Shadow on The Wall - Work in Progress by Jozef Gatial

3D model of F-103 finally ready


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Great work !
Wondering about a possible paint scheme, as the natural metal may be a bit drab.
As some of the F-102 carried SEA camo, I was thinking of something similar. Or maybe
in USAFE colours ? ;)
I suppose this one but your ideas are welcomed, too. Pls send pictures. I will do second (or third) version of F-103 and certainly I will use it. Later I will do from these 3D models models for 3D printing


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PlanesPictures said:
3D model of F-103 finally ready

I thought the back end / nozzle was more squared off?


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I think for F-103 will be better color schemes of F-102 and F-106. F-111's color scheme will be later good for Republic TFX. Metal color scheme has more layers with bitmap masks.


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wonderful work

note on F-102 yes is was a fighter,
but in Vietnam war it was used also for ground attack and bombing, what explain the color scheme for low visibility at low altitude.
similar about F-111, that would be F-111F the tactical bomber

but the F-103 is mach 3 high altitude intreceptor what out run most bullet (or missile ?)

if has to be paint, it could look like this

i say if needed be painted...
I suppose these are basic development steps of XF-103


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texture development


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I just wonder if it would have been painted like that considering the temps it was expected to reach, or if it would have been white like the XF-108 (with that fancy ceramic paint).
That's why I proposed black, as the SR 71. But the mentioned ceramic paint maybe would have offered
posibilities for other colours, too ?
Final texture, there are 10-30 layers of lines, rivets, masks, colors... When it will be finished it will be no problem in a few hours to change it, but... I want to do noted three version of F-103, all versions of F-108, Archangel to Blackbird family, Fish Kingfish family, TFX etc... (not only pictures but .STL models for 3D printing, too). So I will need your ideas in next years
Jemiba said:
That's why I proposed black, as the SR 71. But the mentioned ceramic paint maybe would have offered
posibilities for other colours, too ?

on Ceramic paint, it contains ceramic microspheres were the color pigments.
it's create thicker, smoother coats and are easier to clean than traditional paints.
and you can coating the ceramic microspheres with any color pigment you like.

you can pained the F-103 in hot pink, with magnesium flares on the wingtips and loudspeakers blaring "La Cucaracha" at 300 decibels during take off... <just kidding, guys ;D>
That's a typical air-to-air promotional photo. Great !
I was just thinking about some trails or exhaust to emphasize motion,
but it's very plausible like it is.
this is only sample, now I'm working only on textures. On final versions there will be flames, smokes, rockets, targets...
PlanesPictures said:
this is only sample, now I'm working only on textures. On final versions there will be flames, smokes, rockets, targets...

Great! I will look forward for it...
I collect infos on next TFX project. All these pictures are from this forum. It seems we have acceptable sources only on USAF and NAVY version. Do you have more infos?


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I tried a lot of possible solutions but for me version without visible target is the best. Maybe I will try some night version


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ok, milions of next possible scenes is prepared but how to find the best


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Or you could have a couple escorting a Tu-95 Bear. I don't think there's a fighter in the West that hasn't done that. ;D
Good idea, but I don't have model of Tu-95. I have in Vue excellent model of Sukhoi T-4M (some pictures are on this forum, too) but it is 10 years difference between them I think. Or some versions of Mjasistchew M-50
"Bared teeth" in two versions


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I suppose for presentation reasons it was allowed to show both "teeths"


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The M-50 would fit exactly with regards to time and style, I think. I was the bomber, the F-103
wold have been built to counter.
That's it, thank you !
Evening mood in the first, morning mood in the second picture ... ;)

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