인니 의원 10명 내한 외통위 면담 “ KF-21 민감한 자료 유출 없어” 인니 ‘K-방산 협업 지속’ 공감대 한국과 인도네시아가 한국형전투기 KF-21(인니명 IF-X) 보라매 사업 공동개발사업 지속을 위해 ‘묘수찾기’에 골몰하고 있다. 차세대전투기를 국제 공동연구개발하기로 한 양국은 탐색개발을 성공적으로 마친데 이어 시험비행을 비롯한 체계개발을 진행중이다. 그런데 인니 측이 재정난을 이유로 애초 1조6000억원의 분담금을 6000억원으로 줄이면서 기술이전 범위 등 기본합의서 개정을 위한 협의가 필요한 상황이다. 여기에...
10 Indonesian Lawmakers Visit South Korea for Meeting with Foreign Affairs Committee "No Leakage of Sensitive KF-21 Data" Indonesia and South Korea Reach Consensus on Continuing Defense Cooperation
In September last year, Indonesia officially informed South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) that it would only be able to negotiate amendments to the agreement once the engineers were cleared of allegations.
Recently, Indonesia has also requested a temporary return of the five engineers, who are currently under a travel ban and under investigation, ahead of the upcoming Ramadan period.
The Gyeongnam Provincial Police Agency, which investigated the case at DAPA’s request, concluded its investigation in December last year and forwarded the case to the prosecution. However, the prosecution requested further investigation, leading to an ongoing inquiry.
So far, it has been reported that the USB devices, which were confiscated when the Indonesian engineers were caught attempting unauthorized data transfers, did not contain sensitive KF-21-related information.
Additionally, the photos taken from monitors could have been obtained through formal requests to KAI, suggesting procedural violations rather than breaches of classified information.
However, the combined impact of Indonesia’s reduced financial contribution and the data leak controversy has led to a deterioration in South Korean public sentiment toward Indonesia.
A government source stated, “As far as we know, no confidential or sensitive materials were leaked during the investigation. However, public opinion must be considered. Various options are being explored to sustain cooperation with Indonesia on the KF-21 project, and working-level discussions are ongoing.”
Some experts argue that a pragmatic approach is necessary, considering Indonesia was the first major customer of South Korea’s now globally recognized defense industry. They also point out that despite the 2011 hotel intrusion incident involving Indonesia’s special envoy and South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, Indonesia did not escalate the matter, demonstrating its longstanding cooperation.
Representative Yoo Yong-won of the People Power Party, who attended the meeting with Laksono, stated, “Indonesia was the first customer of our country’s aircraft exports and remains a key client of K-defense, having purchased the KT-1 basic trainer, T-50 advanced trainer, and even submarines.” He added, “During the meeting, we emphasized that Indonesia, as a partner in the KF-21 project, is successfully carrying out this win-win initiative between the two countries and highlighted the importance of defense cooperation between South Korea and Indonesia.”
Representative Yoo further stated, “Regarding the security incident involving Indonesian engineers, the South Korean government and National Assembly are making every effort to resolve the issue. We have asked the Indonesian side to trust us and actively cooperate in addressing the matter.”