Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

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Reuters take on the same info:
Reuters take on the same info:
this part was interesting. i honestly thought the Rafale was going to win
"According to insiders, Switzerland can buy a larger number of F-35s with the budgeted 6 billion Swiss francs than would be the case with the three competitors. The F-35's simulator could also be an asset: it would allow the F-35 to carry out significantly more virtual training missions than the competition," SRF's investigative programme Rundschau said in a summary of a report to air on Wednesday.

and what would a post be with out what if pics
this is from leptiprince of brit modelling and arc forums


“This will be the first time UK fighter aircraft are embarked on an operational aircraft carrier deployment since 2010, and will be the largest number of F-35Bs ever to sail the seas,” says the UK MOD in a public statement, referring to the fact that during the 28-week deployment – dubbed CSG21 (Carrier Strike Group 2021), 10x VMFA-211 F-35Bs and 8x RAF 617 Sqn F-35Bs will operate from the flight deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth.

Last rumors from Switzerland put F-35 as the best submitted offer:

How many gold bars could be stashed in the weapon bays?

And chocolate bars ? And clockworks ? and cheese with plenty of holes ?

(can't help thinking about Homer Simpson "land of chocolate" daydreaming)

More seriously - this sucks, for the Rafale of course. Not for the F-35 obviously.
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Reuters take on the same info:
this part was interesting. i honestly thought the Rafale was going to win
"According to insiders, Switzerland can buy a larger number of F-35s with the budgeted 6 billion Swiss francs than would be the case with the three competitors. The F-35's simulator could also be an asset: it would allow the F-35 to carry out significantly more virtual training missions than the competition," SRF's investigative programme Rundschau said in a summary of a report to air on Wednesday.

and what would a post be with out what if pics
this is from leptiprince of brit modelling and arc forums


Missiles on the wingtips?
“This will be the first time UK fighter aircraft are embarked on an operational aircraft carrier deployment since 2010, and will be the largest number of F-35Bs ever to sail the seas,” says the UK MOD in a public statement, referring to the fact that during the 28-week deployment – dubbed CSG21 (Carrier Strike Group 2021), 10x VMFA-211 F-35Bs and 8x RAF 617 Sqn F-35Bs will operate from the flight deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth.

18. It should be 2 - 3 times that. It's only 6 more than an LHA at half the displacement.
Lot of talk about reducing F-35 purchases and going with a lower cost 4.5 generation fighter. I wonder if anyone has considered taking the STOVL propulsion system and putting it in a new airframe purpose designed to improve range and payload and lower costs?
The U.S. Air Force has tested a new tactical data link system called Heimdall. The new system was tested onboard an F-15C during exercise Northern Edge 21.

“Heimdall provides a critical capability to existing tactical data links that ensures continued operation in future fights,” said Michael McAuliffe, Tactical Datalinks and Gateways Branch program manager. “What our system does is provide the Air Force with an advanced capability not only for the aircraft of the future but the aircraft of today. We have to keep these current platforms relevant for the modern fight, and that’s our objective with Heimdall.”

“The problem with TDL technologies is that they often take years to integrate, decades to field, and you can’t just flip a switch and get everyone on a new system,” said Dr. Bow-Nan Cheng, MIT LL associate group leader. “With Heimdall, we were able to develop the technology in a way that enables a phased rollout. This not only provides immediate gains, but also increased performance for platforms willing to make long-term enhancements.”

Lot of talk about reducing F-35 purchases and going with a lower cost 4.5 generation fighter. I wonder if anyone has considered taking the STOVL propulsion system and putting it in a new airframe purpose designed to improve range and payload and lower costs?
Why not build the P.1216 at that point :D
Lot of talk about reducing F-35 purchases and going with a lower cost 4.5 generation fighter. I wonder if anyone has considered taking the STOVL propulsion system and putting it in a new airframe purpose designed to improve range and payload and lower costs?
Why not build the P.1216 at that point :D
You mean P.125.

F-35 winner in Swiss, for the moment...

F-35 (36) for Switzerland :

Avec 336 points, il atteint le score le plus élevé en termes d'utilité globale, avec un écart net de 95 points ou plus par rapport à ses concurrents. Il obtient aussi le meilleur résultat pour trois des quatre critères principaux: l'efficacité, l'exploitation et la maintenance, la coopération et les affaires compensatoires.
"L'obligation de compensation de 60% de la valeur de la commande doit être remplie dans son intégralité au plus tard quatre ans après la dernière livraison", souligne-t-il.

Le F-35 a également obtenu "de loin le meilleur résultat en termes de coûts". Il est près de 2 milliards de francs meilleur marché que ses concurrents (5,06 milliards de francs). "Les coûts globaux qui regroupent les coûts d'acquisition et d'exploitation se montent à environ 15,5 milliards de francs sur 30 ans pour le F-35", écrit le Conseil fédéral.

With 336 points, it achieves the highest score in terms of overall utility, with a net margin of 95 points or more above its competitors. It also obtains the best result for three of the four main criteria: efficiency, operation and maintenance, cooperation and compensatory matters.
"The obligation to compensate 60% of the order value must be fulfilled in full no later than four years after the last delivery"[...].
The F-35 also achieved "by far the best result in terms of costs". It is nearly 2 billion francs [1 franc~1€] cheaper than its competitors (5.06 billion francs). "The overall costs which include the acquisition and operating costs amount to around 15.5 billion francs over 30 years for the F-35", writes the Federal Council.

More info for the reader (no non-subscriber hidden content)
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in English / Anglais

Costing just over CHF5 billion ($5.4 billion), the F-35A jets can be bought under the CHF6 billion budget narrowly approved by Swiss voters in a hotly contested popular initiative last September.

The bill is also around CHF2 billion cheaper than other aircraft that were also considered - Boeing’s Super Hornet, Dassault’s Rafale, and Airbus’s Eurofighter Typhoon. The government’s choice of aircraft followed several months of intense lobbying from both Europe and the US to try to win the lucrative order...
The Patriot missile systems will cost CHF1.97 billion, which the government says is less expensive than the one other rival bid. Over the course of 30 years’ service, the F-35A aircraft are expected to cost the public purse CHF15.5 billion with an additional CHF3.6 billion attributed to the Patriot missiles.
I am guessing the Patriot missile purchase is likely to attract less protest than the F-35A if for no other reason than their comparative media profiles.
The question that remains open today is who was the country added as an FMS customer (F-35B*?) 2 or 3 weeks ago?!!

@Flyaway : with 1B€ saved on the deal it will be hard to protest it rationally (we have looked at all other opportunities and we protest in the name of our taxpayers that would like to express their strong desire to inevitably spend more...).
GL to them.

*My guess only for the specific model
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The question that remains open today is who was the country added as an FMS customer (F-35B*?) 2 or 3 weeks ago?!!

@Flyaway : with 1B€ saved on the deal it will be hard to protest it rationally (we have looked at all other opportunities and we protest in the name of our taxpayers that would like to express their strong desire to inevitably spend more...).
GL to them.

*My guess only for the specific model
I am guessing a few eyebrows will be raised at how LM got the costs for the F-35 below the Gripen.
Don't underestimate the popular choice for a strong and modern defense here.
Swiss armies are mostly conscript forces by number with a 10 year (?) obligation for the youngest (they do that in parallel with their internship, first job, early and sometimes middle career).
It's a tough system that tend to alert the Swiss population on the state of their capabilities well beyond their years of service.
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My sister moved to Switzerland back in the 70's. Her husband and son both do/did military service, they had to do it 3 months of every year. But all of them that do military service are on standby when they're not actually at the barracks, with their weapons at home ----
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Unbelievable. First 38 is not 32000.
Secondly, not so long ago, the criteria was to have 80% of availability, what LM put the focus on. Today, the F-35 is remarkably the fighter platform with the best availability rate, as stated by the USAF.
There is no doubt that if the priorities had been reversed, the availability would have stayed in the low.
It should be noteworthy in a financial debate to notice that each time a squadron of F-35 can takeoff for a mission, it's an extensive package of many more fighters and supporting airframe that don't have to go. And cost should rationally be assessed that way: not only the one you pay, but mostly the one you save.

With now a stabilized sortie rate, there is no doubts that, given the production could be sustained at a similar level or increased to what was initially planned (what sized the production efficiency rate), the cost curve can only continue to nose down.
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Swiss : offical brief evaluation report (available only in German).

4.1 :
Product support: the F-35A achieved the highest rating due to its efficient operation and maintenance, advanced training and high security of supply during its entire service life. This is also due to the fact that the F-35A is produced in the highest number and also in Europe by the largest Number of countries is used.

I suspect the roof will fall in there rather sooner than later.
Swiss : offical brief evaluation report (available only in German).

4.1 :
Product support: the F-35A achieved the highest rating due to its efficient operation and maintenance, advanced training and high security of supply during its entire service life. This is also due to the fact that the F-35A is produced in the highest number and also in Europe by the largest Number of countries is used.

wow im surprised they didnt do a score chart like they did the last competition. a bit disappointed since we don't see how relative the contestants are to each other.
Swiss : offical brief evaluation report (available only in German).

4.1 :
Product support: the F-35A achieved the highest rating due to its efficient operation and maintenance, advanced training and high security of supply during its entire service life. This is also due to the fact that the F-35A is produced in the highest number and also in Europe by the largest Number of countries is used.

wow im surprised they didnt do a score chart like they did the last competition. a bit disappointed since we don't see how relative the contestants are to each other.
The score chart of the last competition was an unauthorized leak.

I hope that there will be another this time, but I think that it will be more difficult, as the security of the document has probably been very enhanced
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