I cringe everytime someone uses "snowflake" in any other way than to describe the weather phenomenon. It is hard to win someone over with "arguments and analysis" when persons goal is seemingly to belittle and be rude. Not really open to constructive critique then. And it is pretty clear from the article that people stood up to her several times (despite the rank difference), but she just didnt care.
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That article really appears to be wildly off topic and I’d suggest those wishing to discuss it go to different more suitable websites for doing so.
I worked for a "engineering manager" like her at a large Detroit OEM. She even once berated a man with cancer and 20 years in the Army to the point people thought he was going to cry. Its amazing what idiotitc incompetents you get in management from PC affirmative action policies. Sorry if this violates rules but its a subject near and dear to me as I surrounded by this crap in engineering and had to say something. You can't have that kind of leadership in the military especially if she's in charge of "black" projects. Garbage leaders = garbage product. Quality people exit the ship quickly and find elsewhere to work.
I worked for a "engineering manager" like her at a large Detroit OEM. She even once berated a man with cancer and 20 years in the Army to the point people thought he was going to cry. Its amazing what idiotitc incompetents you get in management from PC affirmative action policies. Sorry if this violates rules but its a subject near and dear to me as I surrounded by this crap in engineering and had to say something. You can't have that kind of leadership in the military especially if she's in charge of "black" projects. Garbage leaders = garbage product. Quality people exit the ship quickly and find elsewhere to work.

I've seen exactly the same sort of behavior from male managers who definitely didn't get their positions due to "PC affirmative action policies" as you put it. Garbage leaders rise to senior jobs because of bad management development cultures, regardless of gender or any other factors.
I read the article. Why is it exactly that posts above claim "affirmative action" is what got her in that position? I read no such thing in there.
Either way, she was found to be a poor leader and removed from the position, seems to me like the system is working.
To take the discussion back on topic.

Hopefully this won't be a victim of potential budget cuts.
To take the discussion back on topic.

Hopefully this won't be a victim of potential budget cuts.

Any ideas as too what sort of equipment will be up for modernising?
The best modernization plan I have read about is PCA. New airframe, engines, and electronics.
If they can do that they can build more with later F-35 equipment.

That is not a bad idea Foo Fighter, that would get rid of the early nineties computer to start with because I had heard years ago that the digital flight control computer on the F-22A was based on the Intel Pentium P-90 (which in turn was a failed P-100-by the way don't ask why it was a failed p-100).
To take the discussion back on topic.

Hopefully this won't be a victim of potential budget cuts.

Any ideas as too what sort of equipment will be up for modernising?
The best modernization plan I have read about is PCA. New airframe, engines, and electronics.
That's not an F-22 modernization program.
Any ideas as too what sort of equipment will be up for modernising?

I believe some of the big items are a CNI upgrade and CIP upgrades. One of the biggest is a sensor that will enable the Raptor to retain the "First Look, First Shot, First Kill" mantra. This sensor, I'm guessing is a IRST, has been allocated over a $1B in funding. MLU is coming up though I'm not sure if its a formal program and related to this new initiative, but I've read they're look at modernizing a lot of ancillary systems such as new pumps and actuators and other less sexy items. There's still talk about a helmet which it badly needs as well as replacing the MFDs with one giant screen ala F-35/F-15EX/F-18E Block III. Another item supposedly being looked at is LO upgrades. At lot of this info I came across over the past couple years and may not be current. Very hard to find much info on upgrades right now.
So what happen to the Increment 1.3 and 1.4 upgrade on the F-22.
Have all been upgraded to latest standard?
So what happen to the Increment 1.3 and 1.4 upgrade on the F-22.
Have all been upgraded to latest standard?

I can't recall the older increments anymore. I believe all the combat coded fleet (~120 jets) is Block 30/35/40 and are all Increment 3.2B by now. I don't remember what increment the Block 20 (~40) jets are but I think they're Increment 2 at least.
So what happen to the Increment 1.3 and 1.4 upgrade on the F-22.
Have all been upgraded to latest standard?

I can't recall the older increments anymore. I believe all the combat coded fleet (~120 jets) is Block 30/35/40 and are all Increment 3.2B by now. I don't remember what increment the Block 20 (~40) jets are but I think they're Increment 2 at least.

Yes, sorry i meant ofc the Increment 3.1 and 3.2:rolleyes:
Ok, so is this some sort of PR stunt or Israel is happy to pay the cost to restart F-22 production?

No reputable outlet in the states is reporting this from what I've seen.
There might be some confusions and airplane mixing.
See the Time Of Israel (ToI) and their Source below.

The 10.4B$ is also for the 50 F-35 in the ToI when their source mention a plane needed to carry a 14t bomb, a plane they named F-22...

Conjunctural but the 14t might be the MoP and the plane, the Bone!!!
There might be some confusions and airplane mixing.
See the Time Of Israel (ToI) and their Source below.

The 10.4B$ is also for the 50 F-35 in the ToI when their source mention a plane needed to carry a 14t bomb, a plane they named F-22...

Conjunctural but the 14t might be the MoP and the plane, the Bone!!!
How can you sell a plane that’s long out of production and the tooling has been scrapped.
Last I heard the tooling was still extant, when was it scrapped?
I cannot help but think the F-22 is a huge lost opportunity and it really does not have to be that way. Or perhaps it does and logic is upside down.
I cannot help but think the F-22 is a huge lost opportunity and it really does not have to be that way. Or perhaps it does and logic is upside down.
Family of systems is the way of the future, no sense in bringing the F-22 back when we need to keep the edge sharp RE: China.
I was talking more of the airframe, systems and updates can and should be to the fore whenever we have an aircraft in service for multiple decades. The airframe was pretty well developed and even now and into the future will remain relevant so the low number in service has always thrown my logic circuit into disarray. It remains one heck of an aircraft.
Last I heard the tooling was still extant, when was it scrapped?
Tooling hasn't been scrapped, it was "lost" then found again during an audit.

It's still at the Sierra Army Depot.
Back in 2016 the USAF produced a report on bringing the F-22 back into production. Cost then projected to be $10bn and if funded from FY20 could be in service in 2027. And no doubt the electronics will need overhauled/replaced/redeveloped even if the airframe can be manufactured.

So inevitably cost will have increased and service entry moved to the right. And in 2030 will it still be the best aircraft for the following 50 years or would you be better starting now with a clean sheet of paper? I’ve lit the fuse....!!!
F-35 systems and RAM would basically make it an F-22-2. How long of an over run will there be for the next aircraft?
It’s not worth the effort and you have already NGAD in test flights + USAF want to switch into Agile technology deployment - 5-10 years of technology advantage in each generation released every 5 years.
F-35 systems and RAM would basically make it an F-22-2. How long of an over run will there be for the next aircraft?
Eh this is the same argument they made for a modified F-15 before the F-22 became operational. I love the Raptor and its a damn shame we didn't buy what we really needed. But we can't keep dragging old air frames along. Keep it updated but we really need to push ahead with the NGAD system.
And to end the Bizarre recent story of a potential sale of F-22 to Israel (can't remember in which thread this was discussed):

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