US UAV and UCAV Technology

It seems to me converting JASSM production to all LRASM for a while would go a long way to resolving the issue in a year or two. Also increasing any other AShM line that is available and integrating those with whatever aircraft can most readily be integrated (Harpoon, soon JSM). Drones are nice, but I think while they might potentially be enablers they aren't a solution for anti ship capability in this instance.

Air Force ‘committed’ to ‘collaborative’ drones, as budgets will show: Gen. Brown​

The Air Force intends to lean into the use of uncrewed aircraft to fly alongside manned aircraft, including committing more funding for the cutting edge tech in future budgets, Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown said today
“We’re getting down the path to to have much more capability for uncrewed aircraft,” he told an audience at the Brookings Institute today. “I think you’ll you’ll see as we start looking at our future budgets and the analysis we’re doing as part of the operational imperatives that we are committed to more uncrewed capability.
”Progress has been possible, Brown explained, because the Air Force and other services have “spent a lot more time” together hashing things out, noting that he had a meeting last June with the other service chiefs the with the other services that while not resolving all the issues, but did “energize our staffs to start communicating.”
Don't forget sensor fusion. Anyone must have a combination of unique signature across the spectrum.
Anyhow, something like Gorgon Stare with facial recognition would be borderline freaky.

Gorgon Stair probably lacks the resolution but it was IIRC one of the sensor inputs for identifying people by their walking motion.

As a result of the wars in Astan and Iraq, I think the USAF already had an ability to identify people by their walking gait long ago. I suspect facial recognition was already achieved a long time ago under some classified program.
I have to agree to that. We all know the general tidbit that if the US Military reveals something about their tech, it simply means that the tech in question is now outdated. Call me crazy on this, but I think Ben Rich is right when he said what he said regarding certain types of technology that is seemingly impossible to be made, but actually exists, and is just classified and hidden for various and important reasons that are obviously, not disclosed.

Breaking news: Air Force drones reportedly going off course to follow former Presidents around. Onboard microphones detect indistinct muttering of "father" and "when are you coming back". DOD investigators confounded.
These drones are definitely fathered by Obama
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Seems kinda unnecessarily complex compared to existing STOVL UAVs. Seems like it would be very sea state dependent.
A doubtful recovery method... Would be neat if the fixed wing UAV could dock to the VTOL UAV for the landing part as well.
Also needs to trust its own. Would an AI AF be secure in a atmosphere of leaks?
Yeah, I agree with that. The trust should come both ways, especially in an age where electronic and cybernetic warfare is getting more sophisticated

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