Hmmm....I cannot claim great knowledge, just the possession of a few books and a sometimes effective memory.
On F8 it all depends when.
If we assume the early option, this gets disrupted by Suez in '56, but resolves by 1958. Possibly with RR Avons supplanting AS Sapphires.
Possibly trials on Victorious.
This could cut short Sea Vixen production and see UK firms piling in on F8U-III.
RR might justify funding RB.106 to fruition as a drop in replacement for Avon or Sapphire on F8.
Next up is the F8U-III itself, and this could potentially solve NA.47 making F.177 a non-starter for the RN. This would then shape minimum CVA-01 planning.
Thirdly F8 Twosader with Spey to AW.406 and likely chosen by 1963.
Edited additional
In any such case the RN wouldn't be in the market for P.1154, freeing the RAF yo stubbornly pursue this.