I understand that the article dealing with the Benbow-battleship published in the Polish magazine originally was written in English. Can anybody supply a scan/pdf of the orginal?
The magazine was originally written in Polish because it is a Polish magazine, I wrote it in English here and I also included a link to the original here.
Some of the old issues are available online and you can read them.
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In your opinion, looking at the overall design of the 1,690-ton destroyer, is it currently a modified Guepard (as it is generally said) or not entirely and closer to Mogador/Le Fantasque, or is it a combination of two projects, as in the case of the de Loire project?
Of course, looking at what it is based on and what it is closer to.
Because I may have inaccurate or outdated information.
In Przegląd Morski, 1930, No. 14 of the monthly navy magazine, 2nd Lt. Commander Jerzy Kłossowski, in the article "rozważania nad rozwojem naszej siły zbrojnej na morzu", discussed the geopolitical conditions of Poland and their impact on the expansion of the navy.
He claimed that the political situation affects the size of our fleet.
His proposed fleet consisted of destroyers, a battleship and an air force.
It was 1 battleship with a displacement of 18,000 tons (approximately), 6 large destroyers with a displacement of 3,000 tons and 12 destroyers with a displacement of 1,500 tons, the total tonnage of surface vessels was 54,000 tons.
the total displacement of the submarines was 11,000 tons, the total displacement of the auxiliary ships was 2,000 tons, and the total displacement of the training ship was 6,000 tons.
The total tonnage of the fleet was 73,000 tons.
According to Kłossowski, Polish ships should be built with strong weapons (this applies to all ships), high speed, of course in appropriate proportions, and should be heavily armored (this only applies to battleships), of course from a strategic and hydrographic point of view.
I will now turn to the discussion of the battleship and destroyers.
According to Kłossowski, a battleship was a ship that had a larger displacement than Panzerschiff A, therefore he assumed the displacement to be 18,000 tons, emphasizing in brackets that this was an approximate displacement, he also assumed the 280 mm gun caliber of the battleship A as good, and concluded that it was enough to add more main artillery of this caliber than Panzerschiff A, I will explain it briefly this way, it means that according to him, the Polish battleship should have armament of, for example, 4xII 280 mm, 3xIII 280 mm or 5xII 280 mm, it was simply supposed to have stronger armament than Panzerschiff.
The armor was supposed to be sufficient to protect against the 280 mm caliber, but it should have been well thought out, and the armor and firepower should complement each other.
If necessary, reduce speed at the expense of armor and firepower.
Generally, he decided that for now, one larger and stronger than Battleship A would be enough, so he added such a battleship to his fleet.
Large destroyers were to have strong main artillery and should be very fast, for example, Kłossowski wrote small cruisers for Guepard-class destroyers .
He believed that the ideal smaller destroyers would be the modernized Wicher-class destroyers with a displacement of 1,500 tons.
However, it should be remembered that these are the personal views of people associated with the Polish Navy and not the official fleet programs.
I have summarized myself here to the most important information and data.
You can read the entire issue, to which I will provide a link http://www.bibliotekacyfrowa.eu/dlibra/show-content/publication/60861/edition/55377/ .
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