Motocar's Cutaway drawings

Motocar was the one who made the speculative cutaway that bothers him so much, rather than enjoying it...
Oh, but I do enjoy it Motocar! It is a beautiful image, so much better than I can draw. As I said, it is only when it is presented as accurate that I am unhappy.
In case it helps, here is my own crude effort to put right some of the inaccuracies: the cockpit is moved forwards, the nose line smoothed, the nose intake more circular, the guns back behind the pilot, the canopy extended backwards, a steel wing box/fuel tank (with some internal stiffening) depicted and the undercarriage rearranged behind it (though the hinge is still too far forward and outboard), a central sheet steel chassis and carry-through box to which the wing is bolted (I am unsure if the jet intake or cockpit armour would have been integral with it yet). It may be rougher, but it is closer to the actual design. BV-210-alt.jpg
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The point is that the Motocar's cutaway is essentially consistent with the Flitzer's 2 views artwork.
Considering the modification that Steelpillow propose we must assume that Flitzer's arttwork is also wrong.

Estos comentarios son mas contructivos que los anteriores...! Gracias, Motocar.

P.D. Los perfiles de guia son de gran ayuda pero en ocasiones tambien son especulativos y generan una cadena de errores involuntarios...!
Oh, my, I am losing my marbles! I owe Motocar (and by implication also Flitzer and overscan) a sincere apology for the worst of my criticisms, as I have been at least as inaccurate: I have been muddling up the B&V P 210 with the P 209!:eek::oops:
My drawing is effectively the P 209. I suppose it started because Motocar originally posted on another thread in the middle of a P 209 discussion and I stupidly missed the change of subject. Flitzer's side profile of the P 210 is as good as it gets and I should not have altered the forward fuselage and cockpit in the way that I did. On the other hand I was right to pick up on the steel box spar and carry-through. We both got the main wheel wells wrong - they lie flat underneath as Motocar drew them but further back as I drew them.
(I think...)
Sincere apologies again to all concerned.
Oh, my, I am losing my marbles! I owe Motocar (and by implication also Flitzer and overscan) a sincere apology for the worst of my criticisms, as I have been at least as inaccurate: I have been muddling up the B&V P 210 with the P 209!:eek::oops:

Ok but, in any case, the Flitzer's 2 views (and the Motocar's cutaway based upon it) and the Zizi6785's 3 views are not exactly the same thing.
Fuselage shape, canopy shape, cannon position, engine area and winglets are quite different.
What is right and what is wrong?
When I make a speculative cutaway drawing I do it trying to use all the available data, the originals and the interpretations of other artists of the cutaway and the profiles, the critics are always welcome to make a revision that allows to improve the work already presented. Thanks to Steelpillow, archipeppe and Zizi6786 for their contributions, criticisms and opinions in favor of that almost forgotten fighter Blhom & Voss BV-210 project...
Read carefully the note indicated on which they alerted me, I ask Can I continue to share the modifications, tweaks and originals that I have made or that are in the project or because they are completed? How are the cutaways already shared in the topic that I have in the forum and in those others where I have shared images of other authors? Greetings and thanks. Motocar
Cutaway Boeing XB/YB-52, the prototypes of the old, fat and ugly or better known as "Buff" nobody even their designers thought they would be flying in the 21st century, being part of the dissuasive triad of the USAF, that bomber that belonged to the famous "Strategic Command" whose logo adorned the nose of the bombers that were part of it in their different units, the B-52 had to replace the huge (and obsolete) Republic B-36 as well as increase the stride that the Boeing B-47 lacked, would be accompanied only for a decade of the fabulous, supersonic and very expensive Convair B-58. Already in the sixties he had planned his powerful substitute task entrusted to North American and his fantastic XB-70 with speed of Mach 3 flying at high altitude, would soon be relegated and then canceled when changing the balance of power due to Soviet capabilities in ground-to-air or SAM missiles that had already shown their ability to take down intruder planes flying at great heights, one and their victims was the previously untouchable Lockheed U-2, being shot down by Gary Powers who was captured and creating a serious international incident , Author Aviagraphica and retouched by Motocar to recreate this early version of the BUFF



  • Cutaway Boeing XB-52--YB-52 Colores USAF.jpeg
    Cutaway Boeing XB-52--YB-52 Colores USAF.jpeg
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Cutaway D. Pokorzhevskiy soviet concept parasite fighter now retouched, author Motocar



  • Copia (6) de Cutaway D. Pokorzhevskiy.jpg
    Copia (6) de Cutaway D. Pokorzhevskiy.jpg
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Cutaway Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-17SN, as I mentioned this prototype of the very maneuverable MiG-17 now with tilting cannons, which allowed him to change the angle of them in pitch, allowing the cannon down or up, the test flights showed which affected the handling (given the greater weight of the nose with this novel installation) which caused it not to enter into service, this is how he said goodbye the most attractive version of all MiG-17, its circular air intakes joined to a more aerodynamic cabin cover next to a rounded nose more pleasing to the eye (No more aerodynamic, since the front shot was very well designed and was very efficient from the aerodynamic and practical point of view, so much so that it was mounted almost without changes in the first MiG jets from the MiG-9, MiG-15, MiG-17 and MiG-19) original author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar to recreate this beautiful version of one of the ma s feared fighters that left the guidelines of what should be an evolving combat fighter.



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    Cutaway Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-17SN colour.jpg
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Cutaway Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-17SM1-4, prototype of the MiG-17 used as a test bench for the Tumansky RD-9 engines but without the installation of the afterburners, the fabulous and simple MiG-17 proved once again to be up to par. of the needs required by the MiG design office, this particular model shows us the versatility of the fighter that was modified to its rear fuselage to accept two new axial flow engines of the newly created Tumansky firm, the RD -9 were quite long once the afterburners were installed, remember that the development of centrifugal motors was considered a dead way to break the sound barrier by its frontal area and its centrifugal compressor that had to have really large dimensions to achieve sufficient performance that would allow it to achieve truly supersonic performance, hence the next step was the development of the most complex engines axial that reduced the frontal area and increased compression ratios (The Germans were right when developing their more complex Jumo 004, Heinkel He-11 and BMW-003 engines) by simply placing several stages of compression impellers , it was this little fighter who had the task of serving as a flying test bench of these very new machines, the little expert eye goes unnoticed until you look from behind and both nozzles are observed, original author Mike Badrocke and modified by Motocar to recreate this non-existent schematic cut.

P.S. There it is for the enjoyment of friends who follow the topic


  • Cutaway MiG 17 SM1-4 twin engine.JPG
    Cutaway MiG 17 SM1-4 twin engine.JPG
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Cutaway Mitsubishi A5M4-ko, author WEAL and modified by Motocar Copia de Cutaway A5M4.k training two place.jpg
Cutaway Mitsubishi K-14, the only prototype built for the Japanese army's A5M, its most striking feature was its inverted "Seagull Wings", its fixed landing gear fairing with rather narrow wheels, its longest, smallest tail wheel and showing its open cab plus a perfect "Tear" fairing that served as headrests and constituted the anti-capoatage bar, here I present them in colors, its engine a 9-cylinder Nakajima Kotobuki (version built under license from the old Bristol Jupiter), with two-bladed helix, I show it with two light machine guns in the fairing in front of the cabin next to a rustic tubular sight, you can see its pitot tube raised on the left wing and its external aileron controls, author WEAL and modified by Motocar to recreate this almost unknown prototype of which the allies were left wanting to see it since it only appeared as "Sandy" in their Japanese hunting identification manuals .



  • Cutaway Mitsubishi K-14 prototipo del A5M a color.jpg
    Cutaway Mitsubishi K-14 prototipo del A5M a color.jpg
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Cutaway Mitsubishi A5M3-Ko, engine Hispano Suiza 12Xcrs model, author WEAL and modified by Motocar


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    Cutaway Mitsubishi A5M3-ko twitter.jpg
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Cutaway Sukhoi I-107 / Su-5, the fighter developed by the Soviets before the entry into service of the Messerschmitt jet fighter the Me-262, whose performance far exceeded any Soviet fighter, in the absence of development of jet engines decided to implement a "hybrid" fighter that was the combination of the proven Klimov VK-107A engine with a transmission box and a shaft that moved the Khalschevnikov compressor forcing air through the cooling radiator and then passing through 7 burners creating a unit Propeller type "Thermoreactor" which became known as VDRK whose combined power was equivalent to 2800 hp, the thrust of the propulsion unit was 300 Kgs to be used for approximately 3 minutes during combat, the rest of the time only the alternative engine would be used, would be armed with two 12.7 mm Berezin UB machine guns and a 23 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS23 cannon firing through the propeller hub, its wings were per Fil laminar, it was expected to reach about 950 km / h being very optimistic in reality just if it reached 793 km / h, it was tested in flight while its Klimov VK-107A engine lasted, being neglected any further development after the arrival of real jet fighters thanks to access to the technology of the Nazi engines Jumo 004 and BMW-003 that fell into the hands of the Soviets who, with the support of engineers, created copies and installed them in the first Yak-15 and MiG-fighters 9, the other fighter that shared this type of "Hybrid" Temorreactor engine was the MiG I-250 later known as MiG-13 which is said to have built several dozen units and that they served with the Soviet Navy ( Thing that today is doubted in light of new documentation) modification recreated by Motocar.


  • Cutaway Sukhoi Su-5 con infografia a color.JPG
    Cutaway Sukhoi Su-5 con infografia a color.JPG
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Cutaway Truax X-3 "Volksrocket/Enterprise". The X-3 Enterprise rocket was a creation of Robert Truax, project “X-3” initially baptized “Volksrocket”, a rocket that would bring the citizen to the dream of space exploration, for which with his rocket experience he allowed him to conceive a ship that would be powered by LR101 rockets a reliable engine used in Atlas missiles which would be acquired at a price of 110, or $ 70 instead of 70,000, or $ the unit when they were installed in Atlas ballistic missiles, one of the The advantages of the LR101 were to be very simple, reusable and not require the complexities of liquid fuel rockets such as turbo-pumps, while those only use a spherical tank with pressurized helium that propel the fuel (Kerosene Jet A1 ) and the oxidant (oxygen) carrying sufficient quantities for a flight of between 10 and 15 minutes, a short and expensive adventure of more or less 1000, oo / minute about (10,000, oo the ticket) to observing the curvature of the earth from 34 thousand meters or 113 thousand feet high, the aspiring astronaut would occupy a tiny capsule of only 25 inches or 63.5 cm in diameter that would descend by parachute once the flight was completed. Its designer attracted interest and then the support of a promoter John Oelerich of Chicago who tried to attract 38 investors for a modest capital investment only required between $ 150/200 thousand to give the necessary momentum of that project. Truax worked for many years in trying to make his project viable, he died in 2010 at age 93.
Recreating this attempt to bring astronautics closer to the man on foot has always been a difficult undertaking almost a chimera, an example would be the "G's" forces of acceleration during the launch by the position of the pilot sitting vertically that would affect his spine ( something that has caused injuries to the ejections of many pilots) the absence of any type of control by the crew and blindly rely on parachute deployment when returning to land.
This Motocar work is a highly speculative free interpretation of that Robert Truax project and whose feasibility was very real, I remember reading that article in the Popular Mechanics magazine in the Spanish edition of May / June 1981 and thinking that it was a version of the V-2 missile "Manned" a few years ago I stumbled upon the article now in English and with the help of the Internet I expanded the data as far as it could go and decided to make the cutaway as a modest contribution to Robert Truax's dream that later The great designer Burt Rutan and his successful SpaceShip One would follow with better results, which gave way to the only space tourism vehicle the SpaceShip Two of the Virgin Galactic company of Sir Richard Branson, of which a large number of aspirant tickets have already been sold to “Tourists Space ”awaiting the completion of test flights.

Cutaway Truax X-3 Volksrocket-Enterprise.jpg

Original cutaway del Truax X-3 Enterprise


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Cutaway drawing the Rockwell XT-2 four seats...! Author WEAL and retouched by Motocar to recreated this model.

Cutaway Rockwell T-2 in 4-seater configuration in ejection seats, a model whose proposal advanced to a mockup on an early trainer T-2J enrolled 144218 of a single engine to which the necessary modifications were made to make the proposal feasible, the most Notable by moving the 4-seater cabin in side-by-side and tandem configuration was the rear fuselage that was lengthened to compensate for the center of gravity, which would otherwise move forward, this in turn led to the increase in the surface area of the rudder for the increase in the volume of the fuselage and its section of the frontal area, for what this model was intended or what would be the use that the US Navy would give to a model like this, is for me an unknown ...! Author WEAL and modified by Motocar to recreate this curious “four-seater”


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    Cutaway Rockwell XT-2 four seat in colour.JPG
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Cutaway FMA IA-68, project for argentinean fighter bomber, author Aviagraphica and modified by Motocar


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    Cutaway FMA IA-68 largo colores FAA.JPG
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  • Cutaway FMA IA-68 largo.JPG
    Cutaway FMA IA-68 largo.JPG
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I appreciate what you are trying to do, but you are using the wrong tool to achieve the task.

Try using GIMP (free) or (free) to do the same task and it will be much much easier and support things like

Antialiased text (so the writing is not jagged)
Better tools for editing (bezier curves, different types of pens etc)
Curves tool for editing brightness, contrast etc
Filters to reduce scanning artifacts, sharpen, remove noise
better file export options (try at least 85% quality on JPGs)

Dear "overscan" by carelessness I never thanked him for his advice and collaboration in indicating two programs that facilitate my modest work, I will take good note of it and I guarantee that I will do my internship in the use of these new tools that you kindly suggest. Thanks Motocar

Sorry for the late reply
Unfortunately my computer was damaged and many cutaways were lost in progress, I will be out for a long time.
I wish you all a happy Christmas and a happy new year 2020

Lamentablemente mi computadra se daño y se perdieron muchos cutaways en progreso, estare fuera por largo tiempo.
Les deseo a todos una feliz navidad y un prospero año nuevo 2020.

I hope so, although what hurts the most were those jobs that were locked up in the computer and that I didn't keep in the cloud for sure ...! Soon they will try to recover them, I hope you can save the gigabytes of folders
Cutaway Cessna Model 407, proposed to create an executive jet starting from the coach Cessna T-37A, for which it was necessary to extend the cabin, to eliminate both ejection seats, and equipping it with a larger cabin with capacity of four people, this was achieved Extending slightly the front of the fuselage and a little the rear section of the same to maintain the center of gravity again, also installed tanks in the marginal edges of the planes to achieve better performance range (The T-37 is known For its voracity of fuel that always was its heel of Achilles), author WEAL and modified by Motocar to recreate this version.
The April 1960 issue of Flying had an article on the 407, and had an interesting comment on the T37 development. It had a very sudden stall when the landing gear and flaps were deployed, because of insufficient downwash on the elevator, and thus no warning buffet. Engineers installed a little gate 18 inches back from the air intake that deploy at 20 mph above stall speed, to provoke buffeting. It worked according to the article. I have been trying to find it on 3 views and cutaways. A Cessna 3 view shows "oil filler caps" at that location, I wonder if some other workaround was found for production models? Books on the T37 are almost non existent.
Cutaway Cierva C.6 modified and especulative drawing by Motocar

Cutaway Cierva C.6 definitivo - copia (2) - copia.jpg
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Fascinating, nicely done mate. Something I have had in my mind for a while, a flying card model of something like this. Rubber band power.

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