Japanese W II RC Models



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My new Shinden j7w1 build the return!
First of all My Youtube Channel with thousand scale RC video!!!
:)some photos


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ArgyrisGiannetakis said:

:)Hi AGYRIS, so you have found the way to this thread. Very nice, professionel looking Shinden RETURN. I wonder how it will fly this time, good luck.
Regards, Hartmut
Yes Dear Hartmut thank you!!Send greetings to Josef and tell him that he is a GREAT MODELLER!!Also pleeeeease send some more photos or test videos and some specifications and dimensions and engine about shinden.It will be help a lot of us!!!Ki 94 is AWESOME!!!!SHINDEN IS MAGNIFICENT LIGHTING ;) ;) :D :D!!!!
Did he have find the exact CG point?How much percent rear from leading edge he is?Mine it was 14%behind front leading edge and it was i THING little front heavier!Maybe on my new Shinden keep it at the same.I had oversize 15% the front canard so this change some things!
Also advise him to do something with the torque!It's critical!I had 1* down thrust and i thing that maybe need 1*upthrust.For sure it needs left thrust!! as we seen from behind the model.If you see the maiden you will see the runway take of tended to up the left wing tip!!
Unbelievable, incredible and excellent model.!! :eek:
Thank you very much Blackkite!!!For sure Shinden model is a very difficult challenge aircraft to fly,and i have a lot of work for success set up.For this reason i made all the molds, so i have the chance to rebuid any damage!!The gift i gave to this frame was the aluminum sheeting because scale is everthing in this hobby!!! ;D ;D ;D
ArgyrisGiannetakis said:
Thank you very much Blackkite!!!For sure Shinden model is a very difficult challenge aircraft to fly,and i have a lot of work for success set up.For this reason i made all the molds, so i have the chance to rebuid any damage!!The gift i gave to this frame was the aluminum sheeting because scale is everthing in this hobby!!! ;D ;D ;D
Wow robust strategy!! ;)
ABOUT CG!!!This was a big secret back in 2005 when i build my Shinden!I search everything just to find the right point.I talk with my self and wondering , how Mr Tsuruno balance the real shinden? how they were totaly sure ?how they....
So i start to search the Hanging point ....Where is where is..... :eek: :eek: :eek: ;)
ΗΗΜΜΜΜΜΜ what is this? ;) ;) ;) ;)


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Just receive great news from a great CRAFTMAN MERLYN GRAVES and his incredible huge Beech Starship 25%!!!
He made the maiden flight before few days!!!After 18 months from unsuccessful take of ( not enough space to take of) he rebuild it the small damage!!!
Congratulations great achievement for canard lovers!!! ;) ;)
Here is the first video!!!
And here is the new successful flight!!!
Also here is the link with his build!!!
It is uncanny!!! :eek:
It seems to control so that an angle of attack may not be enlarged as much as possible in me.

The experimental model of Curtis XP-55 was lost in the stall accident.
Although the test was continued by two sets by which additional manufacture was carried out, stability was bad and stall occurred frequently.
Moreover, the takeoff took time and engine cooling was not completed continuously.

At the time of a takeoff, No. 1 of MXY-6 motor glider which the Tsuruno engineer controls stalled, and it damaged it.
According to Japanese famous aeronautical engineer Tsuruo Torikai,
“If the stalling behavior of a front wing is bad and the lift assignment rate of a front wing is large, when a front wing stall, intense head lowering will arise.
Since the main wing is not stall, it does not go into a spin, but the altitude loss to recovery is a problem. Canard shape has stall possiblity in dogfight.
When a front wing stall in response to a gust at the landing approach, there is a possibility of crashing into a runway.
In order to make quiet head lowering take place, the lift assignment rate of a front wing may be made small.”

Kyushu hikoki changed Shinden front wing inclined angle from 0 degree to 3 degree for counter measure of propeller torque.
But qualitatively it had a bad influence to stall?
There was a discussion that how about install automatic air combat flap to Shinden. But Tsuruno rejected this.
Hi ArgyrisGiannetakis! How about weight control of your new metal Shinden? How about wing loading compared with your former model?
Of course 15% larger front wing will modify stall characteristic, but I think it also has the possibility of rapid nose down when front wing stall.
Any way stall is the big problem for canarad type aircraft. Starship was hard to control?
I want to call you AG from now. No problem?
Beechcraft Starship.

The program was delayed several times, at first due to underestimating the developmental complexity and manufacturing learning curve of the production composite construction, and later due to the technical difficulties of correcting a pitch damping problem and developing the stall-warning system.
Dear Blackkite, Argyris means Silver in english ;D ;D AG is ok no problem. ;D
About Merlyn's starship it looks and Merlyn also said that it was nose heavy and he hold up always in flight.So take of it was long, but he had also 90* cross wind.Canard are enough proof in cross winds! ;D In forum Merlyn said that he take out a lot of weight from nose!
-About the canard stall, i think canard are stall proof much more from conventional aircraft but canard are sensitive with CG and with reynolds numbers on canard.So it needs very new technology airfoils and light weight composites tech, parts for success flight.
I believe Shinden was very far front age ahead of it's time and this design was very far better from all american or other canard design!!!! and from today's designs!!If we thing what they design back in 1944 without computers and simulators, Mr Tsuruno and his team were heroes!!!Shinden's foreplane wing canard was by far hi tech design with folding flap, slats, trim tab!!!!even today's so much tech on canard airfoil!!
The big problem i thing was the engine not the aircraft.
So sad for this beauty...only 45 minutes flight :'(
About my Shinden i resize 15% the canard just to help the reynolds numbers and the stall characteristics.I don't know if it was right this but all the other who build shinden they also resize the canard also with success flight!!!
When resize the canard automatically you move the cg front so change the balance.So at lower speed the canard hold more weight.
If we go to real size shinden, when the flaps deployed the canard also deploy the slats and the the folding flap and elevator.
The canard with this mechanism automatically resize his size 25% so the CG automatically moved front.For this reason Mr tsuruno holding always up in flight, and mostly with flaps.
I don't know this how will work in my shinden.
About my Shinden this is mockup, and from this i will made the mold.It can't fly.

I send also one photo with two different CG.One with normal size and one with resize the front.

Dear Blackkite do you speak Japanese?I saw you translate a lot of information's from shinden story.Nice to have here a translator !!!


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Dear Blakkite WOW!!!This is wonderful, a scientist, Congratulations for your very interesting work!!!Fascinating job!!!Sorry also for my english.Yours is great mine is poorest ;D
I always love japan!I work in shop of tamiya distributor here in Athens Greece, a modelling shop with remote control and static models hasegawa and many others companies.
I always wish to visit one day japan and also the NASM museum in USA just to see Shinden from near!Unfortunately they haven't restore get and i also know that you must have permission to visit Paul E. camber facility with stored Shinden.So sad. :'(
Maybe we must give appointment the two of us and visit, with your Scientist permission!!!HAHAHAHAHA
I build my first shinden from one 1/48 hasegawa plastic model and some information from internet.Then i remember a Greek friend who lives in japan and work for http://www.arawasi.jp/ a book store.He live with his japanese wife.
Arawasi book store has a lot of historical books for navy,air force, and soldiery,so he send me one book FAMOUS AIRPLANE OF THE WORLD 1978 EDITION!!and one original plan.!Unfortunately for me is in Japanese so only the photos are useful for me :'( and of course the plan!!!This book has for sure a lot of information :'(
I would like to give one of my new SHINDEN in one japanese museum when i finish my molds!!
A few days ago i sent a e-mail to zoukei mura.Their team had visited NASM and took a lot of photos!!I ask them if they can help me with some close photos of foreplane canard , slats,..Maybe i'm lucky and they reply!!


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Sorry AG. I deleted my two posts. It's meaninglessly too detailed information. :-X


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OHH That photo is rare and nice!!!Thank you Blackkite!!Do you have any rare photos from books about Shinden?Is it for you easy to scan and copy?Thanks!!
Some progress with some parts.


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ArgyrisGiannetakis said:
Yes Dear Hartmut thank you!!Send greetings to Josef and tell him that he is a GREAT MODELLER!!Also pleeeeease send some more photos or test videos and some specifications and dimensions and engine about shinden.It will be help a lot of us!!!Ki 94 is AWESOME!!!!SHINDEN IS MAGNIFICENT LIGHTING ;) ;) :D :D!!!!
Did he have find the exact CG point?How much percent rear from leading edge he is?Mine it was 14%behind front leading edge and it was i THING little front heavier!Maybe on my new Shinden keep it at the same.I had oversize 15% the front canard so this change some things!
Also advise him to do something with the torque!It's critical!I had 1* down thrust and i thing that maybe need 1*upthrust.For sure it needs left thrust!! as we seen from behind the model.If you see the maiden you will see the runway take of tended to up the left wing tip!!

Hello Agyris, now I have received the data from Josef, but in german; I will translate it and put it in here soon,
:)some progress.


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What a realistic part it is! You can restore Shinden perfectly. ;D


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I finish all the small parts with molding.Now i start the fuselage.


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Hmmm......Hard to understand what you are doing for my very poor brain. ;D
Hello dear friend Blackite!All these parts are molds ,negative molds and from all these molds i will build the all glass composite shinden!I send you a photo from my F-80 which also i have all the molds!


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Following procedure?
(1) wooden molds (2) alminum precies molds which covered wooden molds (positive molds) (3) negative molds (plastic) (4) FRP parts
Thanks AG. So most important procedure is to make precise wooden molds. I imagine that it's very hard to make precise smooth wooden wing.

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