Motocar's Cutaway drawings

SSAC “Ultracar” Supersonic Flying Car Concept, un automóvil que supera todo lo visto antes y con características que el llamado Hypercar simplemente no puede igualar ¡ya que el cielo ya no será el límite! Diseñado más allá del estilo y la moda donde la función define las formas, de ahí su imagen cuadrada con su largo morro y amplia entrada de aire en forma de spoiler debajo del morro móvil que canaliza el aire hacia el “Ramjet”, esta forma aplanada tiene sus beneficios al manejar el boom sónico. tiene una forma ovalada y aplanada muy diferente al cono sónico que ha sido la mayor limitación para el vuelo supersónico sobre tierra y sobre todo zonas pobladas. El concepto estudia un híbrido eléctrico para uso terrestre y una turbina para vuelos de baja velocidad que permite alcanzar las velocidades de disparo del ramjet y así alcanzar las velocidades supersónicas propuestas en el proyecto. Cuenta con un ala Delta delgada que se pliega para su uso en las orugas, cuatro ruedas retráctiles y con dos potentes motores eléctricos en la parte trasera, alimentados por juegos de baterías de litio de alta eficiencia y recargables mediante el uso de la turbina, su chasis / fuselaje en composite. materiales haciendo uso extensivo de fibra de carbono y panales de Kevlar, los bordes de ataque en espuma cerámica ligera, doble deriva y pequeñas alas de canard en la parte delantera que se pueden plegar, tiene capacidad para dos personas que acceden a través de dos puertas correderas y una amplia y ligera Estatorreactor en los bajos e integrado en el fuselaje, Fuel se ubica justo detrás del mamparo trasero de la cabina, su morro abatible sirve para el manejo en carretera y el vuelo a bajas velocidades subiendo hasta alcanzar régimen supersónico. En breve, un concepto que muestra la viabilidad hoy de concretar el concepto que se inserta en el creciente mercado de nuevas propuestas de aviones supersónicos y enfocado especialmente en el ahora llamado BSS, acrónimo de Business SuperSonic. Motocar

Now in english language
SSAC “Ultracar” Supersonic Flying Car Concept, a car that surpasses anything seen before and with features that the so-called Hypercar simply cannot match, as the sky will no longer be the limit! Designed beyond style and fashion where function defines the forms, hence its square image with its long nose and wide air intake in the form of a spoiler under the mobile nose that channels the air towards the “Ramjet”, this flattened shape has its benefits in handling the sonic boom. It has an oval and flattened shape very different from the sonic cone that has been the greatest limitation for supersonic flight over land and especially populated areas. The concept studies an electric hybrid for land use and a turbine for low speed flights that allows reaching the firing speeds of the ramjet and thus reaching the supersonic speeds proposed in the project. It features a slim delta wing that folds for use on the tracks, four retractable wheels, and two powerful electric motors at the rear, powered by high-efficiency lithium battery packs rechargeable through the use of the turbine, its composite chassis / fuselage. materials making extensive use of carbon fiber and Kevlar honeycombs, the leading edges in lightweight ceramic foam, double drift and small canard wings at the front that can be folded, it accommodates two people entering through two doors slides and a wide and light Ramjet in the underbody and integrated in the fuselage, Fuel is located just behind the rear bulkhead of the cabin, its folding nose serves for the handling in highway and the flight to low speeds rising until reaching supersonic regime. In short, a concept that shows the viability today of realizing the concept that is inserted in the growing market of new proposals for supersonic aircraft and focused especially on the now called BSS, acronym for Business SuperSonic. Motocar

Cutaway SSAC 2.jpg


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Reminds me of 'Gay Deceiver' that the characters of Robert Heinlein's The Number of the Beast had.
I do not know that reference that I made, I would be very grateful if you shared it here. that concept and its design are original, things have been quarantined for long months due to the pandemic ...!
Reminds me of 'Gay Deceiver' that the characters of Robert Heinlein's The Number of the Beast had.
I do not know that reference that I made, I would be very grateful if you shared it here. that concept and its design are original, things have been quarantined for long months due to the pandemic ...!
Here goes:
It's late Heinlein, so it's bonkers. Gay Deceiver is your standard sf flying car, but hypersonic and with a basic AI. She then gets some weird upgrades.
Apparently a case of convergent imagination - nice to see what she'd look like.
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Reminds me of 'Gay Deceiver' that the characters of Robert Heinlein's The Number of the Beast had.
I do not know that reference that I made, I would be very grateful if you shared it here. that concept and its design are original, things have been quarantined for long months due to the pandemic ...!
Here goes:
It's late Heinlein, so it's bonkers. Gay Deceiver is your standard sf flying car, but hypersonic and with a basic AI. She then gets some weird upgrades.
Apparently a case of convergent imagination - nice to see what she'd look like.
Barrera idiomatica yo habló español no comprendí bien ni con el traductor.... Gracias por comentar.
Comienzo modesto en lápiz y papel este concepto.


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Cutaway Convair Model 111 Aerocar, goma de borrar sobre papel


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Render landing SSAC "Ultracar"


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Cutaway AVIC Lijian "Sharp Sword", the Chinese Stealth Drone which I took the liberty to do a cutaway version but for a pilot and has two warehouses of weapons to laser-guided bombs or a pair of infrared guided missiles for self defense small Zhenguan TY-90-AAM, currently equips the Z10 Chinese attack helicopters, the cabin remained just ahead of an RD-33 engine with afterburner, would make a total view cover and place a frameless seat ejection Martin Baker Mk-10, widely used in almost all its products by the Chinese aviation industry, original author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar to recreate the schematic section of this "hypothetical" airplane Chinese stealth attack, partly inspired by the version of MiG Skat proposing a change to its stealth Drone pilot Skat, which only showed his model, while the Chinese model has already made test flights but currently unaware as follows their development and test schedule


The picture has disappeared,sad
Cutaway AVIC Lijian "Sharp Sword", el Stealth Drone chino que me tomé la libertad de hacer una versión seccionada pero para un piloto y tiene dos almacenes de armas para bombas guiadas por láser o un par de misiles guiados por infrarrojos para autodefensa pequeño Zhenguan TY -90-AAM, actualmente equipa los helicópteros de ataque chinos Z10, la cabina quedaba justo por delante de un motor RD-33 con postcombustión, haría una tapa de vista total y colocaría un asiento eyectable sin marco Martin Baker Mk-10, muy utilizado en casi todos sus productos por la industria de la aviación china, autor original Mike Badrocke y modificado por Motocar para recrear la sección esquemática de este "hipotético" avión de ataque furtivo chino, en parte inspirado en la versión de MiG Skat que propone un cambio a su piloto de drones furtivos Skat, que solo mostró su modelo, mientras que el modelo chino ya ha realizado vuelos de prueba pero actualmente inconsciente como sigue su programa de desarrollo y prueba


La imagen ha desaparecido, triste

Repost Cutaway AVIC Lijian Stealth


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Cutaway Convair Model 111 "Aircar" airplane designed in the immediate postwar period in another attempt to create a market for a simple airplane, during the immediate pre-war period a designer had worked on a previous proposal with a sunshade wing, thrust propeller and four small wheels, in the Model 111 it was preserved by far the design of the vertical drift and the driving propeller but with a new fuselage and wings, the latter of medium implantation and positive dihedral, with the main spar passing to the center of the cabin and supporting the 4-cylinder engine opposite and 65 hp installed underneath it, it moved a long shaft at the end of which was a relatively small three-bladed propeller, a fixed but carefully faired tricycle landing gear, the nose gear used parallel shock absorbers like those seen in airplanes like the DC-3 and due to its size more similar to that used in motorcycles, its fuselage was semi-monocoque with a thick external coating, eliminating the need for many stringers. It was accessed through doors on both sides of the fuselage and had a central tunnel running through it, a small instrument panel and the control yoke and throttles, the engine was air-cooled and had two air intakes at the bottom already the sides that brought cool air to the fins of the engine and the hot air was expelled by outlets on the wing trailing edge, a feature in the specular touch is the "cross" drift its upper fin showed a thinner fairing towards the part high. This project was a constant source of problems caused by the long transmission shafts that broke despite the efforts, the company soon gave up on further development and was abandoned, being sent to scrapping shortly afterwards without pain or glory.
Cutaway Convair Model 111.jpg
Cutaway Convair Model 111 Aircar listo.jpg
P.D. Sorry for all the licenses I took to recreate the nonexistent Convair Model 111 cutaway, only guided by the few photos posted here.
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Small image


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Started drawing


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Hey Motorcar maybe you could do the internal for the f-118 silent bird. I drew the design out on paper and photo shopped by Dragon its rear is x-45 front is bird of prey. A replacement for the f-117 for the airforce if the JSF didn't come along.


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Hey Motorcar maybe you could do the internal for the f-118 silent bird. I drew the design out on paper and photo shopped by Dragon its rear is x-45 front is bird of prey. A replacement for the f-117 for the airforce if the JSF didn't come along.

I do not have any image of that plane, what are you telling me, more photos and drawings are needed, I wanted to do the Bird of Pray for a long time but there is no data to help ...! greetings Motocar
Hey Motorcar maybe you could do the internal for the f-118 silent bird. I drew the design out on paper and photo shopped by Dragon its rear is x-45 front is bird of prey. A replacement for the f-117 for the airforce if the JSF didn't come along.

I do not have any image of that plane, what are you telling me, more photos and drawings are needed, I wanted to do the Bird of Pray for a long time but there is no data to help ...! greetings Motocar
Greets Motorcar,
That is a photo shopped design it uses the rear of the boeing x-45 UCAV drone and the front half of the Boeing bird of prey lots of pictures of both designs on line especially the x-45 drone there are internal drawings. As far as i know there are no internal drawings of Boeing bird of prey just exterior shots. The x-45 and boeing bird of prey use the same technology. And the drawing I did Dragon made a photo shop from the drawing melded the x-45 and BOP.


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Intreging design philosophy!!

I'll try how much I have a chance to make a speculative cutaway of the Bird of Prey
Cutaway Convair Model 111 "Aircar" airplane designed in the immediate postwar period in another attempt to create a market for a simple airplane, during the immediate pre-war period a designer had worked on a previous proposal with a sunshade wing, thrust propeller and four small wheels, in the Model 111 it was preserved by far the design of the vertical drift and the driving propeller but with a new fuselage and wings, the latter of medium implantation and positive dihedral, with the main spar passing to the center of the cabin and supporting the 4-cylinder engine opposite and 65 hp installed underneath it, it moved a long shaft at the end of which was a relatively small three-bladed propeller, a fixed but carefully faired tricycle landing gear, the nose gear used parallel shock absorbers like those seen in airplanes like the DC-3 and due to its size more similar to that used in motorcycles, its fuselage was semi-monocoque with a thick external coating, eliminating the need for many stringers. It was accessed through doors on both sides of the fuselage and had a central tunnel running through it, a small instrument panel and the control yoke and throttles, the engine was air-cooled and had two air intakes at the bottom already the sides that brought cool air to the fins of the engine and the hot air was expelled by outlets on the wing trailing edge, a feature in the specular touch is the "cross" drift its upper fin showed a thinner fairing towards the part high. This project was a constant source of problems caused by the long transmission shafts that broke despite the efforts, the company soon gave up on further development and was abandoned, being sent to scrapping shortly afterwards without pain or glory.
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View attachment 655824
P.D. Sorry for all the licenses I took to recreate the nonexistent Convair Model 111 cutaway, only guided by the few photos posted here.

That reminds us of the short-lived Waco Aristocrat immediately after WW2.
Next cut: P1 "Airsubmarine" Japanese anime from the 60's "Marine Boy and Oceanic Patrol" inspired in...


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P1 AeroSubmarine, crew of the Ocean Patrol from the Japanese anime series broadcast on television in 1966/7, this exercise only seeks to recreate all the technologies necessary to create this technological gadget used in the television series. Starting with the circular wing structure that almost mimics the horseshoe crab (a true living fossil whose blood is blue), its serious structure in carbon fiber composites, with two large sticks of the same material, has a large sonar in front as well as a radar. for air operations, its long post is an aerial refueling probe, it has accommodation for a maximum of 4 crew members, a hatch in the floor for the crew exits, it is equipped with oxygen and is propelled in the air by a jet engine with hermetic closure of its gas nozzle and which air inlets open and close on the sides of the fuselage, this drives a large generator to recharge the lithium batteries that power the electric motors for propulsion underwater by high-performance hydrojet, below these Retractable wings are hidden for flight, it is armed with 4 torpedoes in two hermetic launchers and has 12 missiles for Air-to-Air Operations in rotating containers for 6 units with retractable fins per side, rechargeable from the top through doors of access, next to these are the integral fuel tanks, the flight and navigation controls are in charge of the split elevons and an integral drift. In short, a job just to imagine all the things that must be integrated to create a vehicle similar to that if as children it made us fantasize about great underwater adventures ...!


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FIAT C.29 cut. the fantastic and small plane designed by to contest the seaplane race the "Schneider Cup" in it the most avant-garde constructors of world aviation met, names such as Curtiss, Macchi, Supermarine and Fiat among others presented their most advanced designs to try to achieve victory in three editions and win the Cup for his country. Fiat tried with this development to create an aircraft that would achieve victory, the first design presented instability and crashed, leaving its pilot with almost no injuries, the next prototype crashed during hydrodynamic tests, its pilot left the cockpit and lost the plane in the depths. from the lake where the tests were carried out, being more than 90 meters deep (the remains of the plane and its 12-cylinder engine were recently found), the third prototype and the one that concerns us was built incorporating the necessary changes but it could not be test and send to the race but did not participate, when he returned to Italy it was stored and managed to survive the 2nd World War and is currently exhibited in a museum. Among its characteristics we can mention a large 12-cylinder Fiat engine, two-bladed propeller, wings with wooden main spars although covered with aluminum in their wing and fuselage structure, the latter was multitubular, the engine cooling was achieved with surfaces of radiator up and down. under the wings covering a good part of it that even so it was not enough to place another just under the fuselage between the spars, the surfaces of the tail were cruciform and the rudder area was enlarged again being larger than in the two previous prototypes. A curious fact that shows the value of these pilots was that they lacked instruments, only controls for the passage of the fuel (this was housed in the tank in the floats), the accelerators / mixture and the control lever, the cockpit cover slid forward with the windshield, simply leaving it open on the advice of another pilot except for the life of one of his pilots during a failed test of the No. 2 prototype. This cut is highly speculative made with the information available and guided by the few photos found on the net. Motocar



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Next cutaway "Auto Bolido" Rocket Pedro Paulet peruvian designer...!
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Cutaway Auto Bólido de Paulet, The Peruvian Pedro Paulet is considered the "Father of Rocketry" since he was the first to study and then design and build a liquid fuel rocket engine, the previous rocketry comes from ancient times because it was the Chinese who They invented gunpowder and with it they created the first solid fuel rockets, using them first to "drive away evil spirits" and then their military strategists saw in them the possibility of using it as weapons - Pedro Paulet in his studies at the end of the 19th century. century and built a lightweight liquid fuel rocket engine that had an excellent thrust-to-weight ratio. The thrust was achieved with a series of explosions in the chamber passing the gases to the bell-shaped nozzle. Due to its size, It would be necessary to group a significant number of units to get enough thrust to raise your proposal for a "Car Racing" also called Torpedo. This was an advanced two-seater design designed for high speed flights with the Wings-Engine assembly pivoting 90 degrees, here too it was ahead of all known VTOLs and even the Wright brothers with its proposal ... Unfortunately, it did not. I get enough support to build it. , although I post an early image with a front cutout with the wings in a vertical position for takeoffs / landings and horizontal position for flights. here too he got ahead of all known VTOLs and even the Wright brothers with his proposal ... Unfortunately, he didn't get enough support to build it. , although I post an early image with a front cutout with the wings in a vertical position for takeoffs / landings and horizontal position for flights. here too he got ahead of all known VTOLs and even the Wright brothers with his proposal ... Unfortunately, they didn't get enough support to build it. , although I post an early image with a front cutout with the wings in a vertical position for takeoffs / landings and horizontal position for flights.
It had two seats and the controls for levers and pedals (hardly visible in the original cuts) without much specification of its operation on the aerodynamic surfaces at the marginal edges Its instruments consisted of large instruments and gauges to monitor pressure data, behind and underneath the nacelle / fuselage had surfaces to stabilize (although due to the aerodynamic shadow of the fuselage it could offer little or no control) the lower wing was foldable laterally (something seen decades later in modern aircraft such as the Vought F8U-2, MiG-23 by example). It was finished off by a landing gear with three small wheels, two in the front and one in the center behind. As you can see, This project was ahead of its time and it was a real challenge to bring it to reality both due to technical and material difficulties and the lack of financial and governmental support, understandable in those years when very few knew more about these technologies. Beyond having read a Jules Verne novel. Motocar



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Your posts here on 9 July and 30 July and 8 August were all made in Spanish. I edited the 8 August post and put in a Google translation. I can do the same for the previous posts, but would prefer not to have to do this.
There was a problem with the automatic translator that translated the posts into Spanish and I was thinking what they shared in English, I already took note of your observation, thank you for notifying me. Motocar
Cutaway FMA IA-63 Pampa III LIFT, now recreated with the pilot's cabin occupying the front seat, the most appreciable advantage of this arrangement is the great simplicity of this conversion, without complexities with the advantage that it allows to increase the previously occupied fuel capacity through the rear seat, increasing its radius of action and keeping many of the systems intact, now presented in the version with laser designator on the nose. Modifications as you are have already been used in the MIG-35 allowing to have both a single seater and a two seater with very few changes. Author Aviagraphica and retouched by Motocar.


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