Latin American aircraft

I'd strongly recommend to impose and maintain a clear distinction/separation between crewed aircraft and uncrewed air vehicles (i.e. drones) in this thread for clearer/easier separation of search results and technical accomplishments.
the thread is all about aircraft industry , manned and unmanned aircraft from Latin America, consider it goes from Mexico to Argentina and there are more than 15 countries and more than 600 million people, but only Brazil has a well developed industry and Argentina, Chile and Mexico have decent but limited capabilities


the VT-15 an all electric Brazilian UAV
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Since this thread seems to focus on built (crewed as well as uncrewed) aircraft, shouldn't it then be over in the Aerospace section rather than here in the Postwar Aircraft Projects section?
At the end of 1976, they discovered new oil fields in the Mexican seas, which increased oil reserves, making Mexico one of the largest producers of crude oil in the world, so the defense perspective had to be analyzed and adapted to New interests and resources discovered.
In this situation, Mexico accelerated the modernization of its Armed Forces of Air, Land and Sea, reconsidering the offers received and seeking worldwide resources more limited to the level of protection sought. By mid-1977 the FAM was inclined to two aircraft; The FUGA Magister of French design. Kfir C-2 of Israeli manufacture, ideal to reactivate the 200 Air Squadron of the Seventh Fight Jet Air Group with which many military problems could be solved, as well as taking a great technological leap at all levels, at that time the The price of one of these devices was estimated at approximately six million dollars.


Within this equipment scheme, Pilatus PC-7 aircraft were finally acquired in Switzerland with the triple function of trainers / ground support / interior security from 1978. First with the training squadron of the Military Aviation School in Zapopan , Jalisco that uses AT-6 and then in the other Air Squadrons that used T-28 leaving the FUGA Master on the road.
One of the options considered for the hunting weapon during the last years of the decade of the recent era the Military Sales program of the United States Government, for the purchase of an Air Squadron of fighter jets and of all the logistic apparatus and training around them, envisioning the possibility of equipping 26 Northrop F-5E / F devices that will form an Air Group, but since in 1977 President James Carter decreed Presidential Directive 13 (PD-13) with the intention of that the transfer of arms is directly linked to improving the security interests of the United States and closely linked them to the human rights records of recipient recipients, this first request was rejected in 1979.
This directive imposed limits on the amount of money from sales and prohibited the United States from introducing armaments that are more sophisticated than those that already exist in it, limits the production of armaments that were developed exclusively for export and put many others limitations Many analysts point out that Carter's presidency was inconsistent in the application of PD-13, as he received great opposition even within his own administration. While President Carter banned aircraft sales in Latin America, he proposed one of the largest aircraft sales in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt in the spring of 1978, policies a clear example of the inconsistencies in his policies.
Thus, the FAM, returned to its first option, the Israeli-made supersonic multipurpose fighter jet Kfir C-2 according to the proposal presented by the Israeli government, even visiting its representatives during the month of January of 1980 to study the sale of twenty-four of these aircraft, with the possibility of carrying out the assembly of these aircraft in Mexican territory and becoming a production platform for possible sales in Latin America. In Boeing 727, the Mexican Air Force travels to Israel and two pilots, Group General Javier Velarde Quintero and Captain Alberto Esquinca Gurrusquieta, test flights on the plane.

The Kfir plane, which was a much improved evolution of a Mirage 5 cell, which presented a noticeable increase in the performance of the Mirages of French origin, largely due to the adoption of canard planes and a much more powerful engine, in this case a General Electric J79 axial flow turbojet.
The North American motor presented in itself an obstacle in the design of the Kfir that in the long run had not prevented its arrival in Mexico, this being the engine the cause of the restriction for its sale to third countries, since it is being equipped with an engine North American, for the sale of the airplanes it was necessary to request authorization from the Department of American State, which had not granted the re-export license of the J-79 engines, nor to finalize a compensation agreement for General Electric. This lack of compensation was the main obstacle for the Kfir not to arrive in Mexico, as simple as that, neither Bucareli's non-existent treaty nor conspiracies are the causes.

For its part, the Ministry of National Defense, knowing that other countries such as Argentina could not obtain the aircraft, caused the collapse of the Mexican acquisition, which in any way had not ceased its interest in Northrop's light hunting.

In the light of the years it is very likely that the Israeli company, not obtaining authorization for the sale of the J-79 engine, has offered the FAM as it did to Argentina a plane like the Nesher that was a transition version developed from Mirage V with different modifications, low avionics and reduced capacity for daytime attack and no radar, which contrasted with the performance of a new aircraft such as the F-5E and that totally inclined the purchase option to the Northrop plane .
It is noteworthy that what Mexico and Argentina did not achieve, Ecuador would achieve it since it began operating the Kfir in its Air Force as of March 1982, most likely authorizing the importation of the US engine as a reaction to the purchase of Soviet equipment by Peru.
With the change in the US administration, in January 1981, the Government of President Reagan saw arms transfers in a very different way than his predecessor, considering them as an essential element of his global policy and consequently revoking many of the limitations imposed by the PD-13, so the Mexican government began negotiations with Northrop Aircraft Co. for the acquisition of twelve F-5E / F aircraft in 1981.

— Mexico’s Defense Minister, Gen. Felix Lopez, arrived in Israel yesterday at the head of a 16-member delegation including the deputy chief of staff and senior army officers, as guests of Premier Menachem Begin. During his six days here Lopez will be discussing with Defense Ministry officials the possible purchase of Israeli-designed and produced Kfir fighter planes.

Israel has for some years been seeking foreign buyers for the Kfir, already in service with the Israel Air Force for several years. But sales have long been blocked by American refusal to grant licences for the use of the U.S.-made jet engines which power the aircraft. Agreement to allow their sale as part of the Kfir to Mexico and other countries was granted some months ago.

Australia was at one time interested in the Kfir but withdrew, reportedly under Arab pressure and the urging of the U.S. aircraft manufacturers.

Hints at a possible purchase by Mexico were seen in welcoming remarks by Deputy Defense Minister Mordechai Zipori and Lopez. Zipori hailed Mexico as a “great, free, democratic and independent country, free from pressures by oil states and the great powers.” Lopez replied that his visit had the full blessing of the Mexican President and should result in measures to the benefit of both countries.

Mexico has reportedly been interested in the Israeli-made plane for some time, as part of its program for re-equipping its air force. The Kfir is said to be competing with the American-made F-15E plane, for an order of 24 aircraft.

Mexico already has a number of Israeli-made aircraft and equipment, including the Arava and Westwind planes and electronic equipment.

Lopez is due to inspect the Kfir production line at the Israel Aircraft Industries factory Wednesday. His visit to Israel comes less than two weeks after that of Colombian Defense Minister Luis Carlos Camacho Levya, who also headed a delegation which came to inspect the Kfir fighter and discuss possible purchases.
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One of the planes that caught the most attention during the Mexico Aerospace Fair 2019, was the P-400T Pegasus V3 prototype of the Oaxaca Aerospace Company. Unlike his brother presented in the same place two years ago this new model presents more refinements and a new and striking scheme of painting in green, in its modern and avant-garde design, with the license plate MX-01, but what I call more The attention to the visitors was to learn that it is the first aircraft designed and built with totally Mexican technology.
The fact that Mexico has a prototype of a plane built entirely in this country and that is also prepared for the flight test phases, is not a minor thing, especially when considering that the aerospace industry is in a consolidation stage as one of the most important economic sectors of the country since for example Mexico is already the sixth largest provider of aeronautical parts of the United States and the fourteenth worldwide; Mexico is today the third destination for attracting aerospace direct foreign investment projects, only behind the United States and the United Kingdom
Achieving a fully developed airplane in Mexico, by the hands of Mexicans and with its own technology in its entirety, is a dream shared by many people. Since the National Aircraft Construction Workshops closed their doors in the twenties of the last century, Mexico had not built, nor developed its own aeronautical designs. These workshops would produce planes of extraordinary quality and manufacturing that served in Mexican military aviation for many years, among its developments we can find the series “A”, “B”, “C”, “E”, “G” and "H"; the latter with notable technological advances. The nascent aeronautical industry in Mexico also made important advances in aeronautical engineering at that time, including a new propeller called "Anahuac", by its designer, Engineer Juan Guillermo Villasana, the propeller was used in several parts of the world, due to its aerodynamic stroke that revolutionized aerial technology.



When combining the different specialties, it was possible to manufacture more and more elements, until reaching the entire airplane. Thus, it was achieved that a series "A" had an "Aztatl" engine manufactured in the National Workshops, "Anáhuac" propeller and a completely national fuselage. The “A” Series were successfully used in several tasks such as: the first air mail in the country, the first acrobatic maneuvers, the first night flight. Production started in 1917, did not stop until 1920, when its main promoter, the Carranza regime, ended.
Even so, the dream persisted in several Mexicans, one of them engineer Raúl Fernández, had the concern that Mexico did not produce its own aircraft, setting the goal of building a pilot training aircraft with technology developed in Mexico. This is how the Oaxaca Aerospace company was born, which presented a first Pegasus prototype at FAMEX 2015
In 2011 the young company began its design work, submitting the project to the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) that supported with resources through the Program of Stimuli to Innovation (PEI) ”, achieving in 2013, the first prototype . Currently the prototype is in acceleration tests already on track and rudder tests, as well as slight rotations taking off the front wheel. The authorization of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) to carry out the lifting tests of the aircraft is pending.

Regarding the design of the two-seater aircraft, it seeks to match and improve the performance of the Grob or Pilatus in terms of performance, working on the change to composite material since the first development was entirely in aluminum and now they have fiberglass , but they are already very advanced to change that material to carbon fiber. The work included, among others, the construction of a larger engine and the inclusion of a retractable train.
In collaboration with the Aeronautical University in Querétaro (UNAQ), the company hopes to manufacture the fuselage with composite materials, and then give way to the integration of the technology of the first prototype with the design of the second. A very important advance in the project arose with the signing of the agreement with the Mexican Air Force in order to carry out scientific research, technological development and aeronautical and military innovation in aspects of design and engineering.



The agreement was signed within the framework of the Mexico Aerospace Fair (FAMEX) 2017 and involves aircraft maintenance services, as well as the development and manufacture of ground and aeronautical support equipment in addition to patent registration advice.

The Pegasus plane includes a canard wing which allows the plane to maintain stability at low ground levels, it also stands out for the use of composite materials that offer lightness, compared to other aircraft. Only the wings are made of aluminum, a pusher propeller injected, two-seater in tandem seats, with cane controls in front, it is estimated that the plane reached about 500 kilometers per hour.

The first team (Pegasus PE-210) has added between 150 and 180 hours of flight, within a test program developed jointly with the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) where they have been checked -up to now- the steering systems of the rudder, power plant, brakes, propeller, rotations and high speed taxiing. With the first prototype you can adjust the details, so that a new plane the P-400T, is marketed. The aircraft - although it can be used in civil operations - is aimed at military operations such as training, observation, aerial surveillance, interception, coordination of air attack, among others. It is expected that this year the flight test phases of the aircraft will finally begin, which will allow the Mexican Air Force to evaluate it in the following months with a view to its eventual incorporation into its fleet.

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After CEA-308...

Anequim CEA-311, a Brazilian speedster built by students and researchers at Centro de Estudos Aeronáuticos - CEA, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) Records:
- Speed over a 3 km course: 521.08 km/hr (281 knots);
- Speed over 15 km: 511.19 km/hr (276 knots);
- Speed over a 100 km closed course: 490.14 km/hr (265 knots);
- Speed over a 500 km closed course: 493.74 km/hr (267 knots);
- Climb performance: It climbed to 3,000 meters in 2 minutes 26 seconds.


Beautiful YehH!


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Oaxaca Aerospace P-400T prototype, this is the first aircraft made in Mexico with canards, a ducted fan and a small jet engine




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the mexican designed bladeless Drone

Edgar Herrera Vega created a prototype of a drone without propellers and with greater stability against the wind. With this he won the highest design and innovation award, a Red Dot.

“Normally drones have a very striking element in the center and four very small arms. I started to do an investigation and I realized that there was something that could be done in the design of the drones to take advantage of the air flow and that they had a more stable flight, that they were less dangerous and, at the same time, that they were more aesthetic ”.

Edgar, a graduate of the Master in Business of Technological Innovation from the Pan American University (UP), Guadalajara campus, researched a year to generate the design. He sent it to Singapore so that he could participate in the Red Dot Design Award in the category of "Design Concept", which brings together products that have not gone on the market.

“There is no economic stimulus to participate and win, but they make a book with all the winning projects and distribute them and that is the best way to make yourself known in the world of design, which is very difficult. I opened the doors a lot for the people I could talk to, with whom I would like to develop projects in the future, ”he said.

In 2016, the year in which he participated, the Red Dot Design Award had four thousand 698 applicants from 60 countries, of which only 6.1% were recognized and integrated into the publication mentioned.

Your drone uses a kind of turbines that propel the air down, so it can rise. In addition, it is hollow, which helps maintain stability in air currents. He and other professionals currently perfect the design. Your goal is to make it more accessible. Expect it to be over in a few years.


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"Eduardo IV",designed and builted in Bolivia, the only one of it's kind, two places, 160 HP Lycoming-Titan engine, 2014, is in Santa Cruz Bolivia.


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After beign written off from service there seems to be a second life for the IA-58 Pucará in the Argentinian Air Force.

This new version is called IA-58 Fenix and the idea is to retrofit ISR capabilities into the light-attack/COIN aircraft. The project will include the following updates into the airframe:
-Replace of the old Turbomeca Astazou with new P&W PT6 equipped with four blades props.
-Incorporate a local developed surveillance pod, and a SLAR pod in the future.

So far there is one prototype performing flight testing (registry OVX-501) and the idea is to convert at least 6 airframes into this configuration, extending the life of the system for 15 or 20 years.

Here are some photos (credits: Facundo Rovira):


Colombian made and designed glider, it was designed by CIAC, it is named Urubu S-17




the Urubu is a local named vulture

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Colombian made and designed glider, it was designed by CIAC, it is named Urubu S-17

Reminds me of the Schweitzer Brothers gliders, particularly the SGS 1-26, and 2-33 . . .


Dubai, UAE, November 18, 2019 – Embraer today announced at the Dubai Air Show the name and designation of its multi-mission medium aircraft, the Embraer C-390 Millennium. The new designation reflects increased flexibility and value for operators that look for a transport/cargo aircraft to perform airlift and air mobility missions, among others.

In 2009, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) contracted Embraer to design, develop and manufacture the aircraft as a replacement for its aging C-130 fleet. Deliveries to FAB started last September.

The C-390 Millennium is a tactical transport jet aircraft designed to set new standards in its category, while presenting the lowest life-cycle cost in the medium airlift market. Some of the strong aspects of the aircraft are increased mobility, rugged design, higher flexibility, state-of-the-art yet proven technology, and easier maintenance.

In addition, the C-390 Millennium can perform a variety of missions, such as cargo and troop transport, cargo and paratroopers airdrop, search and rescue, aerial firefighting, medical evacuation, and humanitarian missions. The designation KC-390 will be maintained for the customers that have opted for the aerial refueling capability.

“With the C-390 Millennium we will be able to deliver the right solution to our customers, according to their specific needs”, said Jackson Schneider, president and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security. “The C-390 is a highly capable aircraft. Its unrivalled combination of speed, payload and rapid reconfigurability for multi-mission operations are the cornerstones of its excellent productivity”.

the mexican designed bladeless Drone

Edgar Herrera Vega created a prototype of a drone without propellers and with greater stability against the wind. With this he won the highest design and innovation award, a Red Dot.

“Normally drones have a very striking element in the center and four very small arms. I started to do an investigation and I realized that there was something that could be done in the design of the drones to take advantage of the air flow and that they had a more stable flight, that they were less dangerous and, at the same time, that they were more aesthetic ”.

Edgar, a graduate of the Master in Business of Technological Innovation from the Pan American University (UP), Guadalajara campus, researched a year to generate the design. He sent it to Singapore so that he could participate in the Red Dot Design Award in the category of "Design Concept", which brings together products that have not gone on the market.

“There is no economic stimulus to participate and win, but they make a book with all the winning projects and distribute them and that is the best way to make yourself known in the world of design, which is very difficult. I opened the doors a lot for the people I could talk to, with whom I would like to develop projects in the future, ”he said.

In 2016, the year in which he participated, the Red Dot Design Award had four thousand 698 applicants from 60 countries, of which only 6.1% were recognized and integrated into the publication mentioned.

Your drone uses a kind of turbines that propel the air down, so it can rise. In addition, it is hollow, which helps maintain stability in air currents. He and other professionals currently perfect the design. Your goal is to make it more accessible. Expect it to be over in a few years.

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So they have taken the dyson design and made it into a propulsor.
Rests of the mexican designed aircraft Chac


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I wonder how much it will scale . . . . ?

the level of the Mexican aerospace industry now is very limited, we are still in a very basic level, i guess perhaps in 10 years from now we might catch up with the czech industry, now we are not far from Colombia thus i guess that design may stay quiet small.

this is the Sentinel by Hydra Technologies designed in Guadalajara Mexico

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KC-390 - FAB receives second unit of KC-390 Millennium
FAB 2854 registration aircraft landed this Friday (13DEC2019) in Wing 2, in Anapolis (GO)
The Brazilian Air Force received on Friday (13DEC2019) the second unit of the multipurpose aircraft KC-390 Millennium. The FAB 2854 registration plane landed at 12:20 in Wing 2, FAB Military Organization based in Anapolis (GO), and was received by the Commander of the First Troop Transport Group (1st GTT), Lieutenant Colonel Aviator Luiz Fernando Rezende Ferraz, accompanied by military personnel from the 1st GTT and the Anapolis Logistics Group (GLOG 2).

"Today, we received the second aircraft KC-390, FAB 2854. With two aircraft, we will be able to expedite the training of our pilots and our maintainers in the operation of the new vector. activation and operation of the received KC-390 Millennium aircraft, "said Lieutenant Colonel Ferraz.

First Unit Received

The first multipurpose aircraft KC-390 Millennium was received by the FAB on September 4. The ceremony was presided by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, and was also attended by the Minister of Defense, Fernando Azevedo e Silva, the Commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant Brigadier Antonio Carlos Moretti Bermudez, as well as Ministers of State, Officials -Generals of the Navy, Army and Air Force, civil and military authorities, and Embraer executives.

The delivery of the aircraft FAB 2853 happened with the traditional baptism. “Today the FAB is the largest military aircraft produced in Brazil, the KC-390. It represents a milestone in FAB's process excellence and will certainly boost the Defense Industrial Base in Brazil, ”said the Air Force Commander at the time. The President of the Republic highlighted the importance of materializing the Brazilian project. "It is an aircraft that arrived to add to the country and collaborate in fulfilling the mission of the Air Force," he said.

KC-390 Millenium

Largest military aircraft developed and manufactured in the Southern Hemisphere, the KC-390 Millennium is capable of carrying out logistical air transport, in-flight refueling (REVO), air evacuation, search and rescue, humanitarian aid and fire fighting missions, among others. The KC-390 was developed to meet FAB operational requirements, providing strategic mobility to the Brazilian Defense Forces.
Mexico's aerospace sector lifts the ‘flight’; will export 9 thousand 500 million dollars
bullet Aerospace exports in Mexico will have a growth of around 10 percent for this year and 80.7 percent of these exports go to the US.

Mexico became one of the players with the highest ‘takeoff’ in the aerospace industry, producing from engines, to cargo doors, fuselages, landing gear, connection systems and all the components of an aircraft.

By the end of this year, Luis Lizcano, general director of the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA) - which groups companies such as Airbus, Bombardier Aerospace, General Electric and Honeywell - estimated that the manufacture of airplanes will export about 9 1.5 billion dollars in aircraft components.

"Although, in the world, most of the industry is dedicated to the military, in Mexico most of the manufactures are for the commercial, civil sector, so there is a great potential for growth," Lizcano said.

During the last 15 years, Mexican exports of the aerospace industry grew at a rate of 14.4 percent per year, this derived from a greater incursion of national and foreign companies, such as Airbus, Bombardier, Safran, General Electric, Latécoère.

In addition, the year ending is the second with the best performance in the last five years, with an annual growth of 10 percent.

As in other sectors, the United States is the main trading partner in the aerospace industry: eight out of 10 national exports are destined for the ‘northern neighbor’, according to data from the Ministry of Economy.

In Lizcano's opinion, Mexico has had an important role in the sector because the production costs in the country, particularly the labor force, are lower than those of other manufacturing nations such as France and Canada.

In addition, the five Mexican regions with the greatest development in the aerospace industry are those that have implemented technical and university education systems aimed at students' incursion into this type of discipline.

"A common denominator is that development is related to a specialized education project in these regions, there is talent training for the industry, which requires high technical specifications," said the president of FEMIA.

Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo León and Querétaro are the entities with the largest number of established companies that manufacture some aircraft component for national and international companies.

They go by ‘flight’ higher
Despite the prominence of Mexico, which is placed in the twelfth position in terms of volume of the aerospace market, there are still opportunities to fly higher.

FEMIA's plan is to double exports in this sector in the following years, to send products abroad for about 19 billion dollars a year.

These forecasts are based on the orders of the big manufacturers Airbus and Boeing, who foresee that in the next two decades it will be necessary to manufacture between 40 and 44 thousand new airplanes, that is, twice the fleet worldwide currently operating .

“Market opportunities are based on high demand, we have the market close, orders remain high. The potential we have is gigantic: the plan is to double exports, ”said Lizcano.

Chihuahua, inclusion of SMEs
This entity houses 52 industrial facilities that manufacture aircraft components, placing it as one of the states with greater dynamism in the industry.

René Espinosa, general director of Aeroclúster de Chihuahua, said that the big players in the industry are established in the country, so it is necessary to turn to see small businesses to integrate them into the value chain and strengthen the aerospace sector in the entity.

“The great players are already established in Mexico, we must develop the services, secondary processes. Continue developing the chain to integrate SMEs, companies that can find a talented industrial ecosystem, ”said Espinosa.

Nuevo León goes for aerospace public policy
The arrival of new national or international firms is linked to the development of public policies in the sector that facilitate the installation of supply and manufacturing firms of aircraft parts in the country.

With 33 aerospace companies in its territory, Nuevo León is committed to a collaboration with the public sector to encourage the arrival of capital to that state.

"In order to be attractive in the aerospace industry, it is necessary to have a public policy framework to attract investment," said Claire Barnouin, general director of the Monterrey Aerocluster.

Querétaro, commitment to education
The entity in the center of the country is one of the few with a University dedicated to the aerospace industry and, according to Antonio Velázquez, director of the state's Aeroclúster, the development of education has been one of the keys for companies like Bombardier to will install in Querétaro.
Unmanned solar plane made in Colombia

The Los Libertadores University Foundation has worked on modern manufacturing techniques and has implemented cutting-edge technologies in aerodynamic analysis, flight control, composite materials and renewable energies that will enable the unmanned aircraft industry in Colombia



This is the 'VANT Solvendus', an unmanned aircraft that was designed with solar energy by the Los Libertadores University Foundation and has just completed its first test flight on the Vertigo track, located in Tenjo, Cundinamarca.

It was five years of research of the GICA group of the Aeronautical Engineering Program of the Faculty of Engineering, in alliance with the University of Sao Paulo, (Brazil) who, together, designed an unmanned aircraft, commonly known as DRON, which may increase your flight time thanks to a solar cell system. The VANT Solvendus, which is 6 meters wide and 3.5 meters long, is mainly made of carbon fiber and has 80 flexible solar cells with the latest technology in its wings, which provide power to your flight computer and electric motors.
Parts production for CFM engines

Located in Querétaro, 220 kilometers northwest of Mexico City, Safran Aircraft Engines Mexico is located in the aerospace park near the city's international airport. Covering 12,000 square meters, the plant is specialized in parts production and module assembly, mostly for the CFM56 and LEAP powering Boeing jetliners, as well as the SaM146 powering the Sukhoi Superjet100 regional jet. Less than a month after leaving the factory, the parts made in Mexico are already on Boeing's assembly lines near Seattle.
Safran Aircraft Engines Mexico
Carretera Estatal 200 Querétaro
Tequisquiapan - Km 22.5, Int. D.
Parque Aeroespacial Querétaro. Colón, QRO. CP 76120
Phone: +52 442 153 39 15

BAJA CALIFORNIA – With the acquisition of an aircraft interior components and products designer and certifier, EnCore Group, the US multinational Boeing Corporation will officially start manufacturing operations in Latin America.

This, due to the fact that EnCore Group currently has 700 employees, in its plants located in Huntington Beach, California, and Tijuana, Baja California.

Thanks to said aquisition, Boeing will be able to increase its capacity for innovation and response, addressing the demands of its customers and passengers in this aerospace market niche with greater value, said the Aerospace Cluster of Baja California, A.C.

Boeing, with a presence in more than 150 countries and 150,000 direct employees, is the most important integrating company in the world of the industry of aircraft construction, defense, space and security systems
Botucatu-SP, December 23, 2019 - Embraer conducted the first static test with the WEG electric motor last Thursday (19), after successfully completing the integration of the new system that will be used in the technology demonstration aircraft. 100% electric aeronautical propulsion.

In this phase of the test campaign, the prototype used an external power source to power the high voltage electrical system and drive the Powertrain (motor and inverter) that were installed on the airplane platform. The test took place at the Embraer unit in Botucatu, São Paulo State, where the aircraft is being manufactured.

In recent weeks, research teams at WEG, based in Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, and Embraer have advanced in this important phase of aircraft development. The arrival of the high voltage battery pack is expected to begin in early 2020, which will allow advances in testing under actual operating conditions and first flight of the prototype.

The Aeronautical University of Querétaro (UNAQ) delivered the first prototype of fuselage in composite materials manufactured in UNAQ and produced by the company RHEM composites, which was incubated in UNAQ, under the supervision of Oaxaca Aerospace to meet the structural requirements, as well as with international regulations, being the first to be built in materials with aeronautical certification. Students and graduates of the university participated in manufacturing
This project was supported in its first phase by the National Council of Science and Technology through the "Program of Stimuli to Innovation" and since 2014 work began for the development of this technological project.
In an emotional ceremony, this first prototype of the carbon fiber fuselage of the Pegasus P400T aircraft was delivered to the executives of the Oaxaca Aerospace company, the first of its kind made in Mexico and that will serve to generate the mass production of this aircraft .
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São José dos Campos, December 26, 2019 - The new generation multi-mission transport aircraft KC-390 Millennium has successfully completed the gravity loading and extraction heavy load testing campaign using CDS methods. Container Delivery System) and LVAD (Low Velocity Air Drop), respectively.

The KC-390 Millennium has a fully automated in-flight cargo handling and launching system where a single loadmaster can perform all activities, reducing workload and increasing situational awareness.

For pilots, a system called Continuously Computed Drop Point (CCDP) automatically calculates the optimum load drop point for better mission accuracy. Both systems were developed by Embraer.

The tests, conducted by Embraer in cooperation with the Brazilian Air Force and the Brazilian Army, were conducted at the United States Army facilities in Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona (USA). The main achievements of the testing campaign were the launch of a platform weighing up to 19 tons (42,000 pounds) as well as the sequential in-flight launch of two platforms weighing 24 tons in total. Based on these results, the KC-390 Millennium becomes the only midsize transport aircraft capable of such an operation.

During the in-flight cargo launch campaign in 2019, the KC-390 Millennium launched several gravity containers with up to 24 containers in a single pass, as well as several Type V platforms utilizing extraction parachutes, totaling 330 tons of launched cargo.

Additional testing campaign highlights:

- Sequential air launch by extraction with up to four platforms in a single pass;

- Extraction launch using two 28 foot (8.5 meters) diameter parachute with autopilot attached;

- Continuously Computed Drop Point (CCDP) system successfully tested for gravity launches and in-flight extraction, demonstrating excellent accuracy.

Aircraft handling was excellent in all flight launch conditions, with the fly-by-wire flight controls extremely effective in controlling aircraft attitude changes during and after each load release. The most demanding launch situations were performed without pilot intervention (fly-by-wire sidesticks in neutral position).

The extremely positive comments from Embraer pilots and the Brazilian Air Force confirm the superior performance of this aircraft during the cargo launching operations in flight.

About Embraer

A global aerospace company based in Brazil, Embraer celebrates its 50th anniversary in the Commercial Aviation, Executive Aviation, Defense & Security, Agricultural Aviation segments. The Company designs, develops, manufactures and markets aircraft and systems, as well as providing After Sales Service & Support.

Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 8,000 aircraft. On average, every 10 seconds an Embraer-manufactured aircraft takes off from somewhere in the world, carrying more than 145 million passengers annually.

Embraer is a leading manufacturer of up to 150-seat commercial jets and the leading exporter of high value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service and parts distribution centers, among other activities, in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe.

Hmmm. How smart and useful can it be to expend a scarce budget on a 50+ years old aircraft? (1st flight 1969)
Politico-ego-populisto-wise I can see the point, but technically?
IMO Argentinian governments are again wasting their people's money.

Ofc in South America it is important to try and show that mine is bigger and longer, but, sheeesh...
Hmmm. How smart and useful can it be to expend a scarce budget on a 50+ years old aircraft? (1st flight 1969)
The B-52 is even older...

The old Pucara can carry as much, as far and loiter longer than any Super Tucano can, having also more damage tolerance. Reengining them (if not a money pit) will upgrade significantly a plane that has proved its usefulness.
Yesterday, the Argentinian Ministry of Defense announce the launch of the IA-100 "Malvina" basic trainer program.
The aircraft is based on the previous IA-100 technology demonstrator.

Captura de Pantalla 2020-08-25 a la(s) 12.35.53.png

Here are some interesting links (in spanish):

And the official announcement (in spanish):


Thought I'd update this thread with 2 projects currently underway in Brazil. The Desaer ATL-100 is unique in that it is the only 19 seat aircraft in development to have a rear ramp, which could make it attractive for military operations. It will also have a hybrid version though that adds more weight and complexity to the design. This project is promising but will struggle to compete against established products like the Cessna Skycourier. The ATL-300 is a much larger 40 seat pressurized version which will also incorporate a rear ramp. However this aircraft would be competing directly with the CASA C-295, which could limit potential military sales. Also, with Embraer and ATR getting ready to launch their own next gen regional aircraft projects, this aircraft could struggle to sell outside Latin America, if it even makes it into production.


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Thought I'd update this thread with 2 projects currently underway in Brazil. The Desaer ATL-100 is unique in that it is the only 19 seat aircraft in development to have a rear ramp, which could make it attractive for military operations. It will also have a hybrid version though that adds more weight and complexity to the design. This project is promising but will struggle to compete against established products like the Cessna Skycourier. The ATL-300 is a much larger 40 seat pressurized version which will also incorporate a rear ramp. However this aircraft would be competing directly with the CASA C-295, which could limit potential military sales. Also, with Embraer and ATR getting ready to launch their own next gen regional aircraft projects, this aircraft could struggle to sell outside Latin America, if it even makes it into production.
This new airplane will replace all of the tired, old Shorts Skyvans that are currently hauling out-sized cargo and training paratroopers. 19 seats also makes them the perfect for larger civilian skydiving schools who frequrently lease their turbine-powered airplanes for military training. Since Skyvan production ended, the fleet has been slowly wearing out. Only 149 Skyvans were made between 1963 and 1986.

The other advantage of a rear ramp is that it can quickly load the LD3 baggage containers that are increasingly popular with over-night courier companies.

Latest prototype of Oaxaca Aerospace P-400T

Now it is a triplane


to compare the first prototype


second prototype


third version

According to an interview with one of the designers, the project continues but has been delayed

here is the interview

In a talk with staff from the National Polytechnic Institute, Rodrigo Fernández General Director of Oaxaca Aerospace, points out the progress that the project has had in recent months

It should be noted that this is the first Mexican aircraft of the modern era, with an advanced and avant-garde design. “In Mexico, aircraft parts are manufactured, but this project is the first to complete a cycle; that is, from its design to manufacturing”

The "Pegasus II" is currently being developed, an aircraft that will reach a maximum speed of 450 km/h, suitable for night flights and evasive maneuvers; It will also have a retractable train and will be twin-engine.

This project was carried out with the support of researchers from the National Polytechnic Institute, the Aeronautical University in Querétaro and the National Council of Science and Technology

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