US UAV and UCAV Technology

V-Bat receives APFIT program funding (Accelerate the Procurement and Fielding of Innovative Technologies) :

  • Autonomous Unmanned Aerial System – Vertical-BAT, USAF, Shield AI, California, and Texas.
    • Initial procurement of semi-autonomous, long-loiter, vertical takeoff, and landing-capable UASs with modular payload capability. Can provide resilient data transport and locate and provide weapon quality targeting information as part of the Joint Sensing Grid to JADC2. VBAT VTOL can operate in high-wind conditions.
You know when UAVs have a range and endurance quoted, how does that work exactly? Is that the endurance at that range, which would mean the total range could be far more?
You know when UAVs have a range and endurance quoted, how does that work exactly? Is that the endurance at that range, which would mean the total range could be far more?
Probably differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, but that would be my interpretation.
Is that the endurance at that range, which would mean the total range could be far more?
In our wonderful free-enterprise western world, I would use the ancients' wisdom: caveat emptor.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the doc, I'd fully trust it to be either/or. Just like the publicized armament loads on fighters.
There is a lot of cheap internet music that are only made out of a patchwork of sampleab from old soundtracks.
Curious. They were supposed to have dispatched some already but it seems to have gotten bogged down somewhere.
The Pentagon on Aug. 24 announced it would send the system, a laser-guided-missile launcher that can quickly be installed in a civilian truck bed, as part of a larger arms package. But despite Russia’s expanded use of Iranian-made kamikaze drones to target Ukraine’s power stations and other key infrastructure, the Pentagon hasn’t yet approved a contract to deliver the system.

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