Introduce Yourself

Wow! Super impressive!! 03.jpg looks like the back of an AGC (Apollo Guidance Computer). Those parts look 3D printed. Did you design your own parts? How long have you been at this so far?
Thank you!

I've been working for 4 years on this current iteration with occasional "holidays" which can last for several months..
Big chunk of work is preparing CAD files and documentation (drawings, schematics, etc.) This month I've finally come up with part/assy/drawing number system to assist finding necessary components quickly.

Yep, spot on, most of parts are 3D printed.
Everything is designed by me, including custom PCBs which I etch at home as well (you can see 2x of them stacked on 04.jpg from my previous post).
I try to use real mil-spec western/soviet toggles/switches/you-name-it wherever possible to provide a proper tactile feeling to it.
(Find typical MFD bezel switch assembly photos enclosed - this is a soviet mil-spec switch assemblies + my custom wiring (button caps should be re-painted though! lol))
But even with 3d printed controllers I still try to achieve same results. E.g. that rotational hand controller has a force of around 10N (1kg/2.2lbs) to deflect/twist at any direction which is quite substantial :)

Apollo program is a huge inspiration for me - there are tons of photos/engineering drawings/schematics around the web - very nice source of information.


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Hello everyone
My name is ItalianAFDFail and i'm from Italy, i'm 23 years old and I've previously neglected to introduce myself.
i've been looking a lot on the forum before joining, specifically italian aircraft, lately i've been very active in my postings of various stuff as i am very interested in vehicles as a whole, if need be i could find equipment of the italian army and prototypes, time permitting of course as i am still in university and not in the best state as of the current period, i love talking about equipment and please let me know if i sound aggressive or assholery sometimes, i have some issues sometimes with expessing and i am trying to fix it.
Best regards to everyone and i hope this is thorough
I am the owner and first moderator of this site. My name is Paul Martell-Mead, I am 32, and live in London, England. I work in IT, but I am very interested in military aviation technology and have built up a large database of knowledge on this subject. I post as "overscan" or "aerospacetech" on various aviation forums.

I recently got married in New Zealand and plan to move there eventually with my New Zealand wife, Vanessa.

[note this information is 14 years out of date - see this post - Admin]
Hello im a 18 year old guy studying Game graphics. On the side i travel around sweden looking at military museums and archives. Otherwise im at home watching movies or playing games like Generation zero, War thunder or just messing around with youtube. I have a Girlfriend(18) as of last year. Oh yea, i live in Sweden.

I love tanks from the 1940-1989 period
Here's the bio blurb from the latest book. I am also an ex-PPL who owned five older aircraft over a period - no longer flying, but have an extensive (60 year) photo collection.
Ron Smith joined Westland Helicopters Ltd in October 1975 in the Research Aerodynamics department, supporting loads prediction modelling of the BERP rotor blade. From October 1980, he was Westland’s Head of Future Projects. He was Joint Technical Coordinator of the four nation A129LAH programme (being appointed Chief Design Engineer Light Attack Helicopter) and was a member of the Configuration Team during the five nation NH90 Feasibility & Pre-Definition Study.
He led the definition of UK’s national Attack Helicopter options and also conducted assessments of the MDHC AH-64A and Eurocopter Tiger against UK requirements. In addition to technical coordination of the A129LAH study, he has also conducted programme and risk evaluations of the Denel Rooivalk.
Ron was Chairman of the RAeS Rotorcraft Group Committee from 1991 to 1993 and was a co-opted member of the RAeS Council. He was a Member of the Design Committee of the American Helicopter Society (AHS) and served on the AHS Technical Council. He is a current member of the Vertical Flight Society (previously AHS). He is a member of the RAeS Historical Group Committee and is a past winner of the RAeS Alan Marsh Award, a Chartered Engineer, and a Fellow of the RAeS.
Having retired at the end of 2012, Ron supported the BAE Systems Heritage team, and is a published author of a dozen aircraft-related books, including the five-volume series British Built Aircraft.
Also known as Dr Ron.
Hi y'all, this is Mohan, 19, indie game developer and 3D artist. I'm currently working on my undergrad CS degree in U.S.
I'm a big fan of cold war machines and tactics - and I want to make a game about them. I found this forum when I was searching for archives about F20 fighter - it's super excited to find a forum gathered by folks who really know about these "unpopular" equipment. I'm also planning to tour through military museums in Northern America for more inspiration, though I know it's gonna spend me a lot.
I'm also a big fan of GHPC and Arma 3 (really hope reforger can have more content someday)
Hi! I'm Nicolas Querriere from Belgium. I'm a scale modeller since I'm 7, and I'm now 43 ^^
I'm currently in a "lets build all the speculative models in 1/72 from the 80's and 90's" phase, like the Testor/Italeri F-19, MiG 37 and SR-75/XR-7 Aurora, the Monogram F-19, the Revell ATB or even the Model Technologies B-2, and this forum is a great source of infos about the origins of these designs!
Hi! My name is Ayush Naik, I'm 20 years old. I was born in St. Louis in 2003 and then moved to Princeton in 2012 where I currently live. I'm currently studying for a Radiography degree to eventually work as a Sonographer. My interests are travel, health science, nature and WW2 naval history. I came here looking for interesting and lesser-known never built warship designs from WW2.
Hey! I am a 19 Year Brazilian, currently pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Currently i am only studying at home due to the University being on strike, so now that i have a lot of time to spend on my hobbies such as writing, reading, gaming and working out! My favorite games are HOI4, Helldivers 2, VTOL VR and Xenonauts 2

I came here to learn more about everything, although, i can say that i am really interested in the wacky stuff Japan has made all over the years, from the long lance to the ASM-3
Hi, I’m Aizra Racham.

I’m 24 years old and live in Malaysia together with mygirl
Here in Melaka I’m an undergratuated student for Information Engineering ;D

My main interests are projects and “might-have-been” amphibious aircrafts and submarines of all countries starting from 1950-60’s on. I started this “obsession” once with the haunt for Soviet Secret Projects and US black projects
So it’s quite obvious that I spend “some” my free-time in the Internet at the Key-forum and the What if Modelers Forum and the result is: I have no time left for modeling !

Cheers ;)
Hello, everyone!

My name is Tony Trout. Even though I'm mildly disabled with Cerebral Palsy & Hydrocephalus, I have a ton of other things that I enjoy besides being here on the internet.

I'm also a musician and can play several instruments and I'm a singer with the man in my avatar being my biggest influence vocally. Elvis's former lead guitarist, James Burton, is my main influence on electric guitar. However, the late Stevie Ray Vaughan is also a huge influence since I'm a Texas blues lover (even if I am from extreme Western North Carolina here in the U.S.)

I've been interested in outer space and space-related stuff since the beginning of the days of the space shuttle. When former U.S. President Ronald Reagan came up with the "Teacher In Space" program, one of my teachers signed up for it - but, she didn't get picked. I'm still sad that Christa McAuliffe did get picked and was one of the astronauts killed on January 28, 1986 when the space shuttle, Challenger, exploded.

I'm glad to be here and I thank you for letting me join!!!

God Bless,
Tony Trout
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I have been in the Aerospace and Space Business for 40 years and have worked in Engineering, Maintenance, Modifications, design and Research. I have a strong working Knowledge of all aspects. I maintain and fly as well. Happy to be here on this very interesting Forum. Thank you for having me.
Hello there,
I am an obsessed aviation geek that likes to perform research on mainly WW1 and pre-WW2 aircraft. I also would like to do some experiments such as a miniture radial air-powered engine when I am able to get my hands on the required resources and material. I hope I can be accepted in this respected forum and hope i can find very interesting resources such as documentation on aircraft. Thank you.
Hi everyone! I'm Charles Hooper, 36, from Toronto. I've been a fighter pilot with the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) since 2008. I found this forum while looking up the origins and early concepts of the General Dynamics F-16 and thought I'd join in.
Are you an F/A-18 pilot ?
In any case, welcome and I hope you'll have lots of anecdotes to tell us !
Hi everyone! I'm Charles Hooper, 36, from Toronto. I've been a fighter pilot with the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) since 2008. I found this forum while looking up the origins and early concepts of the General Dynamics F-16 and thought I'd join in.
So cool!!! Welcome aboard! As F.L. said, I do hope you have some great anecdotes! No pressure though. ;-)

I'm Antonio Oliver from Spain. I'm Microbiologist and I work in a lab. I'm 37 and I'm seriously devoted to aerospace and naval tech topics since I was 11 years old. I collect info about unbuilt projects and I share it with other enthusiasts across the World. I discovered this forum thanks to my friend Tinwing and I'm pleasantly susprised. I hope to do a lot of friends here ;)

At the present I'm trying to learn about some graphic design soft to produce my own unbuilt project drawings.

Other hobbies are: Apple Mac, History, SF Cinema, Science and technology.
Nice to see another microbiologist on the site. Retired from the Dept. of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School. Since you are a microbiologist, I was doing advanced work on inhibition of lipoprotein transport to the outer membrane in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A lot of Next Gen RNA-Seq work and transcriptional analysis using the Harvard computational cluster. Prior to my time at Harvard, I was a research fellow/senior scientist at Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb in Infectious Diseases. Helped develop 4 antibiotics that were marketed and started the Microbial Genomics group at BMS. Started out as an assistant professor at the Rockefeller University in NYC after my Ph.D. and postdoc.

I write naval history (submarines) on the side and have 9 articles published in American Submariner magazine. I am advising a US based company (Iron Shipwrights) producing submarine resin and 3-D printed kits (I have a lot of drawings) & "friends in the business". I was involved in the Project Azorian book (Polmar & White) and documentary film (now on Amazon) back 14 years ago. This was the CIA effort to covertly recover parts of the Russian K-129 Golf II class submarine from 16,400 feet in the North Pacific.

I also do a lot of photography at airshows and Aircraft Museums in the US, and have been posting some of those here. I have a large library of naval, aircraft and space books and documents. I was happy to find this group, as there is nothing similar and as active in the US.
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I have a weakness for the B&V P.255 and 256 projects with rectangular wings seen on this site. I have in my reserves a wing built for an aborted project of CL-215 and I had fun watching some boring TV show to extrapolate a pseudo-B&V, to see ... :)


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I confess I wanted to share my graphic delusions here for the pleasure alone ... Some time ago with the late Tophe we had exchanged on this delirium in Whatif, but it was several years ago ... :cool:
How did I miss it? Did you post it on Whatif?

Found it! And dug up your thread.
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My name is Christopher Wang and I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I am a Library Clerk from California who has been a member of Secret Projects Forum since June 3, 2021. I have a BA in History and a MA in Library and Information Science. I have an interest in military history and technology. I look forward to sharing knowledge with and learning from everyone here.
A dozen years ago I was having fun on "Whatif" with a certain Tophe (Chistophe Meunier, a great connoisseur of real aviation !), unfortunately who left us last year victim of a cruel disease. To honor his memory and recall his jubilant talent, I republish here the arrangement he had made of my "Pétadou", a ground attack quadrimotor from my feverish brain ...
Amitiés à tous les fêlés d'aviation ! ;)


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Hi, I’m Anthony Dean. I spent 20 years in the military, 14 in the Navy on flag staff, and 6 in the Air Force working on C-17 aircraft as a maintainer. I went to the civilian side at Edwards AFB “the Center of the Universe for flight testing” where I worked in the F-16 avionics shop. I later worked at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center in the Avionics and Instrumentation Branch, where I built the flight test instrumentation system for X-59, and was able to work other projects on F-15s, X-56, ER-2, C-20 UAVSAR, and DC-8 Airborne Lab. I retired with 25 years total federal service and went to the Boeing/Lockheed F-22 Mod Team. After that I cofounded a Solideon with Oluseun Taiwo (in the Forbes 30 Under 30), Anubis Engines with Dr. Emre Tokgoz, and now Innovative Velocity with Tobias Dornai, a hypersonic engineer from UT Arlington who briefly studied under Dr. Bernd Chudoba. I am a former professional saxophonist, but now an advocate for hypersonic space launch. I held a clearance for a couple decades but now I guess I’m at restricted? Lol. Most recently I became a NARA researcher and was the first to open the NACA X-15 files and have found rare hypersonics papers.
I am 52 years old, I am an airplane modelist, environmental engineer, however currently due to unemployment I work as a cleaning staff for aircraft well at least I clean airplanes, basically B787 and A-320s, kind of ironic, I have a masters in environmental engineering, I speak 5 languages, and know several programs for CAD but I work also in a technical collage, well Life is not perfect.

I have several pages on aerodynamics and aircraft history, have dozens perhaps hundreds of aircraft models.
I am also very interested in bible prophecy, and electromovility.

However I love airplanes. I specially love F-14, A-220, E-195 and Ar-234, well many aircraft.

I love music too so when i make a model I enjoy tangerine dream, sensation fix and other electronic bands such as solar fields or sovietwave.
things like this


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Good afternoon folks, My name is Olivier Vargas! I am an A.E. student working on a huge portfolio of aircraft because I love aviation and it is my dream to one day join the ranks of the big leagues! I focus on modeling and texture work of high fidelity 3D planes! Cheers!
Do you do 3D models?
Thank you so much mate. I can tell you many interesting things about CF-18 and its history.
I got to do a walk around of the Canadian Air Force NORAD CF-18 with the F-16 Viper Demo Team, and also worked on the F-22s that shot down the balloons. I’ve also walked around the F-16XL. “Walk around” as in on-duty on the flight line inspection.
I was happy to find this group, as there is nothing similar and as active in the US.
Well, it's pretty international. When I registered the site 19 years ago I lived in the UK, but for the last 15 years I've lived in New Zealand, and the US is the biggest user demographic.

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