Your drawing looks like a mosquito's sting scaled up. It should work. Some of the details provided by @Michel Van could be added, it depends on how much into the gruesome you'd want to go.
I want to go pretty gruesome, like I have thought of a scene where the player can actually see it happen rather than just listen to it in the curate scene.
As an aerospace engineer, of course I do.
Ok match my work the NASA Technology Readiness Levels ?


Since the only specific technology element explicitly identified in the lander (let alone for the launch vehicle concepts) are the RL-10 rocket engines, and there are claims that the RL-10 was experimentally used with Methane, most likely in a ground test, the TRL would be 6.
Pratt & Whitney tested modified RL-1A-1 with Methane/Flox (Fluorine 82,6% rest Lox) in 1969 under NASA Contract NAS3-7950
it burn Methane quite well. i took Methalox since it give 60 day storage time in orbit for refuel mission.

For Launch rocket
I look into Nexus SSTO Hydrolox and the Middle version what use Kerolox / Methalox.
Nexus would simple in launch, landing, refurbishment. but Hydrogen does terrible thing to tanks.
Middle has higher launch and recovery cost, and refurbishment of Kerolox engine...
for more on this i would prefer we the discus on this matter Here:
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Since the only specific technology element explicitly identified in the lander (let alone for the launch vehicle concepts) are the RL-10 rocket engines, and there are claims that the RL-10 was experimentally used with Methane, most likely in a ground test, the TRL would be 6.
The same process would apply in analogous fashion to all other system technologies and elements, such as structures, subsystems, etc..

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