Aselsan Gokdemir medium altitude air defence system, utilising the Gokdogan-YH missile, a surface launched variant of the Gokdogan AA missile.
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The Gökdemir 100 system can operate with 8 missiles ready to fire at a range of 20 km and an altitude of 10 km using existing RF-guided Gökdoğan AA missiles. Thanks to its own command control, it can work in integration with existing radar systems and the Siper air defense system.
Aselsan GURZ point defence system,
1x 35mm Airburst | 3km effective range
4x Sungur Manpad | 8km
4x Bozdoğan-DH missile | 25km*
4x AESA radar
1x AKR fire control radar
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Signing ceremony for Land Attack Version of Atmaca Cruise Missile. This means it's actually happening, Turkish land forces will get precision strike capability out to 280km.
View attachment 662769
- 6 meters in length
- 890kg weight
- 280km range
- 250kg warhead
- Autonomous
- 3-dimensional mission plan/navigation
View attachment 662770
Bullseye...TAYFUN Ballistic Missile Hits Its Target Accurately in Long Range Test Firing!
There are currently 3 different BMs in either active development/near induction stages:Mention here of a 2,000km range missile.
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan 2 bin km menzilli füze müjdesi | SavunmaSanayiST
Erdoğan, Türkiye'nin savunma sanayii projelerinde önemli adımlar atıldığını ve uzun menzilli füze geliştirme programlarının hızlandırılacağını
TAYFUN Ballistic Missile Hits Its Target Accurately in Long Range Test Firing!
View: activities of "Turkish SDB-equivalent" Tolun is complete.
"The Kara ATMACA missile hit the target at a distance of 400 km with its KTJ-3700 turbojet engine.
- SSB President Haluk Görgün"
Range increase to 400km with domestic turbojet engine