The SEPV4 is not getting further improved armor over the SEPV3. The 'recent' 3d model SEPV4 ( that isn't posted here ) from GDLS posted by Ronkainen just has a weirdly modeled LFP that if you've seen it that makes it look like they thickened it up, they didn't.
SEPV4 upgrades are for improved lethality and mostly not survivability.
Upgrades include improved FCS like ICITV for commander or the IntelliSense Ballistic Meteorological Sensor meant to replace the current J-Tec crosswind sensor, Datalink to interact with AMP ( + already fielded (?) M829A4 for speculated Datalink enabled precursor projectile for defeating ERA and APS ) and confirmed from the 'leaked' photos of an actual SEPV4 almost a year back from around october an/vvr 4 LWR's on all four turret corners.
The following is from
Abrams M1A2 System Enhancement Package version 4 (SEPv4) Tank. This file is from maybe at-least 2021 as another file I have relating to this subject is dated FY2020 and mentions different dates ( Q1FY25 for the fielding of SEPV4 ) and does not mention the LWR upgrade.
"The Abrams M1A2 SEPv4 is an upgrade to the Abrams M1A2 SEPv3
to improve lethality. The Army intends to begin fielding the Abrams M1A2 SEPv4 in 3QFY28. The upgrades include:
• An improved gunner’s primary sight (GPS) with 3rd Generation Forward Looking Infrared (3GEN FLIR), an improved laser range finder (LRF), and color day camera
• An improved Commander’s Primary Sight with 3GEN FLIR, a LRF with laser pointer, and color day camera
• Improved lethality by providing the ability for the fire control system to digitally communicate with the new M1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose round
• Improved firing accuracy through the installation of a meteorological sensor
• Improved onboard diagnostics
• Improved thermal management system
• Improved laser warning receiver system"
They do not mention improved frontal armor for the SEPV4 / D, they're not doing this. And if you're referring to the improved armor on SEPV3 that SEPV4 inherits ( that thickens both the hull and turret ), as shown on the chart, it's not that heavy, recent M1's are not punching into the high 90s low 100s. The heaviest M1 on Ronkainens chart is an M1A2 SEP v3/4 with mine rollers, APS ( Trophy ) and FP ( Flank Protection, TUSK? ) coming in at 90.9 tons.
If the weight shown is in American tons ( it probably is), its around 'only' 181800 pounds / 82463 kg/ 82 tonnes, not in the low 100's high 90's of short tons or tonnes. Without mine-rollers this jumps down to 80.1 American / short tons or around 160200 pounds / 72000 kg/ 72.6 tonnes.
Lastly, OMT isn't dead. Why would they stop their next gen mbt program when they're literally actively working on it and "ZTZ2020" is also in development and seemingly far closer to production. There is a
unclassified report / Assessment(
An Independent Assessment of the Next Generation Armor/Anti-Armor Strategy Phase 1: 5th Generation Combat Vehicle Concept and Analysis ) from 2020 that discusses the 5th generation tank and it's long and in-depth. More than that too, an unmanned turret project called LCAS seemingly for the Abrams recently popped up around a year ago in a public September 20, 2022 presentation that can be found on DTIC ( Tues_Grassano PDF ). While it only popped up and nothing besides the name is known and that it might be related to congressman Tim Ryan, its still further proof they're still working on concepts and testing things out for OMT, future tanks and M1 variants in general. OMT is also supposed to come in around the mid 2030's ( from what I remember reading about ) and it's a classified program, of course its going to seem dead. It's only in it's early formation and alot of the development is either testing concepts online in VBS or some other program or working out and thinking of concepts.