during 1942-44 and mounted at wing tips,but the Project was cancelled,
can you imagine its shape ?.

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