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Yesterday a good friend from the aviation industry said: "The pilot batch has been launched."

I would say this rumor has a high probability of being true since we saw all the production rigs, and it matches the timeline in the available documents.

Rumor confirmed:
— At what stage are the tests of the heavy attack drone S-70 Okhotnik?

— The program is currently at the preliminary testing stage. Several prototypes are flying. At the same time, the UAC plant is preparing to manufacture a pilot batch of heavy attack drones. The project is going according to plan.
This was intentional. If you look where it was shut down that will give you a reason why.
What’s the location of the crash?

I don't know what they were thinking flying the aircraft that close to the frontline, it's not like they're using the drone to launch missiles... Even then they have plently of other options, they don't need the compromise their newest aircraft.
Controversial. Remote control must be organized by directional phased arrays of the S-111 system. It is nearly impossible to intercept control organized through directional antennas.
I am not saying it was intercepted(I doubt it's possible beyond fairytale fantasies of older USAF guard who simply treat hacking as magic). My guess it simply bluescreen crashed in unfortunate direction, probably during experimental combat sortie.
My guess it simply bluescreen crashed in unfortunate direction, probably during experimental combat sortie.
We'll never know for sure. Although there are a couple of channels in Telegram that can confirm one theory or another with some authority.
I would say it’s not this one.

Definitely not. The camouflage does not match either the first or second flying prototypes.
I wonder by how much will this “incident” set back the whole Okhotnik program. And how much will it affect Su-57 since they both share the same communication equipment.
I wonder by how much will this “incident” set back the whole Okhotnik program. And how much will it affect Su-57 since they both share the same communication equipment.
Maybe not much. The more interesting part is that it's a look at a state of the art Russian stealth/edge treatment etc.
Unlike su-57, s-70 was meant to be true VLO, after all, and it's as new as it gets.
Major tech loss, and frankly incredible that they couldn't even bomb it immediately.
The fact that they didn’t bomb the wreckage is a huge loss for Russia. And how come they didn’t program this thing to head to friendly territory automatically? I wonder if it had a big component failure
The fact that they didn’t bomb the wreckage is a huge loss for Russia. And how come they didn’t program this thing to head to friendly territory automatically? I wonder if it had a big component failure
Could control have been hijacked or GPS jammed leading to it taking the wrong route?
Could control have been hijacked or GPS jammed leading to it taking the wrong route?

I suppose it cannot be ruled out, but I think it far, far more likely to be a fault in the control system. There is a rich history of losing control of UAVs only to have them bumbling into another country’s airspace, or a couple times the wrong continent IIRC.
The fact that they didn’t bomb the wreckage is a huge loss for Russia. And how come they didn’t program this thing to head to friendly territory automatically? I wonder if it had a big component failure

I doubt there’s is very much compromised in this test article. The control layout and frequencies would probably be the biggest loss. Like RQ-170, I suspect it was built with the idea it might crash in the wrong place in mind, though probably not so early in its career.
Things you couldn't make up...

That said:

<insert facepalm meme here>

Where to start... so based on the even older F100-PW220 engine alone, the X-47C was not a stealth drone either? Okay...

Or the fact that even the F-35 is still riveted aluminium to a non-trivial extent, while the F-117 was actually almost *all* riveted aluminium - both not stealth aircraft either, clearly.

Finally, the video provides a nice, clear view of torn CFRP skin with 45° fiber tow remains, proving point blank that the guy is oblivious to what CFRP actually looks like even when it's staring him in the face.

(Not directed at you Deino, I don't mean to shoot the messenger)
Things you couldn't make up...

That said:

<insert facepalm meme here>

Where to start... so based on the even older F100-PW220 engine alone, the X-47C was not a stealth drone either? Okay...

Or the fact that even the F-35 is still riveted aluminium to a non-trivial extent, while the F-117 was actually almost *all* riveted aluminium - both not stealth aircraft either, clearly.

Finally, the video provides a nice, clear view of torn CFRP skin with 45° fiber tow remains, proving point blank that the guy is oblivious to what CFRP actually looks like even when it's staring him in the face.

(Not directed at you Deino, I don't mean to shoot the messenger)

Interesting leading edges are interesting

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