Motocar's Cutaway drawings

Cutaway FMA IA-63 Stealth Pampa, speculative interpretation (in progress) to achieve a small and economical "Stealth" light attack aircraft, starting from the base of a basic Pampa and making modifications that allow it to be less visible to radar, I take some time to think about the necessary changes that would achieve the objective of greater discretion for what I decided on the solution of adding two separate "FAST Tanks" or tanks shaped to the fuselage, these with a very open "V" design to hide the contours of the fuselage At the same time that they allow to increase the amount of fuel that can be transported, the exhaust of the engine gases had to be lengthened (decreasing the exit temperature of the gases and protecting the engine), finishing them in a flat design in ” V”, the air intakes became simpler, lighter and more discreet, a solution already seen in other aircraft such as the J-10C, JF-17 III and the F-35, single-seat cabin making use of the rear seat providing greater height and visibility despite the fact that the deck is a little lower, the wing stations or hardpoints carry discrete containers to carry laser-guided bombs or the most modern glider bombs, it is also capable of carrying infrared self-defense missiles. The tail surfaces is where you really make the most significant changes by increasing the negative dihedral and eliminating drift leaving only a small vertical surface for the sake of greater discretion, in the nose I speculate with the ability to install a small AESA type radar and a slightly faceted nose, a no less important detail is its wings which, being an efficient supercritical profile, do not require changes, I only added extensions to its marginal edges with a small positive dihedral, fairing its aileron and flap joints for the sake of discretion. In short, an exercise in "Fan Art" to only answer the question What if...?, author Aviagraphica and modified by Motocar


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Repost Cutaway Concept Leduc


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Thanking the friend of this forum, the Render Artist CiTrus90 for his collaboration in making digital interpretations of my speculative work of a Pampa Stealth, works that I share with you below, not without first thanking Citrus90 again for their enormous collaboration


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Cutaway Shenyang JJ-5/FT-5 the two-seat trainer of the J-5 (version of the MiG-17 built under license in China, although a training version was not built in the USSR as the MiG-15UTI was enough, the Chinese saw the need of this and they built said model to which they reduced the armament to a single cannon and used the air intake with the extended upper lip similar to that seen in the proposals of the MiG-15P and MiG-17P, its extended cover and little aerodynamics (Also seen in the JJ-6) the windshield showed the same shape and angle as the one already used in the MiG-15UTI and the openings of both cabins kept the same design, a modification presented in large format and made by Motocar on the work of the artist Mike Badrocke



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Cutaway Pampa Stealth original author Carlos A. Garcia and nodified by Motocar


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    Cutaway Pampa Stealth, original de Carlos A. Garcia y modificado por Motocar.jpg
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Original cutaway FMA IA-63 "Pampa" by artists Carlos A. Garcia ang retouched by Motocar


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Cutaway Bede BD-5 , el microavión de Jim Bede que puso a soñar a millones de lo que luego se desarrollaría como un pequeño “Jet” con desempeño de infarto, este diseño no estuvo exento de problemas que llevó a la pequeña firma de Bede a la quiebra, posteriormente fue rediseñado convirtiéndolo en un avión más seguro que muchos en el proceso de construcción amateur, en este modelo se presenta con un motor alternativo y hélice de empuje, autor Mike Badrocke y retocado por Motocar para unir ambas mitades



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Repost CutawayMiG-31 "Super Foxbat" , bigger sized speculative drawing


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Cutaway Kamov Ka-226, this light utility helicopter is an evolution of the Ka-26 cell but now with a new turbo-shaft engine, this power plant is much lighter, more reliable and more powerful, providing superior load capacity performance. to the original, author Bilal Masood c from Twitter


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I am interested in knowing more information about this proposal, the only thing I have is this small image, whose data is quite illegible and in Russian, I would greatly appreciate any additional information in order to make a speculative cutaway.

Thank you Motocar


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Cutaway Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider, the new Stealth bomber 6th generation, author RUR and retouched by Motocar 1670552524693.jpg


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Cutaway Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider, author RUR and retouched by Motocar


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I am interested in locating this article published in an Aviation magazine from 1983 or the cutaway of the Douglas X-3 Stilletto, if any friend from the forum and especially on the subject has access to a newspaper library, I would greatly appreciate it if you share it here in the best possible resolution . thanks in advance Motocar


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Cutaway Truax X-3 "Volksrocket/Enterprise". The X-3 Enterprise rocket was a creation of Robert Truax, project “X-3” initially baptized “Volksrocket”, a rocket that would bring the citizen to the dream of space exploration, for which with his rocket experience he allowed him to conceive a ship that would be powered by LR101 rockets a reliable engine used in Atlas missiles which would be acquired at a price of 110, or $ 70 instead of 70,000, or $ the unit when they were installed in Atlas ballistic missiles, one of the The advantages of the LR101 were to be very simple, reusable and not require the complexities of liquid fuel rockets such as turbo-pumps, while those only use a spherical tank with pressurized helium that propel the fuel (Kerosene Jet A1 ) and the oxidant (oxygen) carrying sufficient quantities for a flight of between 10 and 15 minutes, a short and expensive adventure of more or less 1000, oo / minute about (10,000, oo the ticket) to observing the curvature of the earth from 34 thousand meters or 113 thousand feet high, the aspiring astronaut would occupy a tiny capsule of only 25 inches or 63.5 cm in diameter that would descend by parachute once the flight was completed. Its designer attracted interest and then the support of a promoter John Oelerich of Chicago who tried to attract 38 investors for a modest capital investment only required between $ 150/200 thousand to give the necessary momentum of that project. Truax worked for many years in trying to make his project viable, he died in 2010 at age 93.
Recreating this attempt to bring astronautics closer to the man on foot has always been a difficult undertaking almost a chimera, an example would be the "G's" forces of acceleration during the launch by the position of the pilot sitting vertically that would affect his spine ( something that has caused injuries to the ejections of many pilots) the absence of any type of control by the crew and blindly rely on parachute deployment when returning to land.
This Motocar work is a highly speculative free interpretation of that Robert Truax project and whose feasibility was very real, I remember reading that article in the Popular Mechanics magazine in the Spanish edition of May / June 1981 and thinking that it was a version of the V-2 missile "Manned" a few years ago I stumbled upon the article now in English and with the help of the Internet I expanded the data as far as it could go and decided to make the cutaway as a modest contribution to Robert Truax's dream that later The great designer Burt Rutan and his successful SpaceShip One would follow with better results, which gave way to the only space tourism vehicle the SpaceShip Two of the Virgin Galactic company of Sir Richard Branson, of which a large number of aspirant tickets have already been sold to “Tourists Space ”awaiting the completion of test flights.

View attachment 620652

Original cutaway del Truax X-3 Enterprise

View attachment 648663

Movie Bob Truax "The US Navy's Rocket Man"

I am interested in locating this article published in an Aviation magazine from 1983 or the cutaway of the Douglas X-3 Stilletto, if any friend from the forum and especially on the subject has access to a newspaper library, I would greatly appreciate it if you share it here in the best possible resolution . thanks in advance Motocar
Here ya go.


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Thanks JimK for the quick response, I will retouch to clean and improve it for the enjoyment of those who follow the topic
I am interested in locating this article published in an Aviation magazine from 1983 or the cutaway of the Douglas X-3 Stilletto, if any friend from the forum and especially on the subject has access to a newspaper library, I would greatly appreciate it if you share it here in the best possible resolution . thanks in advance Motocar
Here ya go.
Cutaway Chengdu J-20C two place speculation, author Renzo Utili R. and retouched by Motocar



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Please does anyone have more information on this proposed concept? I'll be very greatful Motocar de Popular Mechanics octuber1994, author Paul Dimare


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Cutaway Dassault MD. 450 Ouragan, author Aviagraphica and retouched by Motocar


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I am interested in locating this article published in an Aviation magazine from 1983 or the cutaway of the Douglas X-3 Stilletto, if any friend from the forum and especially on the subject has access to a newspaper library, I would greatly appreciate it if you share it here in the best possible resolution . thanks in advance Motocar
Here ya go.


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Cutaway British Aerospace Harrier Mk.1-McDonnell Douglas AV-8A, author Aviagraphica and retouched by Motocar for recreated this model


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Por favor, ¿alguien tiene más información sobre este concepto propuesto? Estare muy agradecido Motocar de Popular Mechanics octubre 1994, author Paul Dimare
In my opinion it is a mach 3 waverider design based on the technology of mobile ramps located inside the inductor tube.
If I had to do the drawing, I would work from the inside out trying to apply the principles of mach 2 to mach 3, the exterior is not difficult, it is just a rectangular section fuselage with a very simple delta wing.
I hope the attached information is useful to you.


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