This is hilariously funny...

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From working in a grocery store: If you find a puffed up can, throw the fff-ing thing away and do not open it and dig in.
The man's body is trying to tell him something important and he is willfully ignoring it.

A painful way to thin the herd.
That's what I thought but then. . .

Also, it's fermenting in the can. That's what fermented stuff does. "Fermentation continues in the can, causing it to bulge noticeably, which would usually be a sign of botulism or other food poisoning concern in non-fermented canned foods."
But it's more like eating that C Ration with a main course of ham and lima beans... And that's after like 40 years in the can!
I have seen the opening under water technique before.
Two astonishing Cold War stories that made my eyes pop of my head, Tex Avery style, first time I red them.

Story 1
Lockheed needs a lot of titanium to build their A-12 OXCART and SR-71s. They logically ask the US strategic metals reserve, but found their titanium is crap. They put the CIA on the case of finding better titanium, and the spooks founds some, guess where ? in freakkin' Soviet Union. No problem: in typical CIA style they create a byzantine, labyrinth of offshore companies and manage to get the "red titanium" to Lockheed.

Fast forward to the 1968-88 last two decades of Cold War. The Soviets and their allies furiously throw (according to a probable urban legend) no less than 4000 missiles at SR-71s.

Fun fact: they never knew they were trying to shoot down their own metal, flying at mach 3 over their heads.

Story 2
Edward Hall and Ted Hall.

In the mid to late 50's...

Edward is working furiously on the Minuteman missile - to send nuclear bombs to Moscow.

His younger brother Theodore is working furiously on the former Manhattan project spy ring (Klaus Fuchs was a colleague of him) to send nuclear bombs SECRETS to Moscow.

They are not aware of their parallel "careers" until the mid-90's when Cold War end and the story of Theodore is unveiled, shortly before his death.
This is what happens when Jaws meet "Deep impact" (should we call that hybrid "Jaws impact ?" or "deep impact in the jaws ?")

If they had been more ambitious, they could have gone even further with the atomic explosions: Terminator 3 ending...
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This is what happens when Jaws meet "Deep impact" (should we call that hybrid "Jaws impact ?" or "deep impact in the jaws ?")

If they had been more ambitious, they could have gone even further with the atomic explosion: Terminator 3 ending...
or nuke it from orbit :cool:
Would be nice if she could turn 100. What a jubilee that would be ! She's getting closer and closer...
That would be nice if Queen Elisabeth II reach that Age
oh by the way, do i hear complain from grave of Queen Victoria ?
On a serious note if a on oxygen pressure bottle the valve snapes off better take cover....
The August tradition


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There was a famous french singer that also happened to be an alcoholic (I won't name him, in fact there way too many of them and the name isn't what matters to get the stupid joke below)

The joke was (delivered news brief style)

"Yesterday evening in Paris, X-singer has peed on a streetlight... the streetlight could not be saved, it instantly died of a dazzling cirrhosis..." Also works with old Boris Yeltsin, in passing.

The Guignols had a good one, related to Boris. By the late 90's both Russia and Yeltsin were degrading pretty fast, the latter despite massive injection of cash by the IMF.

The Guignols had a news brief with the anchorman puppet saying exactly this.

"Good news, the many dollars pumped by the IMF into Russia economy have been found back. The Russians used them to stuff Boris Yeltsin."

(shot of the Yeltsin puppet grossly inflated, visibly half-dead with glassy eyes - and mounds of dollars stuck in the ears, nose, and mouth)

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Remember Mrs Doubtfire ? another good one from that movie.

The nanny interview.

Mother Sally Field "Do you drink ?
Robin Williams dressed as a nanny "Certainly not. You see, alcohol killed my husband.
Mother Sally Field "Oh, I feel sorry. Was he an alcoholic ?
Robin Williams dressed as a nanny "No, in fact he was killed by a speeding beer truck. Alcohol killed him literally."

LMAO the movie was utterly forgettable but that line was pretty good.

the line here -
Russian space station modules are silly.

Look at Nauka.

Just after it docked to the ISS, it atempted an audacious manoeuver to pull away and steal the Russian segment they want to use as basis for their future station.
Alas, Nauka sneak manoeuver failed.
The reason ?
Wrong gear !
To pull away the Russian segment, it should have gone into rear gear. Instead it slammed the accelerator in first gear and thus pushed into the ISS, that idiot.
Russian space station modules are silly.

Look at Nauka.

Just after it docked to the ISS, it atempted an audacious manoeuver to pull away and steal the Russian segment they want to use as basis for their future station.
Alas, Nauka sneak manoeuver failed.
The reason ?
Wrong gear !
To pull away the Russian segment, it should have gone into rear gear. Instead it slammed the accelerator in first gear and thus pushed into the ISS, that idiot.
I think I found the problem with their module...

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