Introduce Yourself

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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I am the owner and first moderator of this site. My name is Paul Martell-Mead, I am 32, and live in London, England. I work in IT, but I am very interested in military aviation technology and have built up a large database of knowledge on this subject. I post as "overscan" or "aerospacetech" on various aviation forums.

I recently got married in New Zealand and plan to move there eventually with my New Zealand wife, Vanessa.

[note this information is 14 years out of date - see this post - Admin]
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I'm Geoff Baker 38 and from Bolton in the UK. I'm more involved in the modelling side of the interest but use the research to build Secret Projects for the IPMS(UK) R&D SIG, TSR-2 SIG and What-if SIG (SIG been a specialised interest group in the modelling world).

I will post images of some of the Projects i have built once i sort out with Overscan where best to place them as this site is of course devoted to the projects themselves.


Hi, I’m Andreas Rupprecht.

I’m 35 (at least for 4 weeks) old and live in Germany together with my wife and two wonderful girls … but we sadly lost our son last summer. :'(
Here in Mainz I’m a teacher for Chemistry, Sports and Geography. ;D

My main interests are projects and “might-have-been” aircraft of all countries starting from 1950-60’s on. I started this “obsession” once with the haunt for Soviet Secret Projects (Thanks to Tony Buttler ! ::) ) and US black projects … during the last few years my main interest changed a little bit further East to the Far East and especially China !
So it’s quite obvious that I spend “some” my free-time in the Internet at the Key-forum, China-Defense Forum, the German Flugzeug Forum and the What if Modelers Forum ! … and the result is: I have no time left for modeling !

Cheers, Deino ;)
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After 13 years of university (still going) and 31 years of age without gainful employment, I'm a happily cynical, bitter, cranky Canadian who would prefer to remain anonymous, since any future improvement in my lot might cause me embarrassment, looking back at earlier comments. In other forums, I go by a different name.

As an engineer, I'm interested in combat procedures, man-machine interface and how things work, so that we can simulate them correctly in computer games. I specialize in radar, ECM, and passing along bits of news from Russian-language forums. Although I think there are lots of good forums on the internet already and am usually skeptical of new ones, I admire overscan's accomplishments in organizing information from different sources, have hope in his dedication to this site, and feel privileged to be invited.

I'm a 24 years old university student of computer sciences from central Finland. I'm interested in aviation technology and particularly "what-if" designs. My main interests are Soviet projects from the 1970s onwards, "Luft'46"-stuff (not covered here, I know) and US "black" projects. But also unbuilt projects and prototypes from all other countries, especially those proposed after the 1970s.
I also make 3D computer models of aircraft.
overscan said:

Any chance of building 3D models of what if projects?


Go to my homepage (link on my profile) and click on "Aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator". The only decent model so far is the Tupolev Tu-360, but I'm currently working on a MiG 1.44 (that will also serve as a base for 1.42 and others) and a Tu-2000A. I'll try to post pics later.

I think its boring in the long term to just look at aircraft models. I want to fly them! That's why I make models for games instead of traditional rendering. Also, the gmax program used is free, unlike other 3D programs (except Blender, but then it's somewhat more difficult to use).
Hi all, my full name is ***** ****, age 30, born and raised in a small town in Slovakia. My interests are Czechoslovak/Slovak airforce, I`m a member of the military aviation museum in ******* and sometimes I`m doing aviation photography and journalism. I`ve been known as mrdetonator on most of the aviation-related forums.
Hi All,

I'm Rob.

I'm a Flight Test Engineer and have a deep rooted interest in pretty much anything that flies.

I also build scale models (predominently experimental and research aircraft) so I thought this would be a good forum to join and expand my knowledge of historical/overseas projects.

My other interests include photograpy and attending gigs and music festivals.


Greetings all,

I'm JP Santiago, 34 with a house full of women (three daughters, one wife, and the world's laziest female dachshund) and aviation has long been my hobby in all forms and fashions as a way of keeping the testosterone levels in my home steady. I work/reside in the suburbs of Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.

I co-run a forum for civil aviation enthusiasts and collectors of diecast commercial aircraft (but we are expanding into other areas of aviation) at It's a private forum, but registration is free and I invite anyone with an interest in commercial aviation to stop by and lurk if that's your preference.

Most of what I do now is illustration work (but only as a past time) that can been seeing sprinkled about at Airlinebuzz or over on the What If Modelers forum. I have found since becoming a parent that illustrating my what if ideas was a lot easier to do than building them as I used to do...........

I'm Antonio Oliver from Spain. I'm Microbiologist and I work in a lab. I'm 37 and I'm seriously devoted to aerospace and naval tech topics since I was 11 years old. I collect info about unbuilt projects and I share it with other enthusiasts across the World. I discovered this forum thanks to my friend Tinwing and I'm pleasantly susprised. I hope to do a lot of friends here ;)

At the present I'm trying to learn about some graphic design soft to produce my own unbuilt project drawings.

Other hobbies are: Apple Mac, History, SF Cinema, Science and technology.
Dave Bailey, Toronto. A Canadian who hates the cold and only wants to strengthen our military so that we can annex Florida.

Not very tech-savvy, engineering stuff is lost on me. I just think that aircraft are way cool, what ifs and long-lost projects are fascinating, especially if they're British and post-war.

Amateur nature photographer and writer, high libido, only drink to excess.

I think you can expect a lot of crossover posts from the What If Modelers board.
Evan Mayerle - 52 - residing in Fort Worth, TX and a long time denizen of the aerospace industry - currently employed as a design engineer on the F-35. I've been fascinated by what-ifs, "might-have-beens", and "odds 'n' mods" for decades, both from the historical and from the modelling viewpoints. I've a reasonably decent library, if I can ever get it together again, and I've done some researching, as circumstances have permitted, at the various places I've been employed over the years. I helped with the research and proofing of Randall Whitcomb's Avro Aircraft and Cold War Aviation; indeed, my copy is autographed by Jim Floyd and Mr. Whitcomb and I've got a copy of Randall's print, "Before the Thunder" signed by Zura.

Within the limits of what I can talk to, I'll be glad to answer any questions I can about projects I've worked on and what I've managed to glean of other programs of my various employers.
Hello ,This is Austin from India and I am 29 , A Dreamer but Interest include aerospace and naval topics specially subs .

Cheers !!!!
'ello all and greetings from Central Oregon, US of A!

I'm Brad Hoskin and yet another from the What If Modelers board. Been on this planet for 34 years, but soon will leave for home in a galaxy far, far away. USAF C-141B Crew Chief in my past life-now living a humble exsistance as an AutoCAD draftsman for a manufactured housing facility.

Main interests are pretty much anything that flies, but enjoy post WWII and modern subjects, modelling the real and Whiff, and playing paintball.
Name's Jeremy Oreskovich, and I hail from currently unseasonalbly warm Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. I'm interested in all aspects of aviation -- especially interesting to me are "What-If" subjects (I am active on teh What-If board), SAR, COIN and naval aviation.

The history of "lost" and "Blue Sky" projects has also always fascinated me.

My other interests include auto racing (I am an active rallycrosser and rally driver), general history (I have my BA in the subject), music, art and science fiction.
My name is Jason Schmus. I'm 33 (34 in four days, whoopee), and live in Charlotte, NC. I'm interested in all kinds of aviation and military hardware. I got back into model-building a couple of years ago after a hiatus of many years. I've come to this place via the invite at the What If Modelers Forum. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to contribute.
Tomislav Huha, 30, born in Slovakia, living in Croatia, currently in Moscow on a scholarship (spelnig?), skydiving, climbing, hiking, if I had a good computer LOMAC (Russian aircraft only - I've never ever looked at the F-15 or A-10 - not that I think that they are bad airplanes, but they are not Russian :D), dunno what else to add...
Hi, my name is Joerg.

I am 25 year old aviation engineering student from Northern Germany. Currently I handle some paperwork for Airbus in Toulouse. I'm here on invitation by Deino.
My interests are technical background of military aviation. I like to read about 50s and 60s aviation as well as current projects. My professional background involves flight simulation and control, so I am always happy to learnm something about it.

My name is Horatiu Popovici. I'm software engineer from Romania. Age 32. My interest are : aviation,military technologies , fligh sims (huge fan of Su27 series and SFP1) and 3D graphics for Games usually.

I'm Rachel Pawling, currently based in London, England. I hail from the opposite extreme - Naval Architecture, but am interested in all the paths not taken, be they in the air, on land or at sea. Once I've finished pretending to write up my thesis I can get back to making CG models of never-weres also-rans and should-have-beens.

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Cal Taylor. I'm a retired USAF navigator and intelligence officer. Service totaled 26 years with 12 years in the cockpit of the B-52H, C-141A, AC-130A and -E, C-133, C-5A and C-130E. I stayed until it stopped being fun.

Six years ago, I built a website for the Douglas C-133, in which I served for two years (1969-71) until the airplane was retired. The web site is After a conversation with a former C-133 pilot, I started writing a comprehensive history of the airplane. It covers the historical, technical, military, political and human context of the C-133. There are also chapters on the development of strategic airlift and on the Douglas C-132 logistics transport and would-be aerial refueler, which got only to the full-size mockup stage. That book is complete and is being delivered from the printer today, 3 March 06. Its title is Remembering an Unsung Giant: The Douglas C-133 Cargomaster and Its People.

I am also the publisher of the book, Firstfleet Publishers. Information about the book is posted on the web site or is available from me at The book will soon be available in England from Midland Counties Publishing and Air Britain.
Another Spanish-speaker but here.
Martin,30, from Argentina. Enthusiast of the aeronautics in general and
with a great interest in the non built projects, especially for the
projected versions of airships of success (as the F-89F, B-58B,etc.)

(automatic translation please excuses eventual syntactic and
orthographic errors)
¡Hola Martín, bienvenido!

Un saludo desde España

Gracias por la bienvenida!

Igualmente un saludo para ti desde Argentina. :)
Hola a todos!

My name is Fabián Capecchi (39), i´m from Venezuela but i´m living in Puerto Rico with my family (wife and two children). I work all my life as a creative in advertising, I´m very curious end enthusiastic of the less known part of the aviation history, single prototypes specially the "oldies" (WWI, between wars and the 50´s), non-built aircraft and forgotten stories involving aviation. My nickname comes from my page (in spanish language)stuck since already four years ago, but i hope to redesign it someday and keep putting more information. I´m a member of of Venezuela (a Venezuelan aviation website) and Latin American Aviation History Society (LAAHS), but i always snooping in other forums trough my nickname.

Thanks experts for let me in!...forgive my caveman english and i hope to help, if i could( of course)


Hello, I’m Jens Baganz, 45 years old, living in Berlin, Germany and earning
my daily bread as an engineer in the telecommunications branch. What’s left
over of my spare time by my job, my two kids, my wife and our 70 years old
house, mostly is used for aviation themes. Here my main interest is the postwar
french aviation, but everything else isn’t ignored, as long as it is flying.

P.S.: No, I’m NOT a Dr., NOT mayor of Mülheim an der Ruhr and NOT a politician !!
It’s important for me, not to be confounded with this person!
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Hi, I'm Oli (Paul Allcock) and have seen most of you guys around on the net. 50 year old (unemployed :() design engineer, living in Scunthorpe, UK. Love UK projects and Soviet/ Russian ones. More interested in wargaming with the designs once I've got several kits hacked together... And I'm interested in AFV projects as well (they're easier to model and use on a wargames table).
Pure chance I found this site and agree with Overscan's comments on publicising it more...
Hi folks,

this forum has just lost a longtime guest, and gain a new member... ;) :D

My nickname if fightingirish, half Irish and half German, but l live in Germany.
I'm also member at and at Key Publishing Ltd Aviation Forums.
I have been monitoring this forum since a few months.
A while ago, I was amused to see, that Deino posted here the picture of the F-15U, I scanned from the magazine "Flug-Revue".
So now It was time to become a member!!!!

My first posts with attachments will follow soon.
Scott Ferrin 38. Have been interested in military technology and space flight since I was 8 or so. Education is in manufacturing engineering but I've been doing mostly software developement for the last ten years (3D modeller). Seven years in game developement (Tiger Woods golf) and the last three in an assortment of projects. If I ever get any spare time (that I don't burn up posting and learning more about my obsession ::) ) I have a HUGE list of things I want to model (twin engine F-16XL for starters) and get into high-powered rocketry. Live in Utah. Just got back from an airshow. Got to see FOUR Raptors do a breaking turn in afterburner right there in front of the crowd. LOUD. Then got to laugh as the Navy followed that with an Super Hornet flown by "Tina" and "Nuts". Both guys. LOL.

(Missed the 4th Raptor in the picture)


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Duncan Baxter, 35. I am an accounts assistant working for a courtesy car rental company. When I am not slaving over a burning spreadsheet I am using the remaining time to seek out any and all information on unbuilt postwar aerospace projects. I found this sight by accident while looking for info on the Northrop N102 Fang project, I all but fell off my chair when I saw the posts on US VSTOL projects!

This is a great site, and I am utterly astounded by the range of secret projects posted here.

My personal secret projects obsessions are the TSR-2, XB-70 and any of the pre ATF studies but anything weird, exotic and unbuilt gets my attention.

Unfortunately I do not have a bulging archive of info as some the members here would appear to have access to.
Christophe Meunier, 42, living in France (south-east).
My work is lab tech (microbiologist & biochemist). After hours I am modeller/writer/drawer (I have written 11 books with 6 mainly about aviation, created 19 Web sites with 8 mainly about aviation). Air Britain UK classified me as international specialist about twin-boom aviation. I am also interested in Mustangs, asymmetric aircraft, cartoon airplanes. I prefer what-if dreams than Real machines, while unbuilt projects are what-if enough to please me much…
Now as everyone writes a short note here, I should do so as well.

Anyway, no need to tell my name, just look at my forum nickname - that name is in my passport, too ;). I'm a 39 year old software engineer from Munich, Germany. I could write a few sentences about myself and my (totally non-professional!) aerospace background, but first and foremost I'm a lazy person ::) ... therefore I just provide a Link (-> to a page on my website, where I've said it all before 8)!

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