Dear Blakkite WOW!!!This is wonderful, a scientist, Congratulations for your very interesting work!!!Fascinating job!!!Sorry also for my english.Yours is great mine is poorest ;D
I always love japan!I work in shop of tamiya distributor here in Athens Greece, a modelling shop with remote control and static models hasegawa and many others companies.
I always wish to visit one day japan and also the NASM museum in USA just to see Shinden from near!Unfortunately they haven't restore get and i also know that you must have permission to visit Paul E. camber facility with stored Shinden.So sad. :'(
Maybe we must give appointment the two of us and visit, with your Scientist permission!!!HAHAHAHAHA
I build my first shinden from one 1/48 hasegawa plastic model and some information from internet.Then i remember a Greek friend who lives in japan and work for a book store.He live with his japanese wife.
Arawasi book store has a lot of historical books for navy,air force, and soldiery,so he send me one book FAMOUS AIRPLANE OF THE WORLD 1978 EDITION!!and one original plan.!Unfortunately for me is in Japanese so only the photos are useful for me :'( and of course the plan!!!This book has for sure a lot of information :'(
I would like to give one of my new SHINDEN in one japanese museum when i finish my molds!!

A few days ago i sent a e-mail to zoukei mura.Their team had visited NASM and took a lot of photos!!I ask them if they can help me with some close photos of foreplane canard , slats,..Maybe i'm lucky and they reply!!