Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Sprey is fairly biased when it comes to large fighters of any sort. He and the "fighter Mafia" went to great lengths to discredit the F-15 and both him and Ricionni have contiued to carry the torch with the F-22.
It’s amazing how their views never changed & how they’re frequently misinterpreted by even their ardent followers.
To build in peace time an Air Force to fight a conventional World War.
No one of course asks how much that would cost and where all the personnel would come from. Ideally they’d want an Air Force of 100,000 F-5s.
I think you're being unfair to Ricionni about the F-22, he wrote the ATF specification so he's hardly an anti F-22 person. Probably just very upset that the aircraft didn't emerge as the Fast Transient aircraft that Boyd had envisaged.

The criticism about the F-22A's weights is fair. The YF-22 was bid as carrying 24,000 lbs of fuel and the F-22A emerged with 18,000 lbs (a 1/4 cut) which resulted in the supercruise endurance reduced to about 10 minutes in a 500 NM radius mission. Wether this performance is worth the cost of the F-22A with all its reduction in C4ISR and weapons load capability compared to the F-35A is the item of debate that the F-22A and all its supporters have thoroughly lost in the past years. Not that you would realise it reading much of the public commentary which is ill informed, biased and generally as wrong as it’s always been.
Updating old posts can be interesting. If Riccioni & Sprey hated the F-22, they would love the f-35!
Link to Riccioni writing the ATF specs please?
Pretty sure they didn’t like Maverick either. The hope was to refight WW2 but with jets.
He said in the 80s that NATO should go with antitank guns over ATGMs.

I'm suddenly thinking of Barrett Tillman's novel Warriors, which posits a war between Israel and Saudi Arabia with the Saudi Air Force flying mostly radarless F-20s and beating up on IAF F-15s and F-16s.
I'm suddenly thinking of Barrett Tillman's novel Warriors, which posits a war between Israel and Saudi Arabia with the Saudi Air Force flying mostly radarless F-20s and beating up on IAF F-15s and F-16s.
Does anyone know if this book has been translated into French ?
The data probe/pitot/Electrode (?) like thing with soot all along its its forward facing part is interesting.
The airfoil shaped cut at the stern is also intriguing. Could that pod be leading edge mounted also?

That material does not look very IR transparent. Is there a post that explicitly describes it as an IRST?

It is an unusual aperture. In photos of the pods mounted on CTF F-22s the aperture is more obvious, but only from certain angles.

The pod mounted to N33TR is a boilerplate/breadboard pod. The configuration seen in thee photos is not representative of an operational configuration.
They could nearly host an AMRAAM with that dielectric front facing flat panel allowing it to acquire its target before launch.

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