Various Focke-Wulf projects

Stargazer2006 said:
... the Focke-Wulf Volksflugzeug ("peoples' aircraft") contender, ...

I think, we discussed this before, the term "Volksflugzeug" in German parlance quite clearly indicates
a civil light aircraft. The program, which saw the He 162 as the winner was called "Volksjäger" (peoples'
fighter), "Volksflugzeug" to my opinion is just a faulty translation.
Jemiba said:
Stargazer2006 said:
... the Focke-Wulf Volksflugzeug ("peoples' aircraft") contender, ...

I think, we discussed this before, the term "Volksflugzeug" in German parlance quite clearly indicates
a civil light aircraft. The program, which saw the He 162 as the winner was called "Volksjäger" (peoples'
fighter), "Volksflugzeug" to my opinion is just a faulty translation.

I won't dispute with you on that one since it's your mother tongue...

(though I can't help thinking that the Phaeton or Scirocco are "Volkswagen" although they hardly correspond to the image of an economic people's car... ;D )

who heard about that FW rocket fighter,which developed from Ta.183 ?.


  • FW rocket fighter.JPG
    FW rocket fighter.JPG
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we know the Focke Wulf P.0310226-127 fighter project,sometimes called P.127,and here
is some details of its design.


  • P.0310226-127.JPG
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from,here is a file about Focke Wulf Ta.183,but they delete it now,
and I'll send all of its pages.


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here is also the drawing No 50 08.009-46 for Focke Wulf FW.200,from the file;
Focke Wulf Fw 200 C-3U-4 Fernaufklarer.


  • 50 08.009-46.JPG
    50 08.009-46.JPG
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If we assume, that the numbers given by Novarra are at least correctly applied to the
projects, may they be drawing numbers, or whatsoever, then "P.0310226-127" was a
single seat fighter with a turboprop engine (#35) and "0310251-51" was a 3-seat nightfighter with
two jet engines, both types having at best a superficial similarity (swept wings). And looking at
the original drawings we've seen so far, those numbers were used without the prefix "P.", but
appear often with it. Logical, "P" for "project" ... but not necessarily correct, just repeated over
and over again ! ::)
So, I'll better back away from my statement in my post here,17112.msg203800.html#msg203800
We may be opening a can of worms here and I'm afraid , even when reffering to otherwise trustable
sources, we may stumble over errors here.

here is Focke-Wulf jet bomber project of 1944,but I don't know if it was unmanned or not and
the landing gear system for Focke-Wulf Triebflugel from Luftfahrt 12/1980.


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  • L-G sytem.JPG
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The bomber design is called "Strahlrohr-Bomber", so pobably intended to be
driven by ramjet engines (Lorin engines). To my opinion, it would have been
manned, as an unmanned bomber was still quite out of the scope of the
technology then.

here is a 3-view drawing to Focke-Wulf project used the BMW 803 engines,I tried
to read the project number,I saw this 03.10206-22,I could be wrong,and in the
article they mention that it was FW.238,but I know this design was taken the project
number 03.10206-21,so may be it was anther version ?.

the source is; Flugzeug Classic 3/2006


  • P.03.10206-22.JPG
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My dear Apophenia,

I know FW.238H and its drawings number,but that project called 03.10206-22,and
it was powered by four 803s and not 801s.
The Strahlrohr-Bomber clearly shows area ruling although this was not "invented" at that time (besides the Junkers patent).
If there really would have been area ruling in this design, wouldn't the fuselage
haven't to be thinner already in the area after the wing leading edge ?
I have not calculated the diameter curve of the model but the forward swept engine mounts could give a nice Sears-Haack profile.

here is the FW-200 variants.

Typy Broni FW-200 Condor


  • FW-200  I.png
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  • FW-200  II.png
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in Waffen Arsenal 139,I found this drawing to a tailless aircraft,and they didn't write
anything about it,it looks like Focke Wulf Fw 1000X3 B bomber project,but there is
a little different between the two drawings,is it FW aircraft ?.


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Pretty sure, it's the 1000 x 1000 x 1000. The concept wasn't actually finished, so
drawings we know, just show different design stages, I think, or maybe different
interpretations of the existing sources.
I agree with you my dear Jemiba,

but there is many different in configuration,air intakes,position of rear thrust exist and also
the wing !.
From my next book "Ultimate Flying Wings of the Luftwaffe" ;)


  • Fw01.jpg
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Justo Miranda said:
From my next book "Ultimate Flying Wings of the Luftwaffe" ;)

The only thing I would change would be in the side view and the partial side view in the first image. I would show the pilot in the cockpit with the canopy open in the full side view that shows the landing gear extended. I would show the partial nose image with both the canopy and the nose gear closed/retracted. It makes more sense that way. Unless the pilot takes off then opens the canopy to get the smell of fuel out of the cockpit. ;)
The Fw 1000x1000x1000 has been intercepted by a Meteor night fighter over Kent and the pilot is opening its cockpit to bail out. It did not have an ejector seat.
It is being described in the text of the book.... ::)

Jemiba said:
I would second Sundog, probably it would be possible, but not very probable with the upcoming
jet age. But I remember, that I had chosen such a "configuration", too, quite while ago ....

Nevertheless an interesting title, surely worth waiting for ! ;)
hesham said:
in Waffen Arsenal 139,I found this drawing to a tailless aircraft,and they didn't write
anything about it,it looks like Focke Wulf Fw 1000X3 B bomber project,but there is
a little different between the two drawings,is it FW aircraft ?.

My dear Justo,

to this moment,we don't know how come those differences from ?.
Justo Miranda said:
The Fw 1000x1000x1000 has been intercepted by a Meteor night fighter over Kent and the pilot is opening its cockpit to bail out. It did not have an ejector seat.
It is being described in the text of the book.... ::)

Ah, sorry, had forgotten this. Actually it was that attack from the rear, that led to the installation of a fixed rearward firing
armament, as noticable by the "Rückblickfernrohr" (rear view telescope), that was used for aiming such weapons.
And that on the other side forced the RAF to introduce "schräge Musik" (oblique upward firing guns) for the mentioned
Meteor nightfighters, as losses had increased dramatically before. .. ;D
Just kidding of course, actually I like details like open cockpits, or extended tailhooks or the like !
In the "Dive bomb" mode the airplane flew in 30º shallow dive attack starting at 5000 m. using the BZA "Bombenzielanlage für Strurzflug" bomb-aiming computer with the RF2C periscope and PV 1B sighting head.
No rear armament aiming mode.
Thanks for puttig me right, seems to be the same installation then, as in the Ar 234B. Had never
associated the periscope with a forward looking bombsight, especially not, as the Ar 234 was a
candidate for a rearward firing gun, too. Quite a draggy installation then, to my opinion, especially as
forward view from the cockpit wasn't obstructed by a nose mounted engine ! ???
Jemiba said:
Thanks for puttig me right, seems to be the same installation then, as in the Ar 234B. Had never
associated the periscope with a forward looking bombsight, especially not, as the Ar 234 was a
candidate for a rearward firing gun, too. Quite a draggy installation then, to my opinion, especially as
forward view from the cockpit wasn't obstructed by a nose mounted engine ! ???

And using this system, there's no need for a flat windshield, to use the sight through...

Correct, but a horizontally arranged apparatus and an aperture in the windshield would
have answered the same purpose, I think. But a dive angle of just 30° probably puts higher
demands on the sight, than a steeper, nearly vertical dive.
From Jet & Prop 1/1996,

here is the Focke Wulf Fw.189 V.7 or Fw.189D project with twin float.


  • FW.189D (V.7).png
    FW.189D (V.7).png
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you spoil us!!! Keep pumpin` stuff from "Jet & Prop", please!
Wurger said:

you spoil us!!! Keep pumpin` stuff from "Jet & Prop", please!

OK my dear Wurger,and many thanks.
From l'Aeronautique 1932,

a strange patent for Focke-Wulf.


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  • FW-1.png
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The patent describes a method of flight control around the vertical axis by a
canard wing, that is pivoting around the longitudinal axis.

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