This is hilariously funny...

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Richard Branson is first in Space
Jeff Bezo will follow suborbital
but there is still Musk

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Crude humor for sure, but it illustrates well the basic point of the whole thing - a giant d*ck showing context between billionaires.

Then again, so was Apollo vs N1-L3: which Cold War superpower will piss the farthest ?

As I said before: Musk must laugh his a$$ off - not only he triggered a suborbital race between Branson and Musk; but he can now quietly crush them, TWO WAYS
- Starship suborbital: moar passengers, moar delta-v and far more range
(200 pax at 6 km/s = 10 000 km)
- Starship orbital: enough said
Crude humor for sure, but it illustrates well the basic point of the whole thing - a giant d*ck showing context between billionaires.

Given that the result is a series of massive forward leaps in launch vehicle operations and utilization, with a consequent massive drop in launch cost... this is a dick waving contest that we could use more of. Instead of telling billionaires that they're evil monsters for being rich while some people are poor, society would be better off nudging them into ostentatious displays of wealth by way of funding competitive space launch, or bridge building, or cancer curing, or reactor production.
Crude humor for sure, but it illustrates well the basic point of the whole thing - a giant d*ck showing context between billionaires.

Given that the result is a series of massive forward leaps in launch vehicle operations and utilization, with a consequent massive drop in launch cost... this is a dick waving contest that we could use more of. Instead of telling billionaires that they're evil monsters for being rich while some people are poor, society would be better off nudging them into ostentatious displays of wealth by way of funding competitive space launch, or bridge building, or cancer curing, or reactor production.
Yep. Whenever I hear somebody whining about the rich I can't help but think they're just envious. Poor people aren't going to take us to space. Sorry.
Something the rich do besides become envied, they create jobs for working class folk. Rather neat actually.
A picture with the rover on it's face spinning it's wheels would have been cool.
Good one Justo (the alien one). Reminds me of a... controversial picture from Charlie Hebdo glorious days (before murderous fanatics put seven bullets in Charb's head and more into his colleagues a sad day of january, 7 years ago...)

"Noel a Outreau: les accusés n'osent pas fourrer la dinde" (j'ai peur de retourner en prison !)


Christmas in Outreau. Innocents parents are affraid to stuff the turkey (I fear they send me in jail again !)


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Presently working in logistics. Every time I successfully check an order and it comes without a mistake, ( thus no lengthy recount nor call for help) I can't help thinking about this little gem.


"... and there was much rejoicing. Yeaaaaah !"

We are using a digital tablet to check the bar codes inside the buckets. Every time a bucket is correct (correct number of stuff inside), we are gratified with a small "party horn" picture and sound - as a way of saying "good job !"

Took me some days to get impeccable buckets. And a lot of pain and suffering. The first good ones were a major relief - for me and for the brave people helping. And because of this, the Monty python line come to my mind.

"He got impeccable buckets without any mistake, all day long. AND THERE WAS MUCH REJOICING - YEAAAAH !" No kidding. Some time I really mutter it (not too loud otherwise people would think I'm a loon).

A typical day in my working life

(anxiously checks the bar codes inside the bucket)
gets granted with a perfect result
small party horn apears on the screen
"cool, no need to check what's wrong. Onto the next one."
"And there was much rejoicing"
(rinse, repeat, for 7 hours)
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